Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch IPYG Australia branch DPCW culture of peace Community Friends Brisbane

What do you do when you wake up in the morning and throughout the day?
And how do each of those actions impact our humanity?

Most of the time, we live for ourselves, or we live for our family or significant other.

What would happen if we expanded our thinking a little further outward? IPYG Australia branch gave it a try.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch IPYG Australia branch DPCW culture of peace Community Friends Brisbane

Last December, the IPYG Australian branch collaborated with Community Friends organization in the Brisbane City to conduct volunteer activities providing free food and clothing to those in need at Bunyapa Park in West End, Brisbane City.

The IPYG Australian branch initiated volunteer work to disseminate a culture of peace to neighbors and marginalized individuals within the community.

During the recent volunteer activity, the IPYG Australian branch, alongside Community Friends, prepared food to distribute to the homeless and facilitated dialogue sessions to strengthen community networks for people with multi-national backgrounds to have social cohesion.

Why do IPYG Australia branch spread a culture of peace?

What is a culture of peace? Where did that phrase come from?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch IPYG Australia branch DPCW culture of peace Community Friends Brisbane
10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

4. States should promote a culture of peace, including ensuring conditions in which-
(a) citizens are able to participate in the political affairs of the State as equals, regardless of religious or ethnic differences;
(e) the wellbeing of all human kind, with the participation of women and men, to ensure peaceful coexistence amongst Nations, States, and peoples may be guaranteed.

I only took (a) and (e) from Article 10 of the DPCW. I admire IPYG Australia for continuing to practice international law, the DPCW, as the answer to peace.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

How will the world change if peace becomes a culture?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

What is culture? What happens if peace becomes a culture? I feel about the power of culture these days.

Obviously this was a difficult task, but if it is based on people’s common understanding that it is natural, it is done easily. It’s so amazing.

No business, no school, no friends around the students seem to be able to escape the influence of culture. The power of culture from small to large is powerful.

In this reality, there is an international peace organization in Korea that leads the change so that the global village may be imbued with a culture of peace, named Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light (HWPL).

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

As a veteran, HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee witnessed the horrors of the Korean War and presented answers for peace and life in the world of conflict and death. Urging everyone in the world to become one in peace, he always shouts ‘We Are One!’.

The representative achievement of the peace steps he and HWPL have made is the fruit of contributing to peace in Mindanao, the Philippines, ending its 50-year history of conflict.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace
Mindanao peace agreement

Mindanao was the site of the largest armed conflict in Southeast Asia.

Armed groups have been formed since the 1960s due to accumulated political, economic, and cultural discrimination and contradictions since the colonial period of Spain and the United States.

The MILF, which has been based in Mindanao, was the largest armed force in Southeast Asia as well as the Philippines. In the 2010s, the Philippine government declared an all-out war with the MILF, which resulted in 120,000 casualties.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace
with Moro Islamic Liberation Front(MILF)

The Mindanao conflict clearly shows the crisis faced by the global community of the spread of conflict based on ethnic/religious identity that emerged in the 21st century.

Mindanao’s peace was a matter of direct connection to global security issues beyond the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Efforts were made to resolve the dispute after it caused massive casualties. It’s the Mindanao peace agreement.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

International private organizations, along with the governments of Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom, supported the peace agreement, including Malaysia, the mediator of the official peace agreement between the government and the MILF.

In addition to the official process, international organizations such as the European Union, Organization of the Islamic Cooperation and various private organizations have begun to establish peace by supporting it and providing humanitarian aid.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

If you want to know how the effort that sowed for peace lasted, look forward to Part II. 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

3 Peace Initiative : HWPL Peace Education


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : HWPL Peace Education Vision Sanctity of Life Peace Initiative Peace education Mission Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability   Despite the many differences that exist between individuals, we should all live in harmony in the global village; however, war and conflict currently threaten the lives and safety of all. In order to end war and inherit everlasting peace in the future, we must teach the values necessary for a new era of peace rather than the old ideology that has been stained by war.

HWPL Peace Education’s vision is to enlighten students and cultivate talented individuals with the values and spirit of peace, who can then play a pioneering role in spreading the culture of peace. This education provides a fundamental understanding of the basic principles that human beings must observe for peace to be created. Through the discovery and internalization of these peace values the inner selves of students and their ability to live together in harmony with others in their own community, and even the world, is properly nurtured.

In order to successfully cultivate children and young people as peacemakers, HWPL Peace Education first works to erase previously held ideas and values that are corrupt by directly showing how the world has become evil in the present era, and then plant the peaceful values needed for the new era of peace in their stead. It also introduces a new methodology in which the values of peace can be applied in all environments and real-life situations happening outside the classroom.

Enlightening to Cultivate Talented Individuals
with the Values and Spirit of Peace


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : HWPL Peace Education Vision Sanctity of Life Peace Initiative Peace education Mission Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability     The HWPL Peace curriculum has been developed on the basis of the core values of peace, which include ‘Sanctity of Life’, ‘Loyalty and Filial Piety’, and ‘Coexistence and Sustainability’, and demonstrates clearly how these peace values are applicable on a personal level, as well as within the broader community. HWPL Peace Education is an innovative education that pioneers the establishment and propagation of a culture of peace by cultivating talented individuals with the mindset of peace.

‘Sanctity of Life’

By internalizing the importance and value of the sanctity of life, as well as cultivating respect for both oneself and others, the foundation is laid for treating all humanity as worthy and equal. This plays a key role in overcoming conflicts and situations that result from differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture and ideology.

‘Loyalty and Filial Piety’

By understanding the principle of social order and considering all humanity as valuable and equal, based on a sincere respect for others, it is possible to construct new behaviors in life in accordance with the necessary values required to live in harmony with one another.

‘Co-existence and Sustainability’

Learning the norms and laws necessary for sustaining peaceful coexistence within the community and society allows for the development of a complete peaceful mindset in citizens as well as the ability to understand the way of harmonious coexistence and responding peacefully in various situations.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Yemen boy ‘Don’t bury me’

Yemen boy was buried in a cold graveyard

On October 13, 2015, six-year-old Fareed Shawky in Yemen is playing with a ball with his friends as usual. Then suddenly, the worst tragedy in this  tiny Yemen boy’s life occurred. A missile fell to the house with a roaring sound and in a flash, his house was in chaos. With shrapnel lodged in his head, he whispered in ear ‘Don’t bury me‘. But shortly after, small Yemen boy was buried in a cold graveyard. In 1994, the first civil war broke out in Yemen after Royalists of the existing reign was retreated by the coup by Republicans. Then, there were large and small wars that can’t see. According to BBC, this war is known as ‘Silence of War’ since the world major media paid less attention compared to the gravity of the situation.

Tiny Yemen boy whispered, ‘Don’t bury me’

The world moved for this Yemen boy

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Yemen boy 'Don't bury me' Yemenis Yemen boy World Peace War United Nations UN terrorism Silence of War same hearts peacebuilding legacy to the future generation Ian Seo HWPL Hrant Bagratyan Fareed Shawky extremism DPCW Don't bury me culture of peace Armenia   By a statement of the UN, 2.6 million Yemenis, approximately 10% of Yemeni population became refugees after losing their homes. The United Nations held a ‘High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen’ attended by senior figures in 60 international organizations and NGOs from 72 countries in Geneva on 25 April 2017.

Some experts emphasize that the fundamental approaches are necessary to put an end to repetitive conflicts.
“Along with binding mechanisms including international agreements and legal framework in the country, creating a culture of peace that promotes the mindset of peacebuilding through the participation of all sectors is of tremendous importance to achieve immediate ceasefire and sustainable peace,” emphasized Mr. Ian Seo, general director of department of public relations, HWPL HQ.

We need a law that can limit war

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Yemen boy 'Don't bury me' Yemenis Yemen boy World Peace War United Nations UN terrorism Silence of War same hearts peacebuilding legacy to the future generation Ian Seo HWPL Hrant Bagratyan Fareed Shawky extremism DPCW Don't bury me culture of peace Armenia   “We support all the laws that limit the proliferation of armaments and contribute to the promotion of the world peace,” said Mr. Ayoub, Chief of Improve Your Society (ISYO) in “Piece of Peace” held in Sana, Yemen with 160 participants from 5 NGOs.

Mr. Hrant Bagratyan, the former Prime Minister of Armenia, said “The DPCW will be a good instrument against extremism, terrorism, war, and associations that will be a good base for the sustainability of peace” regarding the DPCW.

We all have to support what we have to do with the same hearts. It is for living. Will you leave money and authority to our future generation who will live in this global village? There is nothing better than leaving a legacy to the future generation after achieving the world peace
– Chairman Lee, HWPL

Source : https://thevoicebw.com/cooperation-to-leave-peace-as-a-legacy-for-the-future-generations/

If you want to know more about HWPL and DPCW?

hwpl official : http://hwpl.kr/

My posting : http://www.peacestep.com/2018/03/15/2nd-annual-commemoration-of-the-declaration-of-peace-and-cessation-of-war-dpcw/

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Peace Education Forum for Spreading a Culture of Peace

Peace Education development Forum

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Education Forum for Spreading a Culture of Peace WARP Summit values of peace Spreading a culture of peace Sanctity of Life Peace education Ministers and Education Specialists Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL Peace Academies generation to generation education mechanisms education is essential DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability a cultural asset     HWPL carries out its Peace Education Initiative, which is formed through the Values of Peace based on the ‘Sanctity of Life’, ‘Loyalty and Filial Piety’, and ‘Co-Existence and Sustainability’. Its purpose is to cultivate and train children and students to become true citizens of peace. In order to solve the issues of extreme violence, persistent conflicts and disharmony, education is essential. The opportunity is given to adequately learn these values of peace. Can you feel the necessity of ‘Peace Education‘? In in-depth discussion, you can realize the spreading of a culture of peace in accordance with Article 10 of the DPCW through these education. Last September, these education specialists held several meetings and actual education demonstrations to assist in establishing HWPL Peace Academies worldwide and provide the educational contents for the peace education curriculum.

Spreading a Culture of Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Education Forum for Spreading a Culture of Peace WARP Summit values of peace Spreading a culture of peace Sanctity of Life Peace education Ministers and Education Specialists Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL Peace Academies generation to generation education mechanisms education is essential DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability a cultural asset     At the 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee meeting, which was held during the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit last year, a large number of participants came from groups working in the field of education including Ministers of Education Departments worldwide, who attended the Session for the Ministers and Education Specialists for Spreading a Culture of Peace as described in the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Education Forum for Spreading a Culture of Peace WARP Summit values of peace Spreading a culture of peace Sanctity of Life Peace education Ministers and Education Specialists Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL Peace Academies generation to generation education mechanisms education is essential DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability a cultural asset     They discussed ways to devise education mechanisms for the purpose of the implementation and development of peace as a cultural asset, which is clearly emphasized in the Declaration, stating that the culture of peace is must be acquired, safeguarded and transmitted from generation to generation.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017

  Why do we need peace? : We will make it

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit

  • Wars of mankind : total 14,513 times.
  • Reason of War: 80% Religious war
  • Victims of War : 3.7 billion
  • Nobel Peace prize rewarded : 124 times

  How long will we wait? We are not prepared to wait forever. Is peace possible? Is it a naive desire? Nope. It is possible. It’s going to be tough  but well pull through it together. Well make it, I tell you. If you just see yourself, maybe the world is already peaceful, Aren’t you? We really need to broaden our views. Watch whole world! Our friends are there.

We are not alone

Three Children of Syria : Cry Out for Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit   Do you remember ‘Alan Kurdi‘? You already know it. He appeared dead on the beach. While trying to go to Europe to avoid civil war, his mother(35) and his brother(5) were drowned. Then all the world wanted to help Syria refugees.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit   Do you remember ‘Omran Daqneesh‘? He was rescued after being buried in collapsed buildings in Syria Aleppo. One picture shocked people all over the world. He was sitting in an ambulance with stained with blood and dust. I cannot repress my astonishment.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit   Bana Alabed, who broadcasted the current situation in real time, is also same. She got 233,653 followers. Her first words were “I need peace”. It was retweeted over 1000 times.

This three children informed the world of the misery of the Syrian civil war. They changed world’s movement for Syria.

It is our WHY 

And what more do you want?

The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017

It’s more than just a conference. It declare “Everyone has a role in the peace-building process” So they make this platform to share ideas and their passion. Their slogan is “Together for peace as messengers of peace

3rd WARP Summit 2017’s objectives
  • To develop the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) into a legally binding form
  • To develop education and a culture of peace
  • Ho! To foster harmony amongst religions
Three Things Looking Forward to at the WARP Summit 2017

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The purpose of 3rd WARP Summit 2017 World Peace WARP Summit 2017 Syria religions harmony Peace messenger together Omran Daqneesh IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW culture of peace Bana Alabed Alliance of Religions Alan Kurdi 3rd WARP Summit

Live Sep 18 2pm: http://bit.ly/2xybmoi

Join with HWPL : http://bit.ly/2gBn0nd

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!