Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit – 2

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit – 2 TheTrueStoryofPeace manheelee peace biography Manheelee HWPL WARPsummit Manheelee HWPL Press Conference hwpl world peace summit hwpl warpsummit HWPL 918 World Peace Summit 9th Anniversary HWPL World Peace Summit

Peace leaders and religious leaders from all over the world gathered in Seoul for the first time in 2014.

It’s a YouTube shorts for less than a minute, so I recommend you watch it. I can feel the excitement wash over me.

In 2013, HWPL declared through the Declaration of World Peace that, to end wars and bring peace to the global community, a new international legal instrument was needed.

At the 2014 World Peace Summit, legal and political leaders from around the world signed an agreement with HWPL to work together on drafting such a document.

In just a year and a half, on 14 March 2016, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was proclaimed, and HWPL is actively committed to the introduction of the DPCW into international law.

Man hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, said “If you are a believer who truly desires for peace and loves this global community like his own body, religions must become one.
When religions become one, there will be no more war; and if there is no war, there will be peace.
Let’s all become one so we can make this global community into a world of peace.”

Man Hee Lee is a man who is showing the way to the path of peace. With a clear vision, many follow in his footsteps. With him and HWPL, peace will come soon enough.

Official homepage :

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit – 1

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Re: 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit - 1 TheTrueStoryofPeace manheelee peace biography Manheelee HWPL WARPsummit Manheelee HWPL Press Conference hwpl world peace summit hwpl warpsummit HWPL 918 World Peace Summit 9th Anniversary HWPL World Peace Summit

Recently, I’ve been re-motivated about peace. I’ve also been thinking about writing a peace novel. Don’t you think it would be fun?

So we felt it was time to take a look back at what HWPL has been up to since 2014. I also found a YouTube channel called HWPL Peace Magazine. I will be reviewing them one by one.

HWPL hosted the HWPL 918 World Peace Summit (HWPL WARPsummit) in 2014 with leaders in politics, religion, women’s groups, youth groups and the media in attendance.

HWPL and leaders of various sectors convened to discuss conflict resolution, establishing peace, and mutual cooperation and signed landmark agreements on building and implementing solid systems for cooperation.

The agreements covered implementing legal instruments to ensure peace, building religious harmony and creating peace activites by state actors and citizens, respectively.

The legal instruments became the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) in 2016.

It’s so interesting to trace the past like this. It’s inspiring to see what they decided to do then, and how they realized it years later.

In fact, there’s a HWPL Press Conference that attracts a lot of reporters. The Chairman of HWPL, Man hee Lee, coolly answers the question. These days, reporters are increasingly curious, not aggressively snarky.

As I review each video, I hope you will feel the power of HWPL and become a messenger of peace.

#TheTrueStoryofPeace, #HWPL World Peace Summit, #Manheelee

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL Peace Walk in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste, or East Timor, is a Southeast Asian nation ringed by coral reefs teeming with marine life. It has really beautiful natural scenery. But crime continues to be a problem in Timor-Leste, including gang-related violence, robbery (in some cases armed), and assault. There have been attacks on foreigners in Dili during the hours of daylight and darkness. Also, the citizens who live there have suffered a lot.

East Timor genocide (1975-1999)

East Timor was colonised by Portugal in the 16th century, and was known as Portuguese Timor until 28 November 1975, when the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (Fretilin) declared the territory’s independence. The East Timor genocide refers to the “pacification campaigns” of state terrorism by the Indonesian government during the US-backed.

From the start of the invasion in August 1975 onward, the wholesale massacre of Timorese civilians happened. At the start of the occupation, FRETILIN radio sent the following broadcast: “The Indonesian forces are killing indiscriminately. Women and children are being shot in the streets. We are all going to be killed…. This is an appeal for international help. Please do something to stop this invasion.”

Amnesty International estimated that one third of East Timor’s population, or 200,000 in total, died from military action, starvation and disease from 1975 to 1999. In 1979 the US Agency for International Development estimated that 300,000 East Timorese had been moved into camps controlled by Indonesian armed forces.

Also, Indonesian military abuses against women in East Timor were numerous and well-documented. Amnesty International USA wrote: “Women are reluctant to pass on information to non-governmental organizations about rape and sexual abuse, let alone to report violations to the military or police authorities.” University of Oxford held an academic consensus calling the event genocide and Yale university teaches it as part of their “Genocide Studies” program.

However, a strong wind of peace is blowing again these days.

HWPL Peace Walk In Timor-Leste

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Walk in Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Sangnoksu Unit Peace walk Oe-Cusse IWPG IPYG Independence hwpl warpsummit hwpl warp summit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk hwpl peace organization hwpl peace legislation HWPL GMNtv Fretilin East Timor genocide East Timor DPCW Dili Amnesty International

On June 8, 2019, Peace Walk event of HWPL was held on May 25 at the Radio Community Atoni Lifau in the Oe-Cusse area together with government officials, the heads of NGOs and school students. Every year in Timor-Leste, HWPL has held the event in Dili, the capital city. This year, it was the first time in Oe-Cusse, not in Dili. Do you know Oe-Cusse? UN troops and the “Sangnoksu Unit” of Korea were dispatched together to fight for the independence of Timor-Leste in the past. After the war, there is a lot of exchange with Korea.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Walk in Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Sangnoksu Unit Peace walk Oe-Cusse IWPG IPYG Independence hwpl warpsummit hwpl warp summit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk hwpl peace organization hwpl peace legislation HWPL GMNtv Fretilin East Timor genocide East Timor DPCW Dili Amnesty International

During the Peace Walk, they walked to the memorial stone for the sacrifice of Sangnoksu Unit who sacrificed for the independence of East Timor. Independence… What a heart-wrenching word? The smiling children don’t know anything, but the ancestors who achieved independence must be really happy. It’s hard not to forget that gratitude, but… Youth must do it. And the most important thing we need to do is to stop the war from happening anymore. Let’s leave peace as a legacy for future generations!

They made a promise to work together with HWPL for peace from now on. The event was also broadcasted on the national broadcasting station GMNtv on June 12.


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The True Story of HWPL Over the World

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The True Story of HWPL Over the World True Story of HWPL manheelee peace biography Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes man hee lee dpcw hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL
Peace Museum Vienna, Austria

I’ve been a fan of HWPL. When I heard that the true story book was coming out, I expected a lot and I really wanted to see it. In fact, I looked at it all at once, but I didn’t know the time was passing.

Numerous photos and the names of world leaders have convinced us that peace can be achieved. When I read their words one by one, I think that those who are not with HWPL in this work of peace want war. Short-term achievements will be unrivaled.

This book is not about what has passed, but it is about the present reality and not just a picture book. This book contains the work of peace the seven peace messengers (HWPL, IWPG, IPYG) have done throughout the world.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The True Story of HWPL Over the World True Story of HWPL manheelee peace biography Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes man hee lee dpcw hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL

The purpose of the work recorded in this book is to cease all wars and leave an eternal legacy of peace to future generations. This book has been distributed to 195 countries. It is placed in major institutions such as national and public libraries, national assembly libraries, national museums, and universities. The work of the messengers of peace and this book will be an eternal light in history.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The True Story of HWPL Over the World True Story of HWPL manheelee peace biography Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes man hee lee dpcw hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL
Parliamentary Library of Romania, National Library of Greece

In this book, you will see some of the people that they have met, what work they did, what the results were, and what they will be doing. You will also see how politicians, members of society, and religious people responded to their work. Additionally, you will see what the possibilities of peace, cessation of war, and alliance of religions are, how each school in each country reacted, and what the media reports are.

It will also show the activities of the messengers of peace and how each nation is accepting it. I would like to ask those who read this book: if you experience certain feelings, needs, or feel that there are some things you want to change, please send them an e-mail. If you would like to see video footages of some of the things our peace messengers are doing, please contact us by e-mail as well.

HWPL Headquarters e-mail:

Let’s work together and leave world peace as a legacy.

Together, Peace


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The True Story of HWPL Over the World True Story of HWPL manheelee peace biography Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes man hee lee dpcw hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL
National Library Miguel Obregón in San Jose, Costa Rica

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Youth Day: IPYG and South Africa’s Youth “We Are One!”

1976 Soweto Uprising

The June 16 1976 Uprising that began in Soweto and spread countrywide profoundly changed the socio-political landscape in South Africa. It is estimated that 20,000 black students took part in the protests. Deaths‎ are ‎176 (~700) who are killed by police. So, 16 June is now a public holiday in South Africa, named Youth Day.

What was the reason? Policies of the Apartheid government are the problem. Finally it resulted in the introduction of the Bantu Education Act in 1953. Despite the inequality and oppression caused by apartheid, many heroes were born. Who are they? The “Youth of 1976” played a really important role in fighting.

One photo shocked the world

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Youth Day: IPYG and South Africa’s Youth "We Are One!" Youth Day Soweto Uprising Peace Letter NDP 2030 National Development Plan manheelee peace biography man hee lee dpcw letter of peace letter for peace IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL Hector Pieterson DPCW
This photo by Sam Nzima is displayed on Hector’s memorial outside the Hector Pieterson Museum in Orlando West, Soweto. Mbuyisa Makhubo is carrying the dying Hector and Hector’s sister, Antoinette, is running beside him. / Hector Pieterson / flickr

During the fracas the 12-year-old Hector Pieterson was shot by the police. He was covered in blood. Pieterson was rushed to a local clinic and declared dead on arrival. This photo became an icon of the Soweto uprising.

“The uprising means different things for different people,” says Khwezi Gule, chief curator of the Hector Pieterson museum and memorial in Soweto. “There are different generations and varying constituencies. Even those who were there in 1976 were affected differently: parents, students, leaders, people just caught in the crossfire.”


Nelson Mandela said “The events of that day reverberated in every town and townships of South Africa. The uprising triggered riots and violence across the country. Mass funerals for the victims of state violence became national rallying points.

Suddenly the young people of South Africa were fired with the spirit of protest and rebellion. Students boycotted schools all across the country. Bantu education had come back to haunt its creators, for these angry and audacious young people were its progeny.”

South Africa’s Youth
Discusses NDP 2030 on Youth Day

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Youth Day: IPYG and South Africa’s Youth "We Are One!" Youth Day Soweto Uprising Peace Letter NDP 2030 National Development Plan manheelee peace biography man hee lee dpcw letter of peace letter for peace IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL Hector Pieterson DPCW

Commemorating the heroes of Soweto from June 1976 young, South Africans were challenged to chart their own solutions for dealing with the struggles the youth face today. So, the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) is collaborated with the Gauteng Province, the City of Johannesburg Library and Information Services, South African Council of NGO’s, Green Peace Africa, IWPG, Save the Children and HWPL.

Also, the Specialized Agency of the African Union and the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) helped these passionate young peace activits. IPYG was established in 2013 with 805 affiliate organisations in 110 countries. What is their purpose? It is the “National Development Plan (NDP).”

NDP 2030: Youth CAN do it!

The NDP aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. According to the plan, South Africa can realise these goals by drawing on the energies of its people, growing an inclusive economy, building capabilities, enhancing the capacity of the state, and promoting leadership and partnerships throughout society. Lets all work together to make the National Development Plan (NDP) a success and build a better South Africa for all, it is up to each one of us.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Youth Day: IPYG and South Africa’s Youth "We Are One!" Youth Day Soweto Uprising Peace Letter NDP 2030 National Development Plan manheelee peace biography man hee lee dpcw letter of peace letter for peace IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL Hector Pieterson DPCW

In dealing with International and Regional Peace and Security, Editor of Zimbabwe Digital News brought about the need to create a culture of peace and referenced the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) as an instrument that the President of South African to put an end to armed conflict. (What is DPCW?)

Because Africa has great potential, countless young people can surely achieve peace with IPYG. At IPYG Peace Letter Campaign, more than 200,000 young people from each country have sent handwritten letters to the heads of 193 countries of the United Nations. We Are One!


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL: French Peace Walk for DPCW

The French Revolution: 1789-1799

France is the first country in the world to have a civil revolution. The French Revolution (1789-1799) is one of the most important events in human history. On August 26, 1789, it introduced the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, proclaiming liberty, equality, the inviolability of property, and the right to resist oppression. It is Influenced by the doctrine of “natural right”; the rights of man are held to be valid at all times and in every place. And this document inspired in large part the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

French Peace Walk “We Are One!”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL: French Peace Walk for DPCW What is HWPL Universal Declaration of Human Rights natural right manheelee peace biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL French Revolution France

On May 24th, about 200 youths gathered in front of the Ibis Hotel in Paris, and the Eiffel Tower, France’s representative landmark, in commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the Declaration of World Peace. HWPL hosted this event. Also it was supported by renowned international organizations such as, AIESEC in France and Regards de Paix.

The event started with congratulatory videos of Anna Bossman, the UNESCO Ambassador of Ghana, Oumar Keita, the UNESCO Ambassador of Mali, and also continued with congratulatory addresses of Gaura Bhakta, the Guru of ISKCON, and André Lokisso, the head of the Assistance To The Integration Of Demobilized Child Soldiers, which is one of the UNESCO affiliated organizations with the country of Africa.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL: French Peace Walk for DPCW What is HWPL Universal Declaration of Human Rights natural right manheelee peace biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL French Revolution France

“I really liked to feel the power of youths who are longing for peace and I never knew that there were so many youths who wanted to have peace like this.”

one participant

DPCW & Peace Letter Campaign

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL: French Peace Walk for DPCW What is HWPL Universal Declaration of Human Rights natural right manheelee peace biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL French Revolution France

The DPCW is a phenomenal declaration that has the answer to cease all wars, and is soon to be submitted to the UN as a resolution. Everyone around the world is urging the heads of state to support the DPCW through the Peace Letter Campaign. (more info about DPCW)

Today, millions of peace letters have been sent to a number of national leaders. Young people around the world are writing these peace letters with a longing heart for peace. It is expected to stimulate the heads of state to make a peaceful world free of wars.

Especially, a graduate student of Sciences po Paris recited her letter to President Emmanuel Macron. All the participants were inspired by her letter and gave her a big round of applause.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL: French Peace Walk for DPCW What is HWPL Universal Declaration of Human Rights natural right manheelee peace biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw IPYG hwpl warpsummit hwpl Together Peace hwpl peace walk HWPL Peace Letter hwpl Legislate Peace HWPL French Revolution France

At end of the event, the HWPL Peace Walk took place. About 200 youths shouted, “We want peace! We are one!” This France HWPL Peace Walk will have a great influence in France and Europe. Why? Because France is where the history of the global civil revolution began.


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!