The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2

Topic: About the beginning of man
Date: At the 15th of June, 2019

Session 2: 02:00PM ~ 04:00PM (UTC)

#WARPOffice #HWPL #Religion #ManHeeLee #Scripture #Dialogue

Did you see session 1? It was very exciting. I had hoped on the one hand that they wouldn’t fight, but this was a useless worry. They answered honestly and sincerely.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 Zoroastrianism What is HWPL WARPOffice Sikhism Scripture Religion Manheelee Man Hee Lee biography Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christianity Adam

Let’s look at the first question for a rich explanation. “Is your scripture recorded about the first person?”


“From a Christian point of view, we believe that it began 6,000 years ago, and Moses wrote it 2,500 years after the beginning of history, which was recorded in Genesis, and in Hebrews 3. But then creation and the first human perspective changed within Christianity, causing internal division. We can divide man into physical and spiritual creation.

On Genesis 5:1, Adam’s genealogy came out, and that’s where the first human being was recorded. Many humans have been born, but only one descendant has been recorded, because God has chosen one from history to work. I’m putting more emphasis on spiritual creation. It’s not just because it’s physically created, it’s because it’s talking about people who can talk to God.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 Zoroastrianism What is HWPL WARPOffice Sikhism Scripture Religion Manheelee Man Hee Lee biography Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christianity Adam


“Yes, it’s written in a book written before 500 B.C. and difficult to understand because of the language. And it’s hard to fully understand because one word contains many meanings. The first person named Gayomat (Keyumars) is recorded. He was the first man on Earth, the first king of Iran, and ruled for 30 years, born in Iran. The Iranian atmosphere, ethnicity, began with Gayomat.”

Moderator: “It’s interesting to have a first person named Gayomat (Keyumars). So did he start a man, or did he already rule people?”

Zoroastrianism: “He is also listed as the king of the earth, Gilsha. Today, in the eyes of the spirit, it’s very interesting, he could hear Auramazda. It was recorded that human beings Gayomat was created by the demise of evil spirits, and he ruled for 30 years.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 Zoroastrianism What is HWPL WARPOffice Sikhism Scripture Religion Manheelee Man Hee Lee biography Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christianity Adam


“It’s not just about religion, it’s about evolution written in the scriptures. Because scriptures deal with everything, not just religion. In Sikhism, God created the world and man. It’s written in the scripture, and it says that one made many things. It’s proof of God’s creation of the universe. And he made everything. Of all animals, we are listed as having sovereignty. And the book also records how people have evolved. And it’s recorded that he is reincarnated through his actions.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 Zoroastrianism What is HWPL WARPOffice Sikhism Scripture Religion Manheelee Man Hee Lee biography Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christianity Adam


“Let me answer the first question. Yes, it’s well documented in the Koran. As for the first person, he is Adam and he is recorded in many places. Allah said to Muhammad, he created a man. It’s not written in the Koran about a person’s appearance, but you can guess from the records. The scholars wrote a note that Adam modeled after Allah, but not Allah. It doesn’t look exactly the same, it’s just what it looks like, and the details of the eyes and ears are different. He made Adam out of Allah’s image, but he never looked the same.”

How is it? It’s exciting, right? 🙂 Various views aroused the curiosity.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 Zoroastrianism What is HWPL WARPOffice Sikhism Scripture Religion Manheelee Man Hee Lee biography Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christianity Adam

The second session will be held by a total of seven people, including the host, moderator, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity. What impressed me most in Session 1 was the “attitude” of the panels. They didn’t think the knowledge they knew was all, and they didn’t attack their opponents. It’s so cool to see such gentle religious leaders.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 Zoroastrianism What is HWPL WARPOffice Sikhism Scripture Religion Manheelee Man Hee Lee biography Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christianity Adam
The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Session 2

<Session 2> Question List

  1. Is your scripture recorded about the first person? So, what is his name?
  2. Does your scripture record what the Creator did for him after he created the first man?
  3. Is there a record in your scripture of the first person’s genealogy and the solidarity of the descendants?

The number of viewers at the same time was over 200. I’m more curious about Session 2. The wind of peace is blowing!

More info:

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1

Topic: About the beginning of man

Date: At the 15th of June, 2019

Session 1: 10:00AM ~ 12:00PM (UTC)

#WARPOffice #HWPL #Religion #ManHeeLee #Scripture #Dialogue

The Intercontinental Online WARP Office meeting is a special platform. Experts from each religion will participate as a panel. They ask each other questions and talk to each other about the same topic.

The reason why this meeting is more special is because it is broadcast live all over the world in real time. And listeners from all over the world can participate directly online. Do you want to know what we’ve been talking about so far? 🙂

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 Zoroastrian WARPOffice Sikh Scripture Religion Muslim Manheelee man hee lee hwpl Man Hee Lee biography HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christian

History of TOPIC

“What Religious Texts Tell You”
1. How to Get Rid of Evil
2. The Beginning and Origin of All Things
3. About God
4. AfterLife
5. About Creation
6. About the Beginning of Man

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 Zoroastrian WARPOffice Sikh Scripture Religion Muslim Manheelee man hee lee hwpl Man Hee Lee biography HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christian

Isn’t that what you’ve been curious about? Don’t you happen to think about that? Wouldn’t there be no answer to that kind of debate? They’re just saying what you think and ending it, aren’t they? You’re right and I’m right, and that’s how it ends?

Of course, I thought so too.Of course, I thought so too. But HWPL WARP Offcie was different. They talk with exact criteria. What do you think it is? The secret is a “Scripture.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 Zoroastrian WARPOffice Sikh Scripture Religion Muslim Manheelee man hee lee hwpl Man Hee Lee biography HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christian

Religion without a scripture is recognized as a culture, and everything is spoken around a scripture. Then it becomes much easier to talk. Because when comparing the scriptures of each religion, the answer comes out. Is there content in the scriptures for each subject? If so, what does it mean? If you do this, you can’t have an argument and you can agree with each other.

So far, wars caused by religion and ideology have accounted for 80 percent of human history. Think about it in your head right now. Isn’t there too much? But you can’t fight by speaking on the basis of scriptures. How wise! It’s so amazing.

<Session 1> Question List

  1. Is your scripture recorded about the first person? What is his name and when did he come about?
  2. What is written about the person’s appearance in your scripture? In some scriptures, it is written that man is made according to the shape of God.
  3. Did a man come first or a woman first?
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 Zoroastrian WARPOffice Sikh Scripture Religion Muslim Manheelee man hee lee hwpl Man Hee Lee biography HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting HWPL Dialogue Christian
The 6th HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

The first session will be held by a total of six people, including the host, headmaster, Muslim, Sikh, Zoroastrian and Christian leaders. I think the conversation is going to be so exciting, I’m going to watch it live. Let’s see! Also, you can see it again after the event is over.


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

African Leaders of Peace Summit : Speakers of National Assembly #2

African Leaders of Peace Summit

– Plenary 2: Speakers of National Assembly

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE African Leaders of Peace Summit : Speakers of National Assembly #2 WeAreOne United Nations UN Security Council U.N. Charter Sudan South Sudan ReligiousFreedom Religion Pray4Peace PeaceLetter Peaceleader Peacelaw Pan-Africa Council Nelson Mandela Mali HWPL DRC DPCW_Africa DPCW Congo Cameroon Albertina Sisulu Agenda 2063 Africa_Peace African Leaders of Peace Summit 29thWorldPeaceTour 29th World Peace tour

What do we need for the development of Africa? What should we do now?  This is what participants, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Chief Justice, and other high-level people, had in mind. I am grateful that people like them are leaders who are thinking ‘How can we do more for Africa?.’ I think the people of Africa will be very happy, if they know these efforts as the session of today. There are many bad leaders in the world, who drive the people to the death. Particularly, the Youth.

The following is their conclusion : Development in Africa cannot be done in war and conflict. War and conflict are a huge blow to us all. We must make peace for Africa’s development.

Plenary 2: Speakers of National Assembly

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE African Leaders of Peace Summit : Speakers of National Assembly #2 WeAreOne United Nations UN Security Council U.N. Charter Sudan South Sudan ReligiousFreedom Religion Pray4Peace PeaceLetter Peaceleader Peacelaw Pan-Africa Council Nelson Mandela Mali HWPL DRC DPCW_Africa DPCW Congo Cameroon Albertina Sisulu Agenda 2063 Africa_Peace African Leaders of Peace Summit 29thWorldPeaceTour 29th World Peace tour   I’m very excited about what messages the chairman Lee is giving about Africa. Because he traveled abroad with the answer to peace. He is going on 29th World Peace tour to achieve peace and end war. He is going on 29th World Peace tour to achieve peace and end war.

The DPCW is based on the U.N. Charter

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE African Leaders of Peace Summit : Speakers of National Assembly #2 WeAreOne United Nations UN Security Council U.N. Charter Sudan South Sudan ReligiousFreedom Religion Pray4Peace PeaceLetter Peaceleader Peacelaw Pan-Africa Council Nelson Mandela Mali HWPL DRC DPCW_Africa DPCW Congo Cameroon Albertina Sisulu Agenda 2063 Africa_Peace African Leaders of Peace Summit 29thWorldPeaceTour 29th World Peace tour   This is their story. “There have been many conflicts and wars in Africa, and peace is really rare. Mali is also in conflict and it is known that Sudan, South Sudan, DRC, Congo are as well. Africa is known as the dark continent. We’ve been trying to make peace through the African Union (AU). DPCW is a document based on the U.N. Charter. And I hope that as a UN Security Council, DPCW will be introduced to the United Nations and also the African Union.”

Another leader said, “I was so happy reading the DPCW that I read it all overnight. I really felt it was necessary in this world. It is too necessary for human society and Africa, which has a lot of conflict. But it’s not just in Africa. Disputes occur in many different forms in each country. It’s like a big mountain. But It’s not impossible. I think the DPCW is a great tool, and it’s going to be a social and economic development for the development of Africa.”

The Problems of Africa

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE African Leaders of Peace Summit : Speakers of National Assembly #2 WeAreOne United Nations UN Security Council U.N. Charter Sudan South Sudan ReligiousFreedom Religion Pray4Peace PeaceLetter Peaceleader Peacelaw Pan-Africa Council Nelson Mandela Mali HWPL DRC DPCW_Africa DPCW Congo Cameroon Albertina Sisulu Agenda 2063 Africa_Peace African Leaders of Peace Summit 29thWorldPeaceTour 29th World Peace tour   “The DPCW is something we’ve always discussed and talked a lot about in terms of human rights. There’s a lot of war and conflict going on in Cameroon, where the scars of the war are a lot. Last week, our Pan-Africa Council was discussing a conflict in Africa. One of the biggest problems is that many countries are good at speaking but in practice, they are opposed to it. What’s really important to us is that we have to believe in peace. Because without peace, Africa would not be able to make any further progress. It seems easy for Africa to achieve peace only when the DPCW becomes a culture and makes world peace.”

What is the DPCW different from others?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE African Leaders of Peace Summit : Speakers of National Assembly #2 WeAreOne United Nations UN Security Council U.N. Charter Sudan South Sudan ReligiousFreedom Religion Pray4Peace PeaceLetter Peaceleader Peacelaw Pan-Africa Council Nelson Mandela Mali HWPL DRC DPCW_Africa DPCW Congo Cameroon Albertina Sisulu Agenda 2063 Africa_Peace African Leaders of Peace Summit 29thWorldPeaceTour 29th World Peace tour   “What I want to say is that DPCW has something that I haven’t seen before : Religion. It is what the former president thinks is important. There’s been a lot of talk about human rights, but we didn’t think religion much. We didn’t think of a way. But the important thing is that most conflicts, especially in Africa, are caused by religion.”

“This year is the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth. We are celebrating the achievements of former President Nelson Mandela and Mrs. Albertina Sisulu. But conflict and terror are not over yet. The African leaders couldn’t solve it by calculating profits and losses each other through political problems. Through these, we lost our value and ruined our mutual friendship. What can we do for our Africa? By bringing the DPCW to the United Nations, we can achieve peace. And we can progress by promoting justice and peace through Agenda 2063 of African Union. We can use DPCW to achieve peace by 2030. And It will bring peace to the continent of Africa. DPCW requires our efforts. We need to make sure that DPCW would not become just another international law. Unlike other laws, we should not ignore this law. We need to know what’s different from other laws and to let people support the DPCW.”

African Leaders of Peace Summit

– Plenary 2: Speakers of National Assembly

Time : UTC 13:00-14:00, 10 August 2018
YouTube : (Only Korean)

#29thWorldPeaceTour #HWPL #Pray4Peace #ReligiousFreedom #Peaceleader #WeAreOne #PeaceLetter #Africa_Peace #Peacelaw #DPCW_Africa

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2

The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

What Religious Texts Tell You: “Beginning and Origin of All Things”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment judaism Islam HWPL Hinduism discussion Christianity Beginning and Origin of All Things

In the short three years from its official beginning, the WARP Offices have seen rapid expansion with 218 offices now operating in 126 countries. With approximately 2,500 representative religious leaders as participants, it enhanced the level of understanding of, and harmony between, various religions. Do you know what culture was created? Religious leaders want to seek true peace-building and harmony among religions based on correct understanding. And they dedicated themselves to thoroughly researching what a “trustworthy scripture” should contain.

91 percent of all religious leaders agreed that the following six attributes.
1) Good and Evil
2) Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death
3) The Spiritual Realm
4) Cleansing of Sins
5) History and Genealogy
6) Prophecy and Fulfillment

Objectives of Online WARP Office

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment judaism Islam HWPL Hinduism discussion Christianity Beginning and Origin of All Things   This Intercontinental WARP Office meeting will be held quarterly under the series named, ‘What Religious Texts Tell You.’ For the first quarter, the meeting took place on 24 March. Second meeting took place yesterday.


  1. To further develop the current dialogue of scriptures meetings, which are being actively held in each country, through the engagement of religious leaders from different countries and backgrounds. Also, through the real-time audience questions, a more in-depth discussion on the topic is anticipated.
  2. To spread the culture of interfaith communication, and through online streaming the meeting, to provide the opportunity for audiences to learn about and understand other religions in their civil society.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #2 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment judaism Islam HWPL Hinduism discussion Christianity Beginning and Origin of All Things


  • HWPL: An international NGO and peace organization affiliated with the UN ECOSOC, which engages leaders from various fields in each country for peace activities such as international law enactment, WARP Offices, peace education, youth and women's empowerment, etc.
  • WARP Office: A platform for the comparison of scriptures, with the aim to bring a peaceful environment in the global community by solving the difference in thoughts and ideologies that cause religious conflicts.


  1. Panel: One month before the meeting, the details will be posted on the Facebook Group, 'You Asked, WARP Office Answers' (WARP Office Facebook page), and announced through the WARP Offices in each country. Religious leaders who wish to attend as a panelist, representing their religion, will have to submit an Application Form to
  2. Audience: Watch the online WARP Office meeting live through HWPL’s official Youtube channel. And participate by asking questions in real-time on the Youtube chatroom. The link will also be posted on HWPL’s official Twitter.

The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting [replay]

What Religious Texts Tell You: “Beginning and Origin of All Things”

Date : Saturday, June 9
Session 1 UTC 10:00~12:00

Is there a creator? What’s the essence of my existence?

Date : Saturday, June 9
Session 2 UTC 13:00~15:00

What has brought me to this world?

#HWPL #WARP #WeWantPeace #Religion

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1

The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

What Religious Texts Tell You: “Beginning and Origin of All Things”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment Nobel Peace Prize HWPL DPCW Beginning and Origin of All Things Alliance of Religions     In the short three years from its official beginning, the WARP Offices have seen rapid expansion with 218 offices now operating in 126 countries. With approximately 2,500 representative religious leaders as participants, it enhanced the level of understanding of, and harmony between, various religions. Do you know what culture was created? Religious leaders want to seek true peace-building and harmony among religions based on correct understanding. And they dedicated themselves to thoroughly researching what a “trustworthy scripture” should contain. But why Religion?

91 percent of all religious leaders agreed that the following six attributes, 1) Good and Evil, 2) Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death, 3) The Spiritual Realm, 4) Cleansing of Sins, 5) History and Genealogy, and 6) Prophecy and Fulfillment

The WAR is from Religion

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment Nobel Peace Prize HWPL DPCW Beginning and Origin of All Things Alliance of Religions

  • Wars of mankind : total 14,513 times.
  • Reason of War: 80% Religious war
  • Victims of War : 3.7 billion
  • Nobel Peace prize rewarded : 124 times

How long should we wait? We can’t stand it anymore. It is so hard and painful. My family and friends are dying. Who can compensate you for their death? To Whom? What can you do? Money never can pay it back. Nothing can repay this! Even though there were so many peace prize winners, peace was not achieved.

How can we achieve?

Two engines of HWPL

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment Nobel Peace Prize HWPL DPCW Beginning and Origin of All Things Alliance of Religions   HWPL‘s SOLUTIONS are  ‘International Law for Peace and Cessation of War‘ and ‘Alliance of Religions‘.

This mission appears to be the*Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) and *the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) offices.

Alliance of Religions

“Discussing the spirit of peace written in scriptures
to step forward onto the road of world peace”

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment Nobel Peace Prize HWPL DPCW Beginning and Origin of All Things Alliance of Religions

  Religion is the cradle of human civilization and will always be a core influence in determining the trends, outlooks and progression of our society. As the world becomes more developed, the other side is highlighted. Religious hatred, Persecution, and Conflicts. Seeing the current status of the religious world, HWPL recognizes that the diverse principles and values in each religious scripture play an important role in people’s search for peace. Because these scriptures represent the accumulation of not only the spiritual and moral teachings of the respective faiths, but also a fundamental standard of human conduct. It is the reason why WARP Office was beginning.

One religious leader emphasized, “We should support the WARP Office discussions, as the significant link and the great network for the worldwide religious institutions and spiritual leaders, to show the cooperation and solidarity of all religious leaders, and to send the message of tolerance, peace and unity to all people around the world.”

The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting #1 What Religious Texts Tell You WeWantPeace WARP Offices WARP trustworthy scripture The 2nd HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting Religion Prophecy and Fulfillment Nobel Peace Prize HWPL DPCW Beginning and Origin of All Things Alliance of Religions     The topic of this WARP Office meeting was “What is the root of evil and how can we eliminate evil? Where does it come from? How can we eliminate it according to your respective religion?” The religious leaders were specially selected as outstanding leaders at worldwide. It made it easy for anyone to be able to see and participate in audience questions by broadcasting their discussion. It is also designed to promote WARP offices to religious societies and civil society, and to spread the culture of seeking truth.

“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.” – HWPL

One Netherlander said, “It is amazing that people from different religions can meet and communicate with each other about peace. I think peace and harmony of religions can be achieved as we continue to do this work.”

The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting

What Religious Texts Tell You: “Beginning and Origin of All Things”

Date : Saturday, June 9
Session 1 UTC 10:00~12:00

Is there a creator? What’s the essence of my existence?

Date : Saturday, June 9
Session 2 UTC 13:00~15:00

What has brought me to this world?

#HWPL #WARP #WeWantPeace #Religion

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

What is WARP office?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting WeWantPeace WARP OFFICE WARP The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting Religion HWPL   Do you know WARP Office? Since the initial establishment of the WARP Offices in November 2014, religious leaders have gathered worldwide. Why do they gather? They have same passion, for what? ‘What is believable scriptures?’ They gathered to conduct comparison dialogues regarding their various religious scriptures. There are many corrupt religious people. But these leaders are different. Why do they compare? 80% of the war is religious war. So, religious leaders intend to unite religion with responsibility. They are gathered at this Online WARP Office Meeting.

Let us all become messengers of peace and leave peace as a legacy to future generations. – HWPL

Why Online WARP Office?

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting WeWantPeace WARP OFFICE WARP The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting Religion HWPL

  On 24 March 2018 HWPL’s World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office held its first Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting. Why is this meeting meaningful? It is transcending continental boundaries. What surprising is that an open channel of communication with the audience was implemented. It enabled them to participate directly in the discussions with the religious leaders. What do you think will happen then?

The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting WeWantPeace WARP OFFICE WARP The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting Religion HWPL     The topic of this WARP Office meeting was “What is the root of evil and how can we eliminate evil? Where does it come from? How can we eliminate it according to your respective religion?” The religious leaders were specially selected as outstanding leaders at worldwide. It made it easy for anyone to be able to see and participate in audience questions by broadcasting their discussion. It is also designed to promote WARP offices to religious societies and civil society, and to spread the culture of seeking truth.

“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.” – HWPL

The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting

What Religious Texts Tell You: “Beginning and Origin of All Things”

  The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 9. It would be until the day when war is ceased on earth and peace is finally achieved.

Is there a creator? What’s the essence of my existence?

Session 1 UTC 10:00~12:00

What has brought me to this world?

Session 2 UTC 13:00~15:00

#HWPL #WARP #WeWantPeace #Religion

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[Australia diary] basic information

Commonwealth of Australia

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Australia diary] basic information Sydney Religion mateship Language Gold rush Ethnicity Canberra Basic information Australia

Capital : Canberra(‘meeting place’ in Aboriginal language)
Largest city : Sydney
2016 census : 23,401,892
Area : 7,692,024 km²
Currency : Australian dollar (AUD)
National language : English
Various ethnicities, No state religion

Australia diary : Basic information

If you want to understand Australia, you must know ‘Gold rush’. In Australia the gold rush began in the early 1850s. Europeans already arrived in 1600s. The gold rushes caused a huge influx of people from overseas. Australia’s total population more than tripled from 430,000 in 1851 to 1.7 million in 1871. Australia first became a multicultural society during the gold rush period. These diggers lived together naturally. What were born here? The mateship‘ The mateship and their collective resistance led to the emergence of a unique national identity.(later) So the Australia has various ethnicities, languages and religions.

Ethnicity : English (36.1%), Australian (33.5%), Irish (11.0%), Scottish (9.3%), Chinese (5.6%), Italian (4.6%), German (4.5%), Indian (2.8%), Greek (1.8%), and Dutch (1.6%)
Language : English (72.7%), Mandarin (2.5%), Arabic (1.4%), Cantonese (1.2%), Vietnamese (1.2%) and Italian (1.2%)
Religion : No religion (30.1%), Roman Catholic (22.6%), Other Christian (18.7%), Anglican (13.3%), Islam (2.6%), Buddhism (2.4%) and Hinduism(1.9%)

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

#LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere

Legislate Peace Campaign : DPCW

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE #LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere ZAMBIA WARP to end WAR Religion NEPAL MONGOLIA Legislate Peace Campaign KOSOVO IPYG international law HWPL's Solutions HWPL DPCW   The purpose of HWPL is to end WAR. Maybe you can think it is not possible. Is it so naive? Is it an unattainable ideal? But the walking of HWPL makes us to believe. We get a hope. I can have the faith that we can do it! and I can too. The HWPL‘s Solutions is establishing of international law aiming to construct a world of peace. It is famous for substantial and practical way to achieve peace. HWPL’s Legislate Peace Campaign is spreading out around the globe. How many? 630 events being held in 176 countries with over 1 million participants. #LegislatePeace

Official homepage :

630 events 176 countries 1 million participants”

“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.”

  HWPL’s another Solution is the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace(WARP) offices. The war that caused by religion is 80 percent of all. The religious leaders have to more love people. So, we must make the religion one thing. How? We can find the most reliable religion by comparison between scriptures of each religion. The HWPL is an really influential group.

170 branches 151 Advisory Council 506 Publicity Ambassadors
705,000 ‘Legislate Peace Campaign’ Signatures

#LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE #LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere ZAMBIA WARP to end WAR Religion NEPAL MONGOLIA Legislate Peace Campaign KOSOVO IPYG international law HWPL's Solutions HWPL DPCW   KOSOVO – A Professor of International Law at the University of Prishtina in Kosovo introduced the principles of the DPCW to the university students, the future leaders of Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia, who then gave their signatures of support.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE #LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere ZAMBIA WARP to end WAR Religion NEPAL MONGOLIA Legislate Peace Campaign KOSOVO IPYG international law HWPL's Solutions HWPL DPCW   ZAMBIA – At the Safe World Trust School in Zambia, in the presence of journalists, religious leaders, and other important societal figures, participants discussed the current peace activities in Zambia and expressed their support for the DPCW.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE #LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere ZAMBIA WARP to end WAR Religion NEPAL MONGOLIA Legislate Peace Campaign KOSOVO IPYG international law HWPL's Solutions HWPL DPCW   NEPAL – Students at Narayani English Public Higher Secondary School in Nepal recognized the peace work of HWPL and IPYG and painted their ideas and thoughts regarding peace.A STEP TOWARDS PEACE #LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere ZAMBIA WARP to end WAR Religion NEPAL MONGOLIA Legislate Peace Campaign KOSOVO IPYG international law HWPL's Solutions HWPL DPCW


MONGOLIA – In Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Khishigsuren Saranbolor artists and members of IPYG painted murals together at the Ulaanbaatar 31st kindergarten with the hope of peace. #LegislatePeace


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE #LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere ZAMBIA WARP to end WAR Religion NEPAL MONGOLIA Legislate Peace Campaign KOSOVO IPYG international law HWPL's Solutions HWPL DPCW
There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. – Mahatma Gandhi

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace

WARP Summit 2017 : Marching DPCW

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace WARP Summit 2017 Religion Peace ethnic identity DPCW Article 9 DPCW

  • In May 25, 2013 ‘The Declaration of World Peace’ was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • ln Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • ln Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’ is carrying on

DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE DPCW Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace WARP Summit 2017 Religion Peace ethnic identity DPCW Article 9 DPCW     1. States should engage in multilateral consultations to deal with situations where differences attributable to religion or ethnicity pose a threat to peace so that necessary remedial action may be taken and to identify the root causes of a situation causing tension between different religious or ethnic groups, in order to adopt necessary measures to promote mutual understanding between the groups concerned.

2. States should take measures to ensure that religious belief or ethnic identity are not utilised as a pretext for gross and systematic acts of violence. In circumstances where individuals or groups perpetrate or assist in such acts in the name of their religion, states should take adequate measures that lead to the prosecution and punishment of such activities.

3. Recognising the threat to peaceful coexistence that violent religious extremism may cause, states should implement, in good faith, legal measures against individuals or groups attempting to perpetrate or assist in gross and systematic acts of violence in the name of religion. Such measures should, in extreme cases, include the proscription of faith groups – including sects or cults – that perpetrate acts of violence against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state.

The very work that we are pursuing is the work of healing of nations. Once implemented, this Law will be engraved in the hearts of many people to have a peaceful life. Chairman Lee

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!