IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements

IPYG : International Peace Youth Group

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements Peace Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017     IPYG, a group of young leaders, devoted their youth to achieving world peace. IPYG youth, with the vision of world peace, like shining stars, becomes the model of the world peace movement. The members of IPYG are accepted by good examples of world peace movements. They are really passionate. One of the key activities is IPYG world Peace Walk held 25 May every year around the world. DPCW Parade!

Ordinary people’s ordinary peace

The IPYG, an organization of international youth leaders, is carrying out peace activities to protect the future of the earth by becoming messengers of peace.

“If there is we cannot do, and we don’t do it. That’s not the way it should be. Let us become one heart. And, the objective will surely be achieved. –  representative of IPYG

IPYG : We Youths, Become One Heart

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements Peace Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017

Our vision

“IPYG youth around the world are united in one purpose-to share in the love and life granted from heaven through peace projects and campaigns”

“For World Peace to become a reality, this is the duty of all youth, everywhere.” – IPYG
Text of a speech in 3rd WARP 2017

“We have grown and developed in many ways. More than anything, we have been working advocacy campaigns so that the declaration of world peace and cessation of wars will become legally binding and it will truly bring all wars to an end.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IPYG : Passionate Young Peace Movements Peace Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017

We have been able to produce good results and you will be able to confirm this through the various sessions that had begun today. Our objective is world peace where there are no more wars. Until this objective is achieved, we must all follow the leadership of chairman Lee of HWPL and go forth one direction.


If there is we cannot do, and we don’t do it. That’s not the way it should be. Let us become one heart. And, the objective will surely be achieved.” – representative of IPYG


Immediately and very quickly, we have to work on for every nation and leader to sign up international law to implement and the declaration of 10 articles and 38 clauses.  So distinguished guests, you already have an answer. Now, we need to take an action to it – chairman of HWPL

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women

IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women

  Yellow is a signature color of IWPG. It represents Women embrace the world to achieve peace. Treating a cheerful world with love, not hatred and with tolerance, not fight! this is a message of IWPG. Representing 3.6 billion women around the world, the IWPG urges for the implementation of the DPCW to protect the lives of the children as well as the world. The IWPG‘s running campaigns to create peaceful world for all children are are going well. Please support! DPCW Parade!

“Let us all achieve peace together. And Leave world peace as a legacy for the future generations. This is true role of women. – chairwoman of IWPG

IWPG : Leave a world of peace as legacy

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women IWPG international law DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee 3rd WARP Summit 2017     IWPG, and organization of international women leaders, is carrying out peace activities to leave a world of peace as a legacy for the future generations.

Chairwoman, the founder of the IWPG, is awakening the women around the world that they have the key to make peace a reality.

Chairwoman text of a speech

Imagining the world without war, it’s like utopia that causes excitement within our hearts. We have gathered here to make what we do most, the reality with our own hands. This is because we have clear solution to peace. You play the main role for cessation of war and world peace. This will become greatest achievement left for the future generation.

For long time, world has been struggling from war. As long as there are wars, we can’t expect peace for mankind.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women IWPG international law DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee 3rd WARP Summit 2017

HWPL Peaceful Day

We have clear way of hope. 10 articles and 38 clauses of declaration of world peace and cessation of war is the answer that has been integrated to all the peace activities. I’m sure that even in the future, there will not be more certain answer for peace. the existing international law is build that minimizes the damages due to wars and had been limited in terms of not being able to prevent wars. However, DPCW is truly an answer for peace that is able to solve full causes of war.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women IWPG international law DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee 3rd WARP Summit 2017   Since the declaration was made, IWPG along with members around the world was holding peace campaign and advocacy campaigns. Continuously along with UN women’s groups. We have been working for implementation of international law.

Just as there is the role of father and the role of mother in a household, there is a point of task given to people for each sector in order to make world peace in reality. In particular, for those who wants peace, being heart of a mother becomes a lifeline that can achieve world peace. The moment the women become into tremendous power possessing is the moment they become mother.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women IWPG international law DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee 3rd WARP Summit 2017

Ordinary people’s ordinary peace

Half of the world population is women. Chairman Lee believes the strength of women. And, we all able to achieve our objective.

If women unite and bring wars to an end, we are able to bring legacy of peace to the future generation. This is true role of women who must take on as mother of this earth. I hope more women participate in an international society and let us gather support for the implementation of international law. All the women are here.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women IWPG international law DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee 3rd WARP Summit 2017

Please, join the advocacy campaigns for the implementation of international law. So we don’t have to be embarrassed to hold the tile of a mother. We have the strength to lead all mankind to world peace. Let us all achieve peace together. And leave world peace as a legacy for the future generations.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement

Doing good better : William MacAskill

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement William MacAskill WARP Summit 2017 the Third World countries poverty peace movements Legislate Peace Campaign international law HWPL Effective Altruism DPCW Doing good better     It is a book of altruism. Have you ever think about good will? Sometimes I want the world to change better, don’t you? If so, I take an example. One man want to do something for children of the Third World countries. He get great ideas! ‘A wheel pump‘ He imagine children romping with water. This project received worldwide attention. It raises large sums of money. They can supply lot of wheel pumps to the Third World countries.  So, what happened? Doing good better?

It is really uncomfortable

Many international organizations point out the flaw and families of the Third World complained. It is very ineffective than hand pump. The project suddenly went to smash. Although efforts are great, It’s a big waste of time and money.

Effective Altruism can change the world

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement William MacAskill WARP Summit 2017 the Third World countries poverty peace movements Legislate Peace Campaign international law HWPL Effective Altruism DPCW Doing good better     A practical, data-driven approach to doing good makes a tremendous difference. Not only charity, It can apply to peace movements. This book throw a question. “How can I make the biggest difference I can?” Like this question, if you cry out peace, all peace movements are not effective and practical. We should measure this impact accurately. There is an peace movement that is highly acclaimed at home and abroad. HWPL‘s peace movements are very practical and substantive. DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) is already declared. Now, presidents only have to sign up. Or come up with something better.

“The challenge for us is this: How can we ensure that, when we try to help others, we do so as effectively as possible?”  – Doing good better

WARP Summit 2017 : Peace movement

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement William MacAskill WARP Summit 2017 the Third World countries poverty peace movements Legislate Peace Campaign international law HWPL Effective Altruism DPCW Doing good better

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • In Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’

WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out!

WARP Summit 2017 : Law for peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out! WARP Summit 2017 IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee cessation of war and world peace

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • In Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • In Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’

A World Leader : HWPL’s Solution

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out! WARP Summit 2017 IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee cessation of war and world peace


Now the world today, we need to make sure that we establish world peace without war. So we can leave that world peace to the generations afterwards.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out! WARP Summit 2017 IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee cessation of war and world peace   We were traveling around different places around the world. This work of peace was spoken up everywhere we went to, going to colleges and doing the work of peace even in Mindanao. There was also political leaders in Mindanao who came and met me also in Manila to ask to do this work of peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out! WARP Summit 2017 IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee cessation of war and world peace   The earth is so vast and so big. Up to today, there wasn’t an answer for the work of peace thou. Furthermore, the only grew was the weapons of that massive destruction. So, this is why we as a family of this world and peace former and current presidents, law enforcement, regular citizen and religious leaders made an agreement in front of gate of peace came to 3rd WARP Summit in order to achieve peace and declare international law. this is very implementation.

We’ve called heaven and earth as witnesses to WARP Summit. In front of God and people in the world, we made an agreement to declare international law and unite religions. Also, the heads of organizations from each country made an agreement to urge implementation.

10 articles and 38 clauses has to cease wars across the globe and make peace. If you think these articles cannot make cessation of war, you must have alternative. If not, it has to be implemented right away.

People who raise the children must not lie.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out! WARP Summit 2017 IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee cessation of war and world peace     We sent this declaration to all different countries saying if we do this way, there will be cessation of war. There could be peace said out of accomplish. What other reason do we need?

If this document is approved and okayed, within UN and general assembly, they probably vote on it. And when they vote on it, 1/3 of them are okayed, it can be adopted.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE WARP Summit 2017 : HWPL Cry Out! WARP Summit 2017 IWPG IPYG international law HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee cessation of war and world peace     Immediately and very quickly, we have to work on for every nation and leader to sign up international law to implement and the declaration of 10 articles and 38 clauses. We all need to work together. While everybody else is working bled out, and you are being selfish, Is this equitable? It’s not somebody’s personal matter. No matter what, regardless knowledge and power, the urgent matter is cessation of war and world peace. If we hand down peaceful world without wars to our future generations, that would be the best present for them. So distinguished guests, you already have an answer. Now, we need to take an action to it. – chairman of HWPL

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Peace Quotes : The Peaceful HWPL Day

How to live with Peace : Ordinary

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Quotes : The Peaceful HWPL Day Together for peace as messengers of peace Peace Quotes Ordinary people ordinary peace Martin Luther King Malala Yousafzai John F. Kennedy IWPG IPYG HWPL     How is your everyday? My daily is boring, aren’t you? It is a series of wars. Sometimes, I want just go with the flow. At times I want to be me, not a destiny. Everyone say ‘I love peace’. But there is no one who is a man of action for peace. I’m not saying “To be a great person”. Peace is no somewhere. Peace is here. We are peace. Ordinary people’s ordinary peace” Peace Quotes will give us a peaceful day.

Ordinary people’s ordinary peace”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” – John F. Kenned

“If you want to end the war then Instead of sending guns, send books. Instead of sending tanks, send pens. Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers.” – Malala Yousafzai (17 year-old Noble Peace Laureate)

HWPL World Leaders : Peace Quotes

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Quotes : The Peaceful HWPL Day Together for peace as messengers of peace Peace Quotes Ordinary people ordinary peace Martin Luther King Malala Yousafzai John F. Kennedy IWPG IPYG HWPL     3rd WARP Summit 2017 was held on September 18. It is peaceful HWPL day. You maybe feel a little better, aren’t you? Their slogan is “Together for peace as messengers of peace” World Leaders are different. Their level is high. I get to know they are highly educated. I really thank for them. They said “We’ve called heaven and earth as witnesses. In front of God and people in the world, we made an agreement to declare international law and unite religions.” Peace will be achieved with these leaders. Isn‘t that right

HWPL Peaceful Day! Together for Peace!

Immediately and very quickly, we have to work on for every nation and leader to sign up international law to implement and the declaration of 10 articles and 38 clauses.  So distinguished guests, you already have an answer. Now, we need to take an action to it – chairman of HWPL

“Let us all achieve peace together. And Leave world peace as a legacy for the future generations. This is true role of women. – chairwoman of IWPG

“If there is we cannot do, and we don’t do it. That’s not the way it should be. Let us become one heart. And, the objective will surely be achieved. –  representative of IPYG

World Leaders in 3rd WARP Summit 2017

Two wings of HWPL : IPYG& IWPG

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE World Leaders in 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Leaders religious leaders IWPG IPYG international law HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee     The IPYG, an organization of international youth leaders, is carrying out peace activities to protect the future of the earth by becoming messengers of peace.

  IWPG, and organization of international women leaders, is carrying out peace activities to leave a world of peace as a legacy for the future generations.

Religious & Political Leaders

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE World Leaders in 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Leaders religious leaders IWPG IPYG international law HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee     The religious leaders, with a common goal of achieving harmony among religions for the cessation of war are working to foster harmony and understanding among religions through the HWPL WARP Offices.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE World Leaders in 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Leaders religious leaders IWPG IPYG international law HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee


The HWPL International Law Peace Committee, with the love of nation, people, and peace, is working to achieve peace and cessation of war through international law.

World Leaders : Presenting Solutions

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE World Leaders in 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Leaders religious leaders IWPG IPYG international law HWPL International Law Peace Committee HWPL DPCW Chairman Man Hee Lee     Chairman Man Hee Lee, the founder of HWPL, is presenting solutions to peace such as the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, and is taking the lead in a global peace movement.


Chairwoman, the founder of the IWPG, is awakening the women around the world that they have the key to make peace a reality.


There is no path to peacePeace is the path. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL’s Solution : Peaceful DPCW Parade

HWPL : DPCW Parade

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL's Solution : Peaceful DPCW Parade peace of mind Peace education Peace Academy IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Parade DPCW 10 Articles and 38 Clauses     HWPL DPCW‘s 10 Articles and 38 Clauses Parade, which consists of the key principles stated in the DPCW, expresses how the world of peace has come. Despite the long history of humanity, a perfect peace hasn’t yet to come. When tens of thousand people come together with a common goal, that goal begins to achieve. And I believe what is happening here is in this place.

World peace and restoration has begun at the same time this declaration is proclaimed. Thank you. – Chairman of HWPL

Article 10 Spreading a culture of peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL's Solution : Peaceful DPCW Parade peace of mind Peace education Peace Academy IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Parade DPCW 10 Articles and 38 Clauses   Peace Academy

The students who received peace education from HWPL are creating this place into a world of peace as “messengers of peace”. The HWPL Peace Academy teaches Peace of Mind based on dignity of Life. It is the best education that every human being is more valuable than the whole universe, isn’t it? How great DPCW Parade is!

Article 3 Friendly Relations and the Prohibition of Acts of Aggression

IPYG : Passionate young peace movements

IPYG, a group of young leaders, devoted their youth to achieving world peace. IPYG youth, with the vision of world peace, like shining stars, becomes the model of the world peace movement. The members of IPYG are accepted by good examples of world peace movements. They are really passionate. One of the key activities is IPYG world Peace Walk held 25 May every year around the world. DPCW Parade!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL's Solution : Peaceful DPCW Parade peace of mind Peace education Peace Academy IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Parade DPCW 10 Articles and 38 Clauses

Article 4 Right to Self-defence

IWPG : Representing 3.6 billion women

Yellow is a signature color of IWPG. It represents Women embrace the world to achieve peace. Treating a cheerful world with love, not hatred and with tolerance, not fight! this is a message of IWPG. Representing 3.6 billion women around the world, the IWPG urges for the implementation of the DPCW to protect the lives of the children as well as the world. The IWPG’s running campaigns to create peaceful world for all children are are going well. Please support! DPCW Parade!

I will show you every 10 Articles! Don’t miss it

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Today Is 3rd WARP Summit 2017!!!

Today has never been and never will be

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today Is 3rd WARP Summit 2017!!! WE ARE ONE Together for peace as messengers of peace IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017     What day is today? You seems to be in a good mood today, aren’t you? It is the reason that Today is not an ordinary day. I feel a little better today, me too. The reason why we are happy is quite clear. Unprecedented event is happening now3rd WARP Summit 2017 spread out right here in Korea. I am so glad I think my heart will burst out. Don’t you want to join? Don’t you want to feel? Take our hands and be our friends.

Peace is not somewhere else. We are peace.

Two wings of HWPL : IPYG & IWPG

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today Is 3rd WARP Summit 2017!!! WE ARE ONE Together for peace as messengers of peace IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017

Our slogan is “Together for peace as messengers of peace”. As this slogan, all IPYG and IWPG members work together for a world of peace and cessation of war. They show us the culture of peace with all their heart. Peace is not somewhere else. We are peace. You can experience the true culture of peace. Regardless of individual backgrounds, a culture of peace will foster understanding of harmony. At that time, We Can Be One! People from all nations and religions will become one through a heart yearning for peace.

WE aRe one

DPCW Parade : 3rd WARP Summit 2017

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today Is 3rd WARP Summit 2017!!! WE ARE ONE Together for peace as messengers of peace IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW 3rd WARP Summit 2017

    They show the time when DPCW is already implemented. It is really great idea. HWPL‘s walk is always beyond our imagination. If they sets their mind on something, they finds a way to achieve it beyond doubt. Still presidents don’t sign up at DPCW, but I can feel the day is coming. Not just me, Everyone who are watching can feel ‘Something changed‘. The world is still not changed, but we changed. “Together for peace as messengers of peace! 3rd WARP Summit 2017! I’m so happy

 Everyone can feelSomething changed’. We changed.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017

  Why do we need peace? : We will make it

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit

  • Wars of mankind : total 14,513 times.
  • Reason of War: 80% Religious war
  • Victims of War : 3.7 billion
  • Nobel Peace prize rewarded : 124 times

  How long will we wait? We are not prepared to wait forever. Is peace possible? Is it a naive desire? Nope. It is possible. It’s going to be tough  but well pull through it together. Well make it, I tell you. If you just see yourself, maybe the world is already peaceful, Aren’t you? We really need to broaden our views. Watch whole world! Our friends are there.

We are not alone

Three Children of Syria : Cry Out for Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit   Do you remember ‘Alan Kurdi‘? You already know it. He appeared dead on the beach. While trying to go to Europe to avoid civil war, his mother(35) and his brother(5) were drowned. Then all the world wanted to help Syria refugees.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit   Do you remember ‘Omran Daqneesh‘? He was rescued after being buried in collapsed buildings in Syria Aleppo. One picture shocked people all over the world. He was sitting in an ambulance with stained with blood and dust. I cannot repress my astonishment.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit   Bana Alabed, who broadcasted the current situation in real time, is also same. She got 233,653 followers. Her first words were “I need peace”. It was retweeted over 1000 times.

This three children informed the world of the misery of the Syrian civil war. They changed world’s movement for Syria.

It is our WHY 

And what more do you want?

The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017

It’s more than just a conference. It declare “Everyone has a role in the peace-building process” So they make this platform to share ideas and their passion. Their slogan is “Together for peace as messengers of peace

3rd WARP Summit 2017’s objectives
  • To develop the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) into a legally binding form
  • To develop education and a culture of peace
  • Ho! To foster harmony amongst religions
Three Things Looking Forward to at the WARP Summit 2017

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit

Live Sep 18 2pm: http://bit.ly/2xybmoi

Join with HWPL : http://bit.ly/2gBn0nd

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


3rd WARP Summit 2017 : Never pass up!

WARP Summit 2017 message relay!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3rd WARP Summit 2017 : Never pass up! WARP Summit 2017 message relay WARP Summit Peace messengers together Peace march IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW cardsection 3rd WARP Summit 2017

This is the WARP Summit 2017 supporting message relay!

Wish the best and pass this Peace Messengers Together.”

Relay on to 3 others 

World peace and restoration has begun at the same time this declaration is proclaimed. Thank you. – Chairman of HWPL

Is that really the time?

Peace is Coming!!! HWPL : 2nd Annual Commemoration of WARP Summit

Last year, I posted ‘2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit 2017’. I encounter with HWPL first. In fact, I want peace but I always think ‘Is it really possible?’. But I can’t give up! I find and find. Then, I see  the ‘2nd WARP Summit 2016′. 100,000 people gathered. WARP Summit can be divided into three part. 

  • First. Conferences and Forums.
  • Second. “Peace March-themed world parade and traditional cultural performances.
  • Third. War and Peace cards section performances.

How about this Year?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3rd WARP Summit 2017 : Never pass up! WARP Summit 2017 message relay WARP Summit Peace messengers together Peace march IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW cardsection 3rd WARP Summit 2017

And I’m really looking forward to 3rd WARP Summit 2017! This time, what new things they show? I really like their ‘Heavenly culture‘. What is it? It is to live according to the principles and values of heavena place that gives lightrain and air without boundaries. I upload it beneath. Sounds promising, right? Never pass up this chance! Come with me!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3rd WARP Summit 2017 : Never pass up! WARP Summit 2017 message relay WARP Summit Peace messengers together Peace march IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW cardsection 3rd WARP Summit 2017

WARP Peace Summit are offering religious leaders a chance to lead people in the world building up peace by declaration of peace law. – HWPL

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!