Writing practice : A writing producer #2

Produce yourself

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : A writing producer #2 writing producer Writing practice Produce yourself Marianne williamson   Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself. – Marianne williamson

Topic : A writing producer

Video was filmed to capture precious moments. However, the photographer made a muff of it. The scene was beautifully shot, but it didn’t have any sound. You came up with a great idea when you were thinking about how to revive the spoiled work.

The boring scenes are quickly wound up, the funny scenes are highlighted in slow motion, and the rest is partially edited to make a single music video. This process can also be applied to writing.

Describe an important moment for a long time and edit them freely, going back and forth between the past and the present. Now, let’s pick up the pen and talk about our precious moments.

Choose a number. It is a precious moment for you to edit in writing.

Writing practice #2

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : A writing producer #2 writing producer Writing practice Produce yourself Marianne williamson   I choose number one. Topic is ‘Entrance into a school’. Let me start my story. I graduated from high school and went to medical school. Would I be happy? Hmm… I have mixed feelings. I feel much relieved and I’m happy to do what I wanted. Also, I was vaguely anxious and suffered from inferiority complex, that I could have done better. I was at a loss what to do because I just became an adult. So I looked for a lot of books, and I looked up all kinds of useful things like TED.

So what happened? Unfortunately, nothing happened. Humanities was on the rise. If I read more than 100 books, I could see my way. So I read 130 books in six months. ‘Have I changed?’ Will humans wander as long as we try? Then I knew why I was in pain. The gap between reality and ideal was too great. While the expectations grew more and more as I read books, the reality of me remained the same. So I was more frustrated. I’m lost.  This was the most difficult in the days of my youth but I think it is the most valuable time. Because now I’m not just sit still. Now I just get back on my feet! I know everything is up to me. good luck 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Writing practice : The Road Not Taken #1

The Road Not Taken – Robert Frost

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice :  The Road Not Taken #1 Writing practice The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Lotto friend essay   Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Full text : https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken

Topic : The Road Not Taken

Write about a situation in which you must choose one thing at a crossroads. Take one of the two paths (or more), like the lines of Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’ and write about a situation where everything has changed because of it.

My situation : When I found out the Lotto, which won the first prize, in the book I borrowed from a friend

1. I hand it over to my friend.
2. You take the winning lottery and change it into another one in the book.
3. Ask for some money in return for handing it to a friend.

Writing practice #1

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice :  The Road Not Taken #1 Writing practice The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Lotto friend essay     Hmm.. I think I really agonize about what to decide. First of all, it is not option 3. This is of course his, and I don’t want my friend to know what I think. Frankly, It is true that I want the money. Isn’t the money too big?! How many things can I do? Let’s imagine. First, I am now learning Adobe Premier Pro and After Effect. I will buy related books, and computer specifications should be very very good. I will spend some money on my growth and development. But wisdom can not be bought with money. My ability is too.

What kind of person do I want to be? I want to be a person recognized as capable. I think this is the most important to me. And I also want to give a lot of support to others. I want to help people who are in trouble. I also want to connect them with people like me. Of course, I won’t always go well. In that case, I have to learn how to suffer. Money alone can’t solve everything. There will also be a problem with my conscience and sorry for him. But shouldn’t money go to a good spender? Isn’t this a big problem in the world? In the end, I will give it to my friend. I am grateful to think twice about my values. Sorry, it’s time to say good-bye. Lotto—

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

National Police College goes along with peace

National Police College

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE National Police College goes along with peace WARP Summit UN substantial PSCSC practical Peace education NPC National Police College Legislate Peace Campaign Law for Peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions     Every year, the National Police College (NPC) holds a symposium on peace, security and justice as part of its Police Senior Command and Staff Course (PSCSC). The PSCSC, which brings together senior Police students from across Africa, offers a Masters of Arts in Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation.

This year, Theme of the Sixth PSCSC: “Mainstreaming Human Security in the New Security Landscape: A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Peace and Development.”

What kind of results before and after? They can broaden their understanding from experts, policymakers, academicians and key actors in their local and understand how it impacts sustainable peace and development. What’s more surprising is that after classroom work, they go a study tour that is aimed at exposing them to practical aspects of strategic policing.

HWPL : Substantial & Powerful

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE National Police College goes along with peace WARP Summit UN substantial PSCSC practical Peace education NPC National Police College Legislate Peace Campaign Law for Peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions     I think NPC really want sustainable peace and substantial results. And It would be great if the participants could learn practical things. If so, I would recommend HWPL. They’re growing incredibly and fast. The objectives of HWPL is to end war. You can think ‘Is it possible?’. But you can understand when you see the leader’s cry and their movement. HWPL‘s 3 core Peace initiatives are Law for Peace, Alliance of Religions and Peace Education. There are a lot of posts on my post, so you can look for them. If you really love peace, you will cooperate. Because HWPL has really strong power. And currently peace education made as teaching materials will provide substantial & practical learning for more students.

more official info : http://hwpl.kr/
WARP Office Journal : http://hwpl.kr/en/journal/view/180521298/


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE National Police College goes along with peace WARP Summit UN substantial PSCSC practical Peace education NPC National Police College Legislate Peace Campaign Law for Peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • ln Sep 18-19, 2015 During the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the HWPL International Law Peace Committee was inaugurated.
  • In Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • In Sep 17-19, 2016 the 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting was held on the topic of “Cooperation with States for the Development and Introduction of the DPCW to the UN
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign
“Now 630 events 176 countries 1 million participants”

Ref : http://www.newtimes.co.rw/news/police-college-annual-symposium

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Small Peace Festival in South Sudan

Youth can change the world

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Small Peace Festival in South Sudan Youth can change the world traditional dance spread a culture of peace South Sudan Small Peace Festival People’s Empowerment Center South Sudan peace festival Peace Concert NGOs Junub Open Space Juba IPYG heart for peace DPCW 2nd IPYG Peace Concert     What is the situation of South Sudan? Conflicts and disputes have consistently occurred in South Sudan. It is because of politics and struggles for power. It is very harsh reality. What do the children here think? Can they laugh in the war? Adults should protect our children. So many people are longing for and looking towards a future of peace. Peace Festival! Then, what is the role of the youth in achieving peace under these situations?

What role? Youth should put effort into making it known to all people that they want peace and encourage everyone to have a heart that loves peace. For this very purpose, on March 17, 2018 in Juba, South Sudan, the 2nd IPYG Peace Concert was held by Junub Open Space and IPYG. Its purpose is to to spread a culture of peace in accordance with Article 10 of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

2nd IPYG Peace Concert : Peace Festival

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Small Peace Festival in South Sudan Youth can change the world traditional dance spread a culture of peace South Sudan Small Peace Festival People’s Empowerment Center South Sudan peace festival Peace Concert NGOs Junub Open Space Juba IPYG heart for peace DPCW 2nd IPYG Peace Concert     At Peace Concert, numerous colorful performances were able to spread a culture of peace to all citizens in Juba. The event is starting with the traditional dance of South Sudan. The theme is the hope of having a peaceful world and the pain of war. They use ‘Song, Poem and Drama’. In between these programs, prominent figures delivered speeches to convey their heart for peace in the minds of all Juba citizens. Around 3,000 people participated in the concert. It is including government officials, principals, and directors of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

United as One under the Culture of Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Small Peace Festival in South Sudan Youth can change the world traditional dance spread a culture of peace South Sudan Small Peace Festival People’s Empowerment Center South Sudan peace festival Peace Concert NGOs Junub Open Space Juba IPYG heart for peace DPCW 2nd IPYG Peace Concert     One participant said, “I’m experienced a truly peaceful world without war.” He hope for the day when this event becomes the best peace festival not only in Juba but in all of South Sudan.

President of Junub Open Space, who prepared the event said, “Thanks for the work. The concert was so beautiful. I can feel how much we stand for peace. We have the courage to pursue peace in South Sudan”.

Executive Director of the People’s Empowerment Center South Sudan also stated, “Thanks for supporting the carrying out of peace events where the country needed it most. We would like to extend such campaigns for peace outside Juba”.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

3 Peace Initiative : WARP Office, Alliance of Religions

Alliance of Religions

Discussing the spirit of peace written in scriptures
to step forward onto the road of world peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : WARP Office, Alliance of Religions WARP Summit WARP OFFICE scriptures Religious Youth Peace Camp Peace messengers of peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions 3 Peace Initiative     Religion is the cradle of human civilization and will always be a core influence in our society. As the world becomes more multi-religious and multi-ethnic, however, there is a seemingly diminished respect for the difference. And more concerns rise towards this new threat to peace, which can be seen in the form of religious hatred and persecution.

Seeing the current status of the religious world, HWPL thinks the solution of peace. ‘How can we make it?’ The answer they found is the Scriptures. Because it represent the accumulation of not only the spiritual and moral teachings of the respective faiths, but also a fundamental standard of human conduct.

Why Scripture? Although the common objective that all religion is the great things, these messages are often overlooked by people. Because religious people fight with each other first. They showed hostility and started a war. So peace is becoming an elusive concept. So HWPL approach towards the root cause of this hostility between faiths, defined as the misunderstandings that arise from the misinterpretation of these scriptures.

Spreading throughout the world

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : WARP Office, Alliance of Religions WARP Summit WARP OFFICE scriptures Religious Youth Peace Camp Peace messengers of peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions 3 Peace Initiative   It began from the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in 2014 where representative leaders from 12 religions, along with 950 participants, signed the Unity of Religion Agreement. At that time, the WARP Office Meeting was established and it has been actively practiced worldwide since then.

Strong cooperation and a network of religious communities formed by the commitment of those at the WARP Summit 2014 has been integrated with a deeper understanding of the core principles and values of each scripture.

Thus, within its Alliance of Religions Initiative, in remembrance of the promised agreement for the unity of religions, HWPL has promoted interfaith communication among religious leaders, who play an integral role in educating their congregations about differences in religious beliefs in a way that should not hinder the progress of establishing world peace.

It  is an effective tool for breaking down the walls between religions and achieving our common goal : peace

WARP OFFICE : Our Goal = Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : WARP Office, Alliance of Religions WARP Summit WARP OFFICE scriptures Religious Youth Peace Camp Peace messengers of peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions 3 Peace Initiative   The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office Meetings are HWPL’s worldwide peace dialogue series on interfaith relations and scriptural texts. These meetings aim to prevent the conflicts caused by religious misunderstandings and bring forth peace through gaining a deeper understanding of the standards and teachings of each religion, as well as the concept of peace spoken about in each scripture.

The Peace Office Meetings have become a global movement, and an increasing number of influential religious leaders are now going beyond their traditional roles and work as messengers of peace. This innovative initiative has stirred up discussions among leaders of various faiths and has increased peaceful interactions between them. It has shown itself to be an effective tool for breaking down the walls between religions and achieving our common goal: peace.

The Peace Office Meetings are becoming a way to create a bridge between religions in all areas of the globe.

Religious Youth Peace Camp

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : WARP Office, Alliance of Religions WARP Summit WARP OFFICE scriptures Religious Youth Peace Camp Peace messengers of peace HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions 3 Peace Initiative   The aim of the HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp is to engage youth and youth organizations in dialogue and conflict transformation activities based on inter-religious and inter-cultural learning.

Camp participants learn about the general history of world religions, find the root cause of and plausible resolutions to religious conflicts and disputes, examine the religious community’s roles for peace, and experience cultural exchanges.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

3 Peace Initiative : DPCW Law for Peace

DPCW Law for Peace

Bottom-up approach for global peace through
establishing an international peace law

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : DPCW Law for Peace United Nations Sustainable Advocacy Efforts religions nationalities Legislate Peace Campaign legal framework Law for Peace international peace law HWPL ethnicities DPCW Law for Peace DPCW Comprehensive Bottom-Up Movement bottom-up approach   The status of today’s world can be traced back to the two tragic world wars of the last century. But it can found the United Nations. It was founded to respond to the atrocities of conflict and loss of human dignity. Since then, many international agreements and declarations have been developed. But additional challenges such as national and religious conflicts, cultural bias and ethnic hatred have hindered the movement of peace. And innocent civilians have to pay the price.

In this regard, HWPL thinks that the international society needs a comprehensive legal approach that guides citizens’ daily lives, regardless of their nationalities, ethnicities, and religions. To secure peace at both national and international levels, the invention of a legal framework in the form of an international agreement (law) will pave the way for developing peace processes in our world.

These essential objectives of HWPL are manifested in the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) drafted by the HWPL International Law Peace Committee, which is comprised of prominent international law experts from 15 different countries, and proclaimed on 14 March, 2016 in the form of a Preamble, 10 articles and 38 clauses.

Two Key Challenges

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : DPCW Law for Peace United Nations Sustainable Advocacy Efforts religions nationalities Legislate Peace Campaign legal framework Law for Peace international peace law HWPL ethnicities DPCW Law for Peace DPCW Comprehensive Bottom-Up Movement bottom-up approach

Comprehensive Bottom-Up Movement

Under the Law for Peace Initiative, HWPL engages substantially with civil society actors because peace cannot be sustained only through the voices of elites and institutionalized processes. Going beyond all divisional lines, HWPL suggests a civil society function in peace-building, which aims at the implementation of citizens’ advocacy and the voluntary practice of democratic values, thus fostering a culture of peace.

The main activities within this function are carried out under the Legislate Peace Campaign, a bottom-up approach for peaceful conflict resolution through establishing an international peace law. More leaders in politics, legal fields, the press, and faith-based organizations are acknowledging the greater involvement of civil society within the initiative and have implemented joint activities advocating for the ultimate peace system that can encompass all States and peoples.

Sustainable Advocacy Efforts

Civil society actors and government representatives working with HWPL ensure that they will continue to call for a successful Law for Peace Initiative based on governmental and nongovernmental cooperation, thereby building participatory structures which allow sustainable peace settlement. When an international legal framework compatible with the DPCW is established and holds all States accountable for peaceful conflict resolution and ceasing war-like activities, HWPL believes that it will eradicate the structural causes of violent conflicts. This is the source of the sustainable advocacy efforts.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : DPCW Law for Peace United Nations Sustainable Advocacy Efforts religions nationalities Legislate Peace Campaign legal framework Law for Peace international peace law HWPL ethnicities DPCW Law for Peace DPCW Comprehensive Bottom-Up Movement bottom-up approach

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • ln Sep 18-19, 2015 During the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the HWPL International Law Peace Committee was inaugurated.
  • In Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • In Sep 17-19, 2016 the 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting was held on the topic of “Cooperation with States for the Development and Introduction of the DPCW to the UN
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign
“Now 630 events 176 countries 1 million participants”

Legislate peace campaign
Official page : http://www.hwpl.kr/en/project/legislatePeaceCampaign

HWPL Official page : http://www.hwpl.kr/en/initiative/lawForPeace

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

3 Peace Initiative : HWPL Peace Education


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : HWPL Peace Education Vision Sanctity of Life Peace Initiative Peace education Mission Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability   Despite the many differences that exist between individuals, we should all live in harmony in the global village; however, war and conflict currently threaten the lives and safety of all. In order to end war and inherit everlasting peace in the future, we must teach the values necessary for a new era of peace rather than the old ideology that has been stained by war.

HWPL Peace Education’s vision is to enlighten students and cultivate talented individuals with the values and spirit of peace, who can then play a pioneering role in spreading the culture of peace. This education provides a fundamental understanding of the basic principles that human beings must observe for peace to be created. Through the discovery and internalization of these peace values the inner selves of students and their ability to live together in harmony with others in their own community, and even the world, is properly nurtured.

In order to successfully cultivate children and young people as peacemakers, HWPL Peace Education first works to erase previously held ideas and values that are corrupt by directly showing how the world has become evil in the present era, and then plant the peaceful values needed for the new era of peace in their stead. It also introduces a new methodology in which the values of peace can be applied in all environments and real-life situations happening outside the classroom.

Enlightening to Cultivate Talented Individuals
with the Values and Spirit of Peace


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 3 Peace Initiative : HWPL Peace Education Vision Sanctity of Life Peace Initiative Peace education Mission Loyalty and Filial Piety HWPL culture of peace Co-Existence and Sustainability     The HWPL Peace curriculum has been developed on the basis of the core values of peace, which include ‘Sanctity of Life’, ‘Loyalty and Filial Piety’, and ‘Coexistence and Sustainability’, and demonstrates clearly how these peace values are applicable on a personal level, as well as within the broader community. HWPL Peace Education is an innovative education that pioneers the establishment and propagation of a culture of peace by cultivating talented individuals with the mindset of peace.

‘Sanctity of Life’

By internalizing the importance and value of the sanctity of life, as well as cultivating respect for both oneself and others, the foundation is laid for treating all humanity as worthy and equal. This plays a key role in overcoming conflicts and situations that result from differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture and ideology.

‘Loyalty and Filial Piety’

By understanding the principle of social order and considering all humanity as valuable and equal, based on a sincere respect for others, it is possible to construct new behaviors in life in accordance with the necessary values required to live in harmony with one another.

‘Co-existence and Sustainability’

Learning the norms and laws necessary for sustaining peaceful coexistence within the community and society allows for the development of a complete peaceful mindset in citizens as well as the ability to understand the way of harmonious coexistence and responding peacefully in various situations.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!