30 Day Plank Workout : It’s Up to You

What is Plank? & How?

Always when we start something, I’m happy and my heart throb with joy. First day, exercise very hard! And tomorrow we just dont want to do nothing no more. HAHAHA. Then after 6 months, we plan to work out again. I am happy that I can’t remember anything.  I’m just pleased again! Now I want to have a nice body. How can? I suggest 30 Day Plank Workout!

Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them – Lee Haney

30 Day Plank Workout : Don’t give up

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 30 Day Plank Workout : It's Up to You 30 Day Plank Workout

I started to do push-ups. Today is 7 days. At first it was really hard, but It is possible because of my friend. But soon it proceeds slowly. I want to start plank to refresh our workout. How to do Plank is just there. But It is not the reason that we didn’t do exercise. We always know workout is good for health. I feel more better. But we didn’t do. Why? Because our brain feel changes are the same as “death“. So we don’t want fundamentally. But we have no choice but to do workout. Let’s count together!

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else… It’s about being better than you used to be.” – Khloe Kardashian

Do you want to know about more ‘Why?’

Sometimes you just need brutal honesty to keep you moving

Go! 30 Day Plank Workout!

“The mind is the most important part of achieving any fitness goal. Mental change always comes before physical change.” – Matt McGorry

Peace is up to you :- Good luck!