France is the first country in the world to have a civil revolution. The French Revolution (1789-1799) is one of the most important events in human history. On August 26, 1789, it introduced the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, proclaiming liberty, equality, the inviolability of property, and the right to resist oppression. It is Influenced by the doctrine of “natural right”; the rights of man are held to be valid at all times and in every place. And this document inspired in large part the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
French Peace Walk “We Are One!”
On May 24th, about 200 youths gathered in front of the Ibis Hotel in Paris, and the Eiffel Tower, France’s representative landmark, in commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the Declaration of World Peace. HWPL hosted this event. Also it was supported by renowned international organizations such as, AIESEC in France and Regards de Paix.
The event started with congratulatory videos of Anna Bossman, the UNESCO Ambassador of Ghana, Oumar Keita, the UNESCO Ambassador of Mali, and also continued with congratulatory addresses of Gaura Bhakta, the Guru of ISKCON, and André Lokisso, the head of the Assistance To The Integration Of Demobilized Child Soldiers, which is one of the UNESCO affiliated organizations with the country of Africa.
“I really liked to feel the power of youths who are longing for peace and I never knew that there were so many youths who wanted to have peace like this.”
one participant
DPCW & Peace Letter Campaign
The DPCW is a phenomenal declaration that has the answer to cease all wars, and is soon to be submitted to the UN as a resolution. Everyone around the world is urging the heads of state to support the DPCW through the Peace Letter Campaign. (more info about DPCW)
Today, millions of peace letters have been sent to a number of national leaders. Young people around the world are writing these peace letters with a longing heart for peace. It is expected to stimulate the heads of state to make a peaceful world free of wars.
Especially, a graduate student of Sciences po Paris recited her letter to President Emmanuel Macron. All the participants were inspired by her letter and gave her a big round of applause.
At end of the event, the HWPL Peace Walk took place. About 200 youths shouted, “We want peace! We are one!” This France HWPL Peace Walk will have a great influence in France and Europe. Why? Because France is where the history of the global civil revolution began.
To commemorate the 6th Peace Walk, a Peace Letter campaign along with a Peace Walk festival was held for 4 days from May 16th to 20th at Bačko Gradište and Liberty Square of Bečej in the South Bačka District of Serbia. Over 700 youth and students from all around Serbia gathered under the direction of Aleksandar Đekić, president of Bečejsko Udruženje Mladih, for the Peace Walk festival. They gathered to urge their head of state to support the DPCW. (What is DPCW?)
Aleksandar Đekić, president of Bečejsko Udruženje Mladih, who planned the event, suffered through two wars in his childhood and currently resides in Serbia. He stated that, “when I was a child, I was in two wars growing up. One in Croatia and one in Bosnia. Because of this, I accept to participate in the work of peace.”
Let me introduce you to the two wars and the Yugoslav war, which includes these two wars.
Croatian War of Independence
Croatian War 1991 Vukovar street / Wikimedia Commons
The Croatian War of Independence was fought from 1991 to 1995. An estimated 20,000 people died during Croatia’s four-year war of independence, during the breakup of Yugoslavia. Several hundred Vukovar citizens were murdered by the Yugoslav army and Serb paramilitaries in 1991. In total, the war caused 500,000 refugees and displaced persons.
Bosnian War
The cemetery at the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial and Cemetery to Genocide Victims / Wikipedia
The Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. During the war, an estimated 100,000 people were killed, 80% of whom were Bosniaks. In July 1995, Bosnian Serb forces killed as many as 8,000 Bosniak men and boys from the town of Srebrenica. It was the largest massacre in Europe since the Holocaust. Bosnia peace efforts fail, war breaks out between Muslims and Croats, previously allied against Serbs.
Lists of Yugoslav Wars
Date: 31 March 1991 – 12 November 2001 Total deaths: 130,000 – 140,000 Displaced: 4,000,000
Ten-Day War, Slovenian Independence War (1991)
Croatian War of Independence (1991–1995)
Bosnian War (1992–1995)
Kosovo War (1998–1999)
Insurgency in the Preševo Valley (1999–2001)
Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia (2001)
6th Peace Walk with IPYG
No one knows the need for peace as well as anyone who has experienced the war in person. Thank you for the courage and dedication of the leaders who are now working for peace. You guys fought really well. It’s our turn now.
Aleksandar Đekić said, “Before IPYG, our organization never knew that a project like this existed, and we never heard about the DPCW, even though we do projects regarding human rights. This motivated us to research more about this topic, and encouraged us to participate, and try to make new changes in our society.
IPYG helped us a lot during the planning process, especially with education about the 10 articles and DPCW. We managed to organize a major event in our city that gathered the attention of Bečejs citizens and inspired them to think about this topic more. We hope that the head of our country will notice us and our message we presented through our peace walks.”
6th Peace Walk was held in around 126 locations in 77 countries. IPYG will surely achieve peace with young people all over the world. I want you to be a witness.
Did you see session 1? It was very exciting. I had hoped on the one hand that they wouldn’t fight, but this was a useless worry. They answered honestly and sincerely.
Let’s look at the first question for a rich explanation. “Is your scripture recorded about the first person?”
“From a Christian point of view, we believe that it began 6,000 years ago, and Moses wrote it 2,500 years after the beginning of history, which was recorded in Genesis, and in Hebrews 3. But then creation and the first human perspective changed within Christianity, causing internal division. We can divide man into physical and spiritual creation.
On Genesis 5:1, Adam’s genealogy came out, and that’s where the first human being was recorded. Many humans have been born, but only one descendant has been recorded, because God has chosen one from history to work. I’m putting more emphasis on spiritual creation. It’s not just because it’s physically created, it’s because it’s talking about people who can talk to God.”
“Yes, it’s written in a book written before 500 B.C. and difficult to understand because of the language. And it’s hard to fully understand because one word contains many meanings. The first person named Gayomat (Keyumars) is recorded. He was the first man on Earth, the first king of Iran, and ruled for 30 years, born in Iran. The Iranian atmosphere, ethnicity, began with Gayomat.”
Moderator: “It’s interesting to have a first person named Gayomat (Keyumars). So did he start a man, or did he already rule people?”
Zoroastrianism: “He is also listed as the king of the earth, Gilsha. Today, in the eyes of the spirit, it’s very interesting, he could hear Auramazda. It was recorded that human beings Gayomat was created by the demise of evil spirits, and he ruled for 30 years.”
“It’s not just about religion, it’s about evolution written in the scriptures. Because scriptures deal with everything, not just religion. In Sikhism, God created the world and man. It’s written in the scripture, and it says that one made many things. It’s proof of God’s creation of the universe. And he made everything. Of all animals, we are listed as having sovereignty. And the book also records how people have evolved. And it’s recorded that he is reincarnated through his actions.”
“Let me answer the first question. Yes, it’s well documented in the Koran. As for the first person, he is Adam and he is recorded in many places. Allah said to Muhammad, he created a man. It’s not written in the Koran about a person’s appearance, but you can guess from the records. The scholars wrote a note that Adam modeled after Allah, but not Allah. It doesn’t look exactly the same, it’s just what it looks like, and the details of the eyes and ears are different. He made Adam out of Allah’s image, but he never looked the same.”
How is it? It’s exciting, right? 🙂 Various views aroused the curiosity.
The second session will be held by a total of seven people, including the host, moderator, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity. What impressed me most in Session 1 was the “attitude” of the panels. They didn’t think the knowledge they knew was all, and they didn’t attack their opponents. It’s so cool to see such gentle religious leaders.
The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Session 2
<Session 2> Question List
Is your scripture recorded about the first person? So, what is his name?
Does your scripture record what the Creator did for him after he created the first man?
Is there a record in your scripture of the first person’s genealogy and the solidarity of the descendants?
The number of viewers at the same time was over 200. I’m more curious about Session 2. The wind of peace is blowing!
If something happened in 126 places in 77 countries around the world, what would you do? Aren’t you curious? What is going to happen to people? What if the reason they’re gathering that isn’t making money, and it’s really personal? The reason is “PEACE.” Can you believe it’s just that?
That means there are so many people who want peace. Looking around now, no one wants a war. But the majority of people live their daily lives. They are the ones who realize that the world is too big and doesn’t move my way.
As we grow up, everyone seems to be like this. When I was a teenager, I thought I could do everything, but when I became an adult, I put it down one by one. Increasingly, I realize that there is less I can do. Those who are at their disposal are only the top few percent. It’s not a pity. They just live their lives in their own way.
But there are those who realize that one voice has no power, but one voice that has become one has enormous power. HWPL Australia held the first one-of-a-kind Peace Festival at Centenary Square, in Parramatta.
This year, on the 25th of May, the HWPL Australia Peace Festival, ‘Spreading a culture of Peace’, was held to re-iterate and celebrate the Article 10 of the DPCW.
Imran Maqsood, Founder of the Faisalabad School for Peace shared an account of the pivotal role HWPL and the Faisalabad School for Peace has played in creating and implementing peace education program in schools. The crowd was also addressed by powerful speeches by Ashak Nashwani AM, Founder of the Ismailli community in Sydney, Dr. Yadu Singh, Chairman, Federation of Indian Associations NSW, Abbas Raza Alvi, Founder & President, Indian Crescent Society of Australia.
These precious moments of the peace festival were extensively captured by our community-media partners, Ashok Kumar, Editor, The Indian Sub-Continent Times, Harmohan Walia, Associate Editor, Desi Australia and President, Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), Mamdouh Sukkarieh, The World Observer and Indian Link Radio.
Not only Australia, but there were many articles from other countries.
People around me all support the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). They are surprised that there is such an innovative and practical international law.
There are two reasons that I and my friends agree on. One is that 21 prominent international law experts have created the law, and because they recognize it. And it is because former and incumbent presidents and ambassadors praise it as a perfectly balanced document.
The Other is the power of HWPL. The problem with existing international law is that it is not “legally binding.” So HWPL emphasized “Civil Society”, to complement this. HWPL works for peace with IPYG, which represents 1.8 billion young people, and IWPG, which represents 3.7 billion women. So they are supported by citizens around the world.
Not only do we, but there are people who have answered this question.
DPCW deals with these issues of religion which may be sensitive and includes specific provisions to resolve religious conflicts. That is why I strongly believe that the DPCW is the method to achieve peace.
Monk Phramaha Monchai Saitanaporn, from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Berlin
Religious Leaders “Why Do We Need DPCW?”
3rd Annual Commemoration of the Proclamation of Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) / Berlin / HWPL Photo
On 16th of May, 35 leaders of Hinduism, Buddhism, Protestantism, Islam, and Abrahamic religions from Berlin answered. Their answers were amazing, and they really had a lot to learn. The leader was not a leader for no reason. Their views were closely related to reality, and every word was persuasive. I’d like to introduce the most impressive speech among them.
Monk Phramaha Monchai Saitanaporn, from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Berlin, said “all religions speak of peace, but unfortunately religion has become one the causes for the greatest conflicts in human history. However, these conflicts along with ethnic issues are difficult to find a common ground for agreement and resolution.
For example, the Israeli-Palestinian war lasted for more than 70 years, the Kashmir war for more than 70 years, the civil war in Syria continued for more than 6 years, and there are places still currently at war.
Regarding one of the examples mentioned earlier, if Israel and Palestine were to meet once or twice every year to have talks, then how would things have resulted? Also for Kashmir, if forums were frequently held once a year between the two religions (Hinduism and Islam) to communicate together, then how would things have resulted? Would armed conflict continue as they are now?
Just last month, on February 15, there was a bomb terror in the Kashmir region resulting in the death of 46 police officers. Due to this, the Indian and Pakistani people in that area had to live in fear. There is no sure guarantee that such tragedies won’t happen again, and there is no assurance that conflicts would end in the next year.
10 Articles and 38 Clauses of DPCW
Article 8 of the DPCW contains provisions to deal with these things. Like so, the DPCW contains the necessarily legal provisions to cut off religious conflicts, protect the freedom of religion, and encourage inter-religious dialogues. To put these rules into application, HWPL is operating and managing WARP Offices as a platform of dialogue and exchange. I, too, am frequently participating in the WARP Office since February 2017 and interacting with various people of religion. DPCW Article 9 states that if such disputes are prevented but are not resolved and continue to be caused by religion, then strong legal actions will be taken against them.
Regarding the bomb terror in Kashmir earlier, if there are attacks but no proper action is taken, then conflicts would continue and more innocent lives will be taken. However, if legal measures like search and seizure of weapons and surveillance over terrorist groups are taken, then the use of armed force can be eliminated from conflicts. Instead of giving up or ignoring the issue when conflicts arise, we need a legal device that can deal with them in order to make peace. Through this, the role of true religion can be practiced and the entire world can work together for that goal. That is why the DPCW is needed.”
On May 25th, the “6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk” was held in around 126 locations in 77 countries around the world, including Australia, China, Germany, India, Russia, South Africa, the Philippines, and United States of America. The theme is the “The World’s Call for Peace, Urging Support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)”.
525 Peace Walk and 918 WARP Summit is the core where the power of the citizens is gathered. In addition, the letters and signatures of support for the DPCW, which were collected from approximately 1.3 million citizens, have been sent to their respective President or Prime Minister in 192 countries with the expectation of a response from these heads of state.
This huge wave will engulf the world, and soon the united voice will be unstoppable.
Town Square Park, AlaskaZona Viva, GuatemalaSanta Monica, LASanta Monica, LA
Santa Monica, LA
San Francisco, CaliforniaSalvador del Mundo, San SalvadorSeattle Center, Washington D.C.
While in the Philippines, HWPL collaborated and merged with Volunteers Individuals for Peace (VIP), United Runners of Cavite, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Kaakibat Ng Autism Society Phil Multi-purpose Cooperative to raise funds for different activities such as disaster-relief ventures, center for autism, hosting youth empowerment activities among others.
Correspondent Newspaper Magazine / The Philippines
Correspondent Newspaper Magazine / The Philippines
Mr. John Rommel Garces, HWPL’s Secretary General in the Philippines, said “HWPL is working together with different organizations to mobilize a worldwide network of youths and citizens to promote DPCW and establish cooperation for building sustainable peace in the global society. This day will mark HWPL Philippines’ 100,000 peace letter campaign addressed to our beloved President Duterte urging to support DPCW.”
H.E. Difie Agyarko Kusi, Ambassador of Embassy of Ghana to Korea, encouraged the active participation of the civil society for the enactment of the DPCW. She said “I can’t think of any one region in the world where there isn’t some conflict playing out or erupting. We should all, therefore, be grateful to HWPL for being in the forefront of the crusade to ‘construct the defenses of peace in the minds of men’ with their push for the adoption of the DPCW by the international community.
I would strongly urge all right-thinking people to write letters to leaders, lawmakers, policymakers, heads of states, governments, and kings or queens, to tell them how much we are pinning our hopes on them to support this declaration and make it real.”
+) Washington D.C. News
Names of Press: Vienna and Oakton Connection, Fairfax Connection, Alexandria Gazette Package, Arlington Connection, Springfield Connection, Potomac Almanac, Centre View, Chantilly Connection, Mount Vernon Gazette, McLean Connection / Washington D.C.
On May 25, the “6th HWPL 525 Peace Walks” was held in 126 cities in 77 countries around the world including Australia, China, Germany, India, Russia, South Africa, the Philippines, and the United States of America.
Nearly 500 citizens from Washington, D.C. hosted a peace walk from the United States Capitol building to the U.S. Supreme Court building. Can you see them? They look excited. Especially, children. 🙂
“Knowing that you’re taking part in making the world a better place is an amazing feeling for any person,” said Danielle, a peace walk participant from Washington D.C.
“I walked for peace because I refuse to sit back as a bystander. I want to make history so that our future generation can be proud of our decision to take a stand for peace.”
“I think our differences are what unite us — it’s our strength,” says Michael Sarpong from Woodbridge, VA. “There is no religion, no nation that doesn’t want peace.”
A HWPL volunteer said, “That’s why we have all come together today to urge our elected officials — the public servants that have been put in position by the people and for the people — to support the DPCW. We all want the same thing.”
Since HWPL Peace Walks were held in 126 cities in 77 countries, the world’s media outlets are very interested. This can be seen as a huge flow of peace. Can anyone stop this? No one wants to, and no one can. Because the person who blocks it becomes the person who wants to go to war. A person’s voice can be powerless. But what if it’s tens of thousands of voices?
What if we have the power to bring it together? So HWPL ran a Peaceletter Campaign. Young people and Women sent letters of peace to the leaders of 192 countries. They will know that the world will change soon.
126 foreign media outlets in 77 countries around the world have promoted 6th HWPL Peacewalk, including Australia, China, Germany, India, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, the United States.
It urged leaders of the countries to enact a “peace international law (DPCW)” to end war. On March, HWPL delivered “Peace Letters” written by 1.3 million people around the world to the heads of states and UN ambassadors in 192 countries. So that the DPCW could be introduced as a U.N. resolution to effectively guarantee world peace.
Peace Letter Campaign was started by IWPG and IPYG. Women are determined not to sacrifice their children any more in the war, and young people have begun sending letters to their leaders expressing their desire for peace as well as their will to protect themselves from the war. Last year, 200,000 letters of peace were delivered to the presidents of seven countries, including Jae-in Moon.
SABC / the Republic of South Africa NBC News Channel 4, ABC News Channel 7, CBS News Channel 2, KTLA News Channel 5, UNIVISION News Channel 34 broadcasted 6th HWPL Peacewalk
Especially, I really hope to see this fourth video. I really feel that peace is going to be achieved. If our thoughts become one, and our actions become one, what can stop us? No one can stop our desire for peace. Who would want to die? Who would want to lose their family to war? They say they start a war to protect their country, but… Before that, if we have a good heart, we can prevent many young people from dying without having a chance to blossom.
Dear Heads of Countries, I urge you to show your active commitment to achieving peace by responding to the letter of peace that expresses the desire of mankind. If you love your country and people as a representative of a country, I ask you to work together to ensure that the DPCW is submitted to the UN and thus establish a framework for world peace and end of war.
The task of the time is to create a world of peace and pass it on to future generations. To do this, we can achieve true peace only when we identify the answers to achieve peace through the peace process that HWPL is making and practice it as a messenger of peace. Let’s all be an “One Voice” for peace and achieve DPCW together. And let’s work together and join in drawing support and cooperation from the international community.
In May of this year, the 6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk will be held in around 70 countries. Do you know the Declaration of World Peace? The Declaration of World Peace was first proclaimed with 30,000 youths and citizens in Seoul, South Korea.
For me, the most impressive part of this declaration was the thought of the deaths of young people. War is decided by others, but it is the young who die. Who in the world can pay off their lives? It is more persuasive in that the Chairman Man Hee Lee was a Korean War veteran. He fought with his colleagues on the front line, but all he had left was pain. Having seen the whole scene with his own eyes, he can say more clearly.
During 5th HWPL Peace Walk, Mr. Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, stated, “The world of peace can become a reality if people focused on the idea of peace itself rather than who would achieve it. For the sake of peace, let’s all become peace messengers as the global family of peace.”
He also proclaimed “All world leaders must support the 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the DPCW. If this world and all of the countries truly love their citizens, then they should all work together to establish an international law.”
Of what use is a young life, born in our day and age, if it is thrown away in this manner thrown away without having had a chance to bloom? What price can compensate for the loss of a life? – The Declaration of World Peace
6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk
“The World’s Call for Peace, Urging Support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War”
Date: May, 25th, 2019 10:30(GMT+9)
They will be focused on the “Peace Letter Campaign” led by the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). The campaign is aimed at urging for the support of the presidents of each country to develop the DPCW into a legally binding document by submitting it as a resolution to the UN.
IPYG has also collected around 400,000 Peace Letters to urge the presidents to support the DPCW and has delivered them to the leaders of 193 different countries around the world. Hundreds of thousands of young people and citizens will gather to call for replies from the heads of state to the peace letters. We can do it!! Youth can do it! We are one!!!
Harbour Bridge, Sydney / Hundreds of thousands of young people support the DPCW.
Who else would be hoping to do it for you? I think I should do it right now. I hope you don’t hesitate. We can do it together. There’s nothing you can’t do.
HWPL Special Edition: The Beginning of Change towards Peace
Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL has traveled around the world 30 times and visited more than 100 countries in the last seven years for cessation of war and world peace. [Photo: HWPL]
Senior reporters with a high position at the newspaper office came and asked questions about his ” Peace Scenario.”
Q. What is the significance of the peace work that you have done so far for cessation of war and world peace?
The Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL said “More people died from starvation than from combat injuries during the Korean War. Many people struggled to live, eating anything from dirt to gunpowder in bullets. When could they ever take off their blood-stained military uniforms?”
“To do so, war had to come to an end. Wars must never happen again. Peace is not just a matter of one individual or one country. It matters to all people of the world, so everyone in the world must support this work of peace. I invite everyone to become messengers of peace, transcending the borders of nationality, ethnicity and religion.”
Q. Could you comment on the Peace Letter Campaign that HWPL is engaging in together with many youth, women and social organizations around the world?
The Chairman Lee said “If heads of state truly love their citizens and their countries, they will not be able to ignore the will of the people. Young people are sacrificed in the frontlines of war without getting a chance to blossom. Has anyone compensated for their sacrifices? Now the youths are saying they will protect themselves. Women are saying they will not send their children to battlefields. Their Peace Letters will certainly move the world.”
Q. What could be a path forward for peace education?
He answered “Someone once offered to award me a peace prize, but I rejected the offer. Instead of receiving the peace prize, I made a book that contains all the peace work that we have done so far and distributed the book in libraries around the world, so that the future generations can know about this work of peace. I believe that this is a true peace education that we need.”
“No one has yet been able to achieve cessation of war and realize world peace, and this work may seem impossible even in the future. However, this is a work that needs to be done by someone for all mankind, and maybe the DPCW, which is about to be introduced in the UN General Assembly, could be the last hope we have.”
I was most impressed with his last words. I don’t want to miss this chance, which may be the last hope. It’s not just for me, it is for all of us. Since IPYG Peace Letter Campaign has already become an international campaign involving 200,000 people, I’d like to keep trying to write peace letters. Let’s write together. 🙂