The ‘HWPL Peace Camp’ was held at seven elementary schools in Ivory Coast and Mali from December 9th to the 23rd of last year. The message of ‘Peace and Safety, Respect and Cooperation’ from Peace Camp was significant since both neighboring countries in the Sahel region of West Africa suffered conflicts between French military and Islamic extremism in the same month.
The first five-day activities in Ivory Coast made local educators feel the need for peace-education. Allou Fatimata Marie Christ, Director of the Sainte Marie High School in Abidjan, who attended the Peace Camp, emphasized the role of peace-education as she expressed, “To live in this world as a human being, it is important to learn about peace because we must create a peaceful world.”
In addition, the UNESCO National Committee of the Ivory Coast immediately organized a meeting between UNESCO officials and educators, as the educators felt that the importance and necessity of peace-education should be understood. The MOU on peace-education with HWPL, which was discussed prior to the meeting, enabled the establishment of a cooperative relationship.
In the meantime, peace camps will be held at four schools in Mali until the 23rd. The government held a meeting with education officials to discuss the future peace-education plan of Mali and to conduct peace-education through mutual cooperation. Students have had time to learn peace by practicing peace on their own, and peace-education will continue to be implemented based on schools’ responses about the hope and need for peace-education.
What do we need for the development of Africa? What should we do now? This is what participants, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Chief Justice, and other high-level people, had in mind. I am grateful that people like them are leaders who are thinking ‘How can we do more for Africa?.’ I think the people of Africa will be very happy, if they know these efforts as the session of today. There are many bad leaders in the world, who drive the people to the death. Particularly, the Youth.
The following is their conclusion : Development in Africa cannot be done in war and conflict. War and conflict are a huge blow to us all. We must make peace for Africa’s development.
Plenary 2: Speakers of National Assembly
I’m very excited about what messages the chairman Lee is giving about Africa. Because he traveled abroad with the answer to peace. He is going on 29th World Peace tour to achieve peace and end war. He is going on 29th World Peace tour to achieve peace and end war.
The DPCW is based on the U.N. Charter
This is their story. “There have been many conflicts and wars in Africa, and peace is really rare. Mali is also in conflict and it is known that Sudan, South Sudan, DRC, Congo are as well. Africa is known as the dark continent. We’ve been trying to make peace through the African Union (AU). DPCW is a document based on the U.N. Charter. And I hope that as a UN Security Council, DPCW will be introduced to the United Nations and also the African Union.”
Another leader said, “I was so happy reading the DPCW that I read it all overnight. I really felt it was necessary in this world. It is too necessary for human society and Africa, which has a lot of conflict. But it’s not just in Africa. Disputes occur in many different forms in each country. It’s like a big mountain. But It’s not impossible. I think the DPCW is a great tool, and it’s going to be a social and economic development for the development of Africa.”
The Problems of Africa
“The DPCW is something we’ve always discussed and talked a lot about in terms of human rights. There’s a lot of war and conflict going on in Cameroon, where the scars of the war are a lot. Last week, ourPan-Africa Councilwas discussing a conflict in Africa. One of the biggest problems is that many countries are good at speaking but in practice, they are opposed to it. What’s really important to us is that we have to believe in peace. Because without peace, Africa would not be able to make any further progress. It seems easy for Africa to achieve peace only when the DPCW becomes a culture and makes world peace.”
What is the DPCW different from others?
“What I want to say is that DPCW has something that I haven’t seen before : Religion. It is what the former president thinks is important. There’s been a lot of talk about human rights, but we didn’t think religion much. We didn’t think of a way. But the important thing is that most conflicts, especially in Africa, are caused by religion.”
“This year is the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth. We are celebrating the achievements of former President Nelson Mandela and Mrs. Albertina Sisulu. But conflict and terror are not over yet. The African leaders couldn’t solve it by calculating profits and losses each other through political problems. Through these, we lost our value and ruined our mutual friendship. What can we do for our Africa? By bringing the DPCW to the United Nations, we can achieve peace. And we can progress by promoting justice and peace throughAgenda 2063of African Union. We can use DPCW to achieve peace by 2030. And It will bring peace to the continent of Africa. DPCW requires our efforts. We need to make sure that DPCW would not become just another international law. Unlike other laws, we should not ignore this law. We need to know what’s different from other laws and to let people support the DPCW.”
African Leaders of Peace Summit
– Plenary 2: Speakers of National Assembly
Time : UTC 13:00-14:00, 10 August 2018 YouTube (Only Korean)