Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith trust successful man Self reflection Letters to Me Growth mindset faith

It’s been a long time since I’ve sent me a letter. I may not have had that much leeway. Sometimes I live very hard, sometimes I’m exhausted after a lot of work. I used to look back on myself a lot in the past, but I rarely look back these days.

I think it’s an excuse that I didn’t have time. I could have taken the time to do enough. What was the reason? Maybe I’ve lost my “hopes” for myself. I don’t know if I chose the right word. I can call it “expectation”, or “faith”.

I think it’s much harder to apply “growth mindset” than when I read a book. I always want to grow up. I want to work harder and do well. think and try to excel. However, trying is a different matter from actually doing so.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith trust successful man Self reflection Letters to Me Growth mindset faith

I think I’m having a hard time because I’m not as successful as I think. This is the question of “what is success?” My reference point seems to be too external. If there is something I regret now, I wonder if I could have trusted me more. What if I had respected myself a little more, loved and cared for myself? It may be an illusion, but my inner self would have been more colorful.

Reading poetry, opening your eyes to art, listening to my own playlist, will this make me a little happier? Each man walks his own way. How was your life? Was it a roller coaster? Was it okay? or fun? I don’t think I can assess my life. Because I want to edit my own life as I please. That’s why I don’t feel proud.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Letters to Me #11 : Trust & Faith trust successful man Self reflection Letters to Me Growth mindset faith

Do you think it’s because I don’t know myself well? So the majority of successful people may be keeping a diary and meditating. For me, this is that time to self-reflect. I think I should write it more often now.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Fundamental thing for the fruitful New Year

During this last year

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Fundamental thing for the fruitful New Year Thou Shalt Nietzsche Meditation MBSR look back on Logotherapy Kelly McGonigal Growth mindset fundamental fruitful New Year face me During this last year dragon Confidence     How was this year? When you look back on this year, how do you feel? Can it be a fruitful New year? If its problem is converted to ‘I’, It is a very hard problem. Sometimes I really don’t want to look back. Maybe I don’t want to face me. I just avoid it by saying that I don’t have any time to look back. Our thoughts and our words is not just what it appears to be. It depends on our fundamental things. For example, maybe you can’t think like ‘I can do something’. Why do you think like this? It depends on your faith to you, confidence, belief. These invisible and fundamental things is hard to be changed. That’s why it’s more valuable and more important.

For Fruitful New Year

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Fundamental thing for the fruitful New Year Thou Shalt Nietzsche Meditation MBSR look back on Logotherapy Kelly McGonigal Growth mindset fundamental fruitful New Year face me During this last year dragon Confidence     Can you make your New year more fruitful? Are you confident? You think you can do anything? Or you think you can do nothing? From a personal standpoint, neither are important. Confidence isn’t not proportional to your fruitful New year. The problem is fundamental. International companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook already carry on fundamental things. ‘Growth mindset‘ of Kelly McGonigal is famous. Also Meditation, MBSR(Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction program) and Logotherapy are conducted. Actually, so many people suggested the solution. The answers are overflowing. Just I hope you will follow your heart. In Nietzsche, you encounters a dragon, and “Thou Shalt”(meaning “you shall”) glitters on its scales. Kill the dragon. And you become the child.

What matters is what’s inside your heart

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Talent or effort? ‘Grit & Growth Mindset & Deliberate Practice’

Talent or effort?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Talent or effort? 'Grit & Growth Mindset & Deliberate Practice' talent Growth mindset Grit effort deliberate practice Carol Dweck Angela Duckworth Anders Ericsson

What do you think is more important thing for success?

I first think talent is not changed. So I focused on effort. But when compared with other people, It brings me down. So I think there is a problem in my talent. However, I didn’t stop my effort. Sometimes I cried and sometimes I was happy. This is my story.

How about you? 🙂

Grit : the power of passion and perseverance

I will tell you the latest research. Do you know ‘Grit‘?

Let’s see this TED video. Angela Duckworth [Grit : the power of passion and perseverance]

What is the criteria that predicts success ? It wasn’t IQ.

So, what is it? It was Grit. What is Grit?

Angela Duckworth said “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality” in TED.

What’s more surprising is the reason why Angela Duckworth started this research. It’s some sad. She always heard of the same thing from her father. “You have no talent!!!” “You have no talent!!!” “You have no talent!!!”

How awful would that be…?

Growth mindset

How could we build Grit?

Angela Duckworth suggests that ‘Growth mindset‘ is a one of best ideas. This is an idea developed at Stanford University by Carol Dweck It is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, so you can change with your effort.

Let’s see a Video. Carol Dweck, “Developing a Growth Mindset

Do you want to succeed?

First I ask you. What does ‘Success’ mean to you?

Success is exciting. Me too. So, we would have to make an effort. Just trying hard?

Deliberate practice

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Talent or effort? 'Grit & Growth Mindset & Deliberate Practice' talent Growth mindset Grit effort deliberate practice Carol Dweck Angela Duckworth Anders Ericsson

[Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise] is a book of K. Anders Ericsson. He said “Not just trying hard, important thing is a deliberate practice“.

The keyword are Grit, Growth mindset and Deliberate practice. I wish I can help your future. 🙂 See you later.