Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk?

HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

Why did people start walking on 25 May? Millions of people around the world walk on that day. It started in 2013.

The Declaration of World Peace, first proclaimed by HWPL Chairman Lee on May 25, 2013, called upon people to acknowledge the dire need for world peace. And Man Hee Lee defined the roles of heads of state, women, youth and the press in achieving peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

Over 20,000 people from 130 countries gathered to march for peace at the Peace Gate of Seoul Olympic Park, South Korea. 525 peace walk has become a symbol of peace for both youth and women around the world.

That’s how we got to our 11th anniversary this year. People have been walking for over a decade now. On the HWPL homepage, there are pictures and descriptions of the event every year, and it’s touching to see them.

The Declaration of World Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

In keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of World Peace, that HWPL aims to achieve world peace through the heavenly culture and restore the global community with light, we are carrying out peace activities all across the world.

In 2013, HWPL’s work was defined, and the 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit brought political and religious leaders together in Seoul.

And they discussed the need for a new international law for peace. In 2015, an International Law Commission was created to further the discussion, and on 14 March 2016, Article 10, paragraph 38 of the DPCW was promulgated.

I would love the opportunity to explain DPCW in more detail.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Road to Peace #1 : HWPL’s 11th 525 Peace Walk

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #1 : HWPL's 11th 525 Peace Walk Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary
at HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk..

Today is the 25th of May. I can’t believe it’s been 11 years since HWPL was founded, and I’ve been a supporter for 8 years now.

I’m grateful, because in this way, little by little, I’ve come to think about peace every day. I guess peace is a habit!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #1 : HWPL's 11th 525 Peace Walk Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary
This is the peace walk! Road to Peace!

Thoughts have a quality called inertia. If you think in a certain direction, you will eventually move in that direction, and eventually I, my friends, my neighbours, my city, and society will move in that direction.

I think it’s a force for good, and I think it’s a culture of peace. Article 10 of the DPCW is ‘Spreading a culture of peace’. Before I knew it, I was upholding DPCW international law! Suddenly I’m happy.

HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #1 : HWPL's 11th 525 Peace Walk Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

The ‘HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk’ event is held in global today.

The event, which is held under the theme of “Remembering the Peace Heroes of Nearby War.” Any citizen interested in peace can experience the horrors of war and participate in the peace movement through booth.

HWPL is said to hold a meaningful event every year to remember the sacrifices of the Korean War veterans without forgetting Peace Heroes.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #1 : HWPL's 11th 525 Peace Walk Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

The event embodies the citizens’ active will to establish an era of peace. Through the event, HWPL will tell the world that the remarkable journey of building a world of peace begins with the citizens, the true leaders of the global community.

HWPL’s Legislate Peace (LP) project has led activities to reach a world of peace built by citizens since 2013. The project hosts citizen-led global campaigns aiming to realize sustainable peace, long yearned by every member of the global community.

25 May has become a day to celebrate peace, where citizens take the initiative in planning and organizing peace events. That resonance of peace will stimulate collective civic action and help a culture of peace take root in the global society.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #1 : HWPL's 11th 525 Peace Walk Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

This is the first part of the Road to Peace! I will continue to post about my trip to Seoul in the future, so stay tuned. Let’s be messengers of peace together.

#HWPL #Declaration_of_WorldPeace #11th_Anniversary #525Peacewalk #HWPL_Peacewalk #ManHeeLee #Reconciliation_and_Hugging #Solution_of_Peace #International_law #Peace #DPCW #Peacehero

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit – 2

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit – 2 TheTrueStoryofPeace manheelee peace biography Manheelee HWPL WARPsummit Manheelee HWPL Press Conference hwpl world peace summit hwpl warpsummit HWPL 918 World Peace Summit 9th Anniversary HWPL World Peace Summit

Peace leaders and religious leaders from all over the world gathered in Seoul for the first time in 2014.

It’s a YouTube shorts for less than a minute, so I recommend you watch it. I can feel the excitement wash over me.

In 2013, HWPL declared through the Declaration of World Peace that, to end wars and bring peace to the global community, a new international legal instrument was needed.

At the 2014 World Peace Summit, legal and political leaders from around the world signed an agreement with HWPL to work together on drafting such a document.

In just a year and a half, on 14 March 2016, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was proclaimed, and HWPL is actively committed to the introduction of the DPCW into international law.

Man hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, said “If you are a believer who truly desires for peace and loves this global community like his own body, religions must become one.
When religions become one, there will be no more war; and if there is no war, there will be peace.
Let’s all become one so we can make this global community into a world of peace.”

Man Hee Lee is a man who is showing the way to the path of peace. With a clear vision, many follow in his footsteps. With him and HWPL, peace will come soon enough.

Official homepage :

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch IPYG Australia branch DPCW culture of peace Community Friends Brisbane

What do you do when you wake up in the morning and throughout the day?
And how do each of those actions impact our humanity?

Most of the time, we live for ourselves, or we live for our family or significant other.

What would happen if we expanded our thinking a little further outward? IPYG Australia branch gave it a try.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch IPYG Australia branch DPCW culture of peace Community Friends Brisbane

Last December, the IPYG Australian branch collaborated with Community Friends organization in the Brisbane City to conduct volunteer activities providing free food and clothing to those in need at Bunyapa Park in West End, Brisbane City.

The IPYG Australian branch initiated volunteer work to disseminate a culture of peace to neighbors and marginalized individuals within the community.

During the recent volunteer activity, the IPYG Australian branch, alongside Community Friends, prepared food to distribute to the homeless and facilitated dialogue sessions to strengthen community networks for people with multi-national backgrounds to have social cohesion.

Why do IPYG Australia branch spread a culture of peace?

What is a culture of peace? Where did that phrase come from?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Who can spread a culture of peace? IPYG Australia branch IPYG Australia branch DPCW culture of peace Community Friends Brisbane
10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

4. States should promote a culture of peace, including ensuring conditions in which-
(a) citizens are able to participate in the political affairs of the State as equals, regardless of religious or ethnic differences;
(e) the wellbeing of all human kind, with the participation of women and men, to ensure peaceful coexistence amongst Nations, States, and peoples may be guaranteed.

I only took (a) and (e) from Article 10 of the DPCW. I admire IPYG Australia for continuing to practice international law, the DPCW, as the answer to peace.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit – 1

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit - 1 TheTrueStoryofPeace manheelee peace biography Manheelee HWPL WARPsummit Manheelee HWPL Press Conference hwpl world peace summit hwpl warpsummit HWPL 918 World Peace Summit 9th Anniversary HWPL World Peace Summit

Recently, I’ve been re-motivated about peace. I’ve also been thinking about writing a peace novel. Don’t you think it would be fun?

So we felt it was time to take a look back at what HWPL has been up to since 2014. I also found a YouTube channel called HWPL Peace Magazine. I will be reviewing them one by one.

HWPL hosted the HWPL 918 World Peace Summit (HWPL WARPsummit) in 2014 with leaders in politics, religion, women’s groups, youth groups and the media in attendance.

HWPL and leaders of various sectors convened to discuss conflict resolution, establishing peace, and mutual cooperation and signed landmark agreements on building and implementing solid systems for cooperation.

The agreements covered implementing legal instruments to ensure peace, building religious harmony and creating peace activites by state actors and citizens, respectively.

The legal instruments became the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) in 2016.

It’s so interesting to trace the past like this. It’s inspiring to see what they decided to do then, and how they realized it years later.

In fact, there’s a HWPL Press Conference that attracts a lot of reporters. The Chairman of HWPL, Man hee Lee, coolly answers the question. These days, reporters are increasingly curious, not aggressively snarky.

As I review each video, I hope you will feel the power of HWPL and become a messenger of peace.

#TheTrueStoryofPeace, #HWPL World Peace Summit, #Manheelee

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!