World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) for Harmony

World Interfaith Harmony Week  (WIHW)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) for Harmony World Interfaith Harmony Week WARP OFFICE UN Harmony Week UN Skype Nariman Abdulla Ali King Abdullah Iraq IPYG HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp HWPL Halabja University Gwangju     World Interfaith Harmony Week is a UN resolution for a worldwide week of interfaith harmony. It was proposed in 2010 by King Abdullah II and Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan. The World Interfaith Harmony Week falls in the first week of February of every year and aims to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith. Personally, I think the aims and ends of everything are really so cool. When it looks different from reality, I feel skeptical and helpless. On the other hand, I’m relieved to know there are others who strive to make the world better place without a stop. What should I choose? I have to fight.

It is essential to resist forces of division that spread misunderstanding and mistrust especially among peoples of different religions. The fact is, humanity everywhere is bound together, not only by mutual interests, but by shared commandments to love God and neighbor. What we are proposing is a special week, during which the world’s people, in their own places of worship, could express the teachings of their own faith about tolerance, respect for the other and peace.” – King Abdullah

HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in Iraq

Let us achieve peace by understanding each religion

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) for Harmony World Interfaith Harmony Week WARP OFFICE UN Harmony Week UN Skype Nariman Abdulla Ali King Abdullah Iraq IPYG HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp HWPL Halabja University Gwangju

HWPL shares the mutual goal with the UN to promote harmony and understanding between all people regardless of their religion. So it has operated the World Alliance of Religion’s Peace (WARP) Offices and HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp. The WARP Office meetings is the series of interfaith dialogue based on each scripture(more info). The HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp was held for the first time in the Middle East in line with the UN Harmony Week on 7 February, 2018. The title is “Let us achieve peace by understanding each religion”. The camp was co-hosted by HWPL and the President and Dean of Halabja University in Iraq. About 200 attendees including religious leaders coming from Christianity, Islam, and KaKai, and university representatives gathered at the Halabja University. In Gwangju city of Korea, 90 members of the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) participated in the camp through Skype. I’m looking forward to the future of these youth. 🙂

I think this camp is a true way to spread peace and religious coexistence and educate students and young people to know what religious coexistence is and how to apply. I hope this project may be extended to hold camps and other meetings. We at Halabja University are very eager to do this” – Dr. Nariman Abdulla Ali, Dean of College of Human Sciences

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[Australia diary] Mateship is our identity

Mateship : National Identity

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Australia diary] Mateship is our identity Underdog Tall poppy syndrome multicultural mateship Gold rush egalitarian disadvantage Australian anti-hierarchical     In gold rushes, Australia’s total population more than tripled from 430,000 in 1851 to 1.7 million in 1871. Australia first became a multicultural society during the gold rush period. What were born here? ‘The mateship Mateship is a code of conduct and concept that can be traced back to early colonial times. The harsh environment in which new settlers found themselves meant that men and women closely relied on each other for all sorts of help. In Australia, a ‘mate‘ is more than just a friend and is a term that implies a sense of shared experience, mutual respect and unconditional assistance.(Wiki)

The very success of ‘mateship‘ in Australia eroded individualism. In a sense mateship was a protection against individualism…it is probably one of the most characteristic folk beliefs of Australia. There is concern for the ordinariness in Australians. Consider Anzac Day again – men in their ordinary clothes, marching through the streets out of step, unpretentious; and then getting drunk in the most ordinary manner imaginable. It is a celebration of the essential ordinariness and the common human-ness of man.” – DONALD, HORNE – Southern Exposure

Tall poppy syndrome & Underdog

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Australia diary] Mateship is our identity Underdog Tall poppy syndrome multicultural mateship Gold rush egalitarian disadvantage Australian anti-hierarchical     One result of the prevalence of the “mateship” culture is that Australian society is stringently anti-hierarchical. Australians are expected to behave with humility and not think of themselves as better than their peers. Any disloyalty to their “mates” is treated harshly, and is known as the tall poppy syndrome, where people who grow greater than their peers are harshly criticised as being narcissistic, or “up themselves”. Mirroring the tall poppy syndrome which brings back to ordinary, the egalitarian Australian society has a traditional Australian support for the “underdog.” Australians will show support for those who appear to be at a disadvantage even when the underdog is competing against fellow Australians, such as in sporting events.

I love underdogs, people who have achieved extraordinary things against the odds.” – Phil Keoghan

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[Australia diary] basic information

Commonwealth of Australia

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Australia diary] basic information Sydney Religion mateship Language Gold rush Ethnicity Canberra Basic information Australia

Capital : Canberra(‘meeting place’ in Aboriginal language)
Largest city : Sydney
2016 census : 23,401,892
Area : 7,692,024 km²
Currency : Australian dollar (AUD)
National language : English
Various ethnicities, No state religion

Australia diary : Basic information

If you want to understand Australia, you must know ‘Gold rush’. In Australia the gold rush began in the early 1850s. Europeans already arrived in 1600s. The gold rushes caused a huge influx of people from overseas. Australia’s total population more than tripled from 430,000 in 1851 to 1.7 million in 1871. Australia first became a multicultural society during the gold rush period. These diggers lived together naturally. What were born here? The mateship‘ The mateship and their collective resistance led to the emergence of a unique national identity.(later) So the Australia has various ethnicities, languages and religions.

Ethnicity : English (36.1%), Australian (33.5%), Irish (11.0%), Scottish (9.3%), Chinese (5.6%), Italian (4.6%), German (4.5%), Indian (2.8%), Greek (1.8%), and Dutch (1.6%)
Language : English (72.7%), Mandarin (2.5%), Arabic (1.4%), Cantonese (1.2%), Vietnamese (1.2%) and Italian (1.2%)
Religion : No religion (30.1%), Roman Catholic (22.6%), Other Christian (18.7%), Anglican (13.3%), Islam (2.6%), Buddhism (2.4%) and Hinduism(1.9%)

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Australia travel quotes : Beautiful, isn’t it?

Traveling Australia : Beautiful, isn’t it?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Australia travel quotes : Beautiful, isn't it? Travel Often Travel Again Being lost in Australia Australia travel quotes   “Being lost in Australia gives you a lovely sense of security.”
– Bruce Chatwin, The Songlines

“The Australians, it seems to me, thrive on their remoteness from the world and see it as a way of keeping up a code of “No worries, mate,” while peddling their oddities to visitors: nonconformity is at once a fact of life for many, and a selling point.” – Pico Iyer, Falling Off the Map

“The most enjoyable and rewarding experiences I have had on my travels have not involved queues. They have been when I broke away from the crowds and spent time with a local, tried new food, and learned about a different culture. That is the true heart of travelling.”
– Michael Turtle, Time Travel Turtle

Australia travel quotes : Travel Often


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Australia travel quotes : Beautiful, isn't it? Travel Often Travel Again Being lost in Australia Australia travel quotes   “Travel safe, travel far, travel wide, and travel often.”
– Matt Kepnes, Nomadic Matt

“Travel does not necessarily always have to take the form of packing bags, crossing borders or being nomadic. It’s an act and a feeling that can happen in every given moment. It’s about living a full life, being connected to the present moment, experiencing unbridled joy and creating and sharing profound memories.”
– Caz and Craig Makepeace

“Travel means more than just holidaying. Travel is an integral part of a deeper personal development process. It contributes to enriching my life both spiritually and mentally. Moreover, it gives me the chance to learn more about myself and others alike.”
– Michela Fantinel, Rocky Travel

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #3

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #3 yearning for peace Urge passage of an international peace law Mr. Pravin H. Parekh messengers of peace legacy for future generations Indian Bar HWPL ECOSOC DPI DPCW chairman Lee A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War    On March 14, 2018, I sat at a quiet cafe and watched ‘2nd DPCW’ live broadcast in Australia. The sky was so clear today. Maybe you don’t know, now I’m studying abroad in Australia. I’m from Korea. Unlike Korea, here seems to be more relaxing. ‘Did I come this far and learn all the things to learn?’ ‘Why am I here?’ On these thoughts, I heard the news from HWPL. Today is the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW. I know a lot of peace groups, but I don’t believe any one. Because they are only saying about peace, not moving. But I can’t help putting my trust in HWPL. We can know them by their walking. This time, we check more about this commemoration.

71 Countries Cry out for DPCW

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #3 yearning for peace Urge passage of an international peace law Mr. Pravin H. Parekh messengers of peace legacy for future generations Indian Bar HWPL ECOSOC DPI DPCW chairman Lee A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War     The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW in Seoul was held in conjunction with 166 cities in 71 countries including Los Angeles and Washington D.C. in the United States, Germany, Ukraine, Britain, and China totaling approximately 150,000 worldwide participants. They shouted together around the world. Representatives of religion, government and civic groups expressed their solidarity for the passage of an international peace law at this commemoration. But the beginning was definitely one. In a few years, so many people are joining. What’s gonna happen in a few years? Join in the vast flow of peace that can’t stop.

HWPL is an international peace nonprofit organization registered with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Messengers of Peace are crying out

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #3 yearning for peace Urge passage of an international peace law Mr. Pravin H. Parekh messengers of peace legacy for future generations Indian Bar HWPL ECOSOC DPI DPCW chairman Lee A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War     “Rather than waiting to take peace for granted, it is we who should put an end to war to protect humanity and our globe, and leave peace as a legacy for future generations,” said Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL. “Laws of today cannot compensate for the lives sacrificed from war. What we need is an instrument that protects human life, the very law that prevents war,” said Lee.

  Mr. Pravin H. Parekh, President of Confederation of Indian Bar, who participated in drafting the DPCW said, “No human being and no animal on planet Earth can survive from weapons (of mass destruction). Even an error or an accident can cause widespread, irreparable damage to human life and property. We all have to work 365 days and 24 hours together for peace as a messenger of peace.”

“We urge all those yearning for peace and justice to take the right path, not the path marked with lies, and join the effort to build peace together.”
– Chairman Lee of HWPL

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[Book review] The ONE Thing : Apply to me

The ONE Thing : Apply to me

“What’s your one thing?” This book started by One focusing question. Before the review, I came to think about myself while reading a book. I have a momentum to read this book. There was always something to be said among those around me who knew me. What’s so much to do? Isn’t it hard? Each time I answered, “I must not miss even one of them. I can try harder. There must be something to learn from this! This experience will give me a lot of strength later!” But people around me trusted me and also worried about me. Do you know what my problem is?

“I failed to do anything important that I have to do.
I have tried hard but I have no result.”

Same as me : Throw away! Choose! Focus!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Book review] The ONE Thing : Apply to me What's your one thing? The ONE Thing priority no result my problem Multitasking is a lie Jay Papasan Gary Keller focusing question Focusing Apply to me 66 days     The writers of this book are Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan. “If everyone has the same number of hours in the day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others? How do they do more, achieve more, earn more, have more?” The answer is that they do not work more and more. They are throwing away, choosing and focusing! Oh no, they do fewer things than others. They do the most important things first efficiently. The authors said, “Multitasking is a lie” and “Long hours spent checking off a to-do list and ending the day with a full trash can and a clean desk are not virtuous and have nothing to do with success.” In fact, the most important thing remains. Apply it to me! It is my one thing! It takes 66 days to form Strong One habit.

Think Big! Throw away! Choose by priority! Focusing!
I will come back after 66 days.

Your next step is simple. You are the first domino.
― Gary Keller, The ONE Thing

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace    On March 14, 2018, I sat at a quiet cafe and watched ‘2nd DPCW’ live broadcast in Australia. The sky was so clear today. Maybe you don’t know, now I’m studying abroad in Australia. I’m from Korea. Unlike Korea, here seems to be more relaxing. ‘Did I come this far and learn all the things to learn?’ ‘Why am I here?’ On these thoughts, I heard the news from HWPL. Today is the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW. I know a lot of peace groups, but I don’t believe any one. Because they are only saying about peace, not moving. But I can’t help putting my trust in HWPL. We can know them by their walking.

HWPL has two Engines

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace

HWPL‘s two Solutions to end WAR are DPCW & WARP. As you know, DPCW is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. WARP is the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace offices. In short, WARP Office. There are, of course, IPYG&IWPG who supports everything. In the previous post, we looked at DPCW. This time, we will look at WARP Office thoroughly.

We’ve called heaven and earth as witnesses to WARP Summit. In front of God and people in the world, we made an agreement to declare international law and unite religions. Also, the heads of organizations from each country made an agreement to urge implementation.
– chairman Lee of HWPL

Where did the War take place?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace

  • Wars of mankind : total 14,513 times.
  • Reason of War: 80% Religious war
  • Victims of War : 3.7 billion
  • Nobel Peace prize rewarded : 124 times

How long should we wait? We can’t stand it anymore. It is so hard and painful. My family and friends are dying. Who can compensate you for their death? To Whom? What can you do? Money never can pay it back. Nothing can repay this!

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace


The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW
“126 events in 108 cities of 62 countries Worldwide”

KEYWORDS of 2nd Annual Commemoration
“Building a World of Peace”
HWPL’s mission is to bring wars not to a temporary halt but to a complete end, and to create sustainable peace in the current generation. For this goal, HWPL is working through a global peace network to advocate the DPCW, promote religious harmony and prevent interfaith conflicts, and spread a culture of peace through education, press, and civil society, all in accordance with the principles set out in the DPCW.

“Realizing Justice”
Justice is the ultimate ideal of law and essential condition for peaceful coexistence. Through the DPCW, HWPL aims to establish an international legal instrument that contains provisions concerning international cooperation, respect for international law, freedom of religion, and spreading of a culture of peace, as the basis for building a world of peace.

24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty in Mindanao Island, Philippines

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines

Peace treaty is between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines. It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao. He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.

Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted. Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement. 

It gave me the chills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over. This event has led to HWPL gaining an international reputation.

2016 Nobel Peace Prize : Why is peace agreement rejected?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace   The Norwegian Nobel Committee said the award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process. This tribute is paid, not least, to the representatives of the countless victims of the civil war.(

But it was before the referendum. The result?

Yes! 49.78%   No! 50.21%

Vvoter turnout was 37%. Dissenting votes is 57,000 more than vote yes. Let’s see the same situation.

  •  Colombia civil war for 52 years 220,000 died
  • Mindanao civil war for 40 years 140,000 died

But after two years, what happened in the Mindanao?

25 May, 2015 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace
The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines

January, 2016 The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement in MILF

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace
The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement

MILF(Moro Islamic Liberation Front) is the rebel forces. Can you believe it? After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day‘ on March 14th and they erected the monument. It is the fruits of HWPL which show possibility of peace beyond politics and religions.

“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim



  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace

World alliance of religions and peace(WARP) Office is founded to achieve Article 8 of DPCW, ‘Freedom of Religion’. Religious leaders should take the lead in fostering harmony among religions through the WARP Offices established in various parts of the world. The alliance of religions is the earnest hope of all humanity. It is called by an ‘Innovative Approach‘ to Religious Dialogue. The key point is ‘Scriptural texts‘ of each religion. The WARP Office aim to prevent the conflicts caused by religious misunderstandings. They are marching to peace teaching each scripture of religion. In the short three years, the WARP Offices have seen rapid expansion with 218 offices now operating in 126 countries. I believe they can really achieve peace. 🙂

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #2 WARP Summit WARP OFFICE WARP victim The Norwegian Nobel Committee Scriptural texts Religious leader Nobel Peace Prize Moro Islamic Liberation Front Mindanao Peace Monument Mindanao MILF IWPG IPYG HWPL DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Colombia civil war chairman Lee Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize #LegislatePeace


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Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace    On March 14, 2018, I sat at a quiet cafe and watched ‘2nd DPCW’ live broadcast in Australia. The sky was so clear today. Maybe you don’t know, now I’m studying abroad in Australia. I’m from Korea. Unlike Korea, here seems to be more relaxing. ‘Did I come this far and learn all the things to learn?’ ‘Why am I here?’ On these thoughts, I heard the news from HWPL. Today is the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW. I know a lot of peace groups, but I don’t believe any one. Because they are only saying about peace, not moving. But I can’t help putting my trust in HWPL. We can know them by their walking.

The Walking of HWPL : Substantial

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • ln Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • In Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’
“Now 630 events 176 countries 1 million participants”

#LegislatePeace Campaign in Everywhere

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace     HWPL‘s Legislate Peace Campaign is spreading out around the globe. How many? 630 events being held in 176 countries with over 1 million participants. #LegislatePeace  The purpose of HWPL is to end WAR. Maybe you can think it is not possible. Is it so naive? Is it an unattainable ideal? But the walking of HWPL makes us to believe. We can get a hope. I can have the faith that they can do it!

170 branches 151 Advisory Council 506 Publicity Ambassadors
705,000 ‘Legislate Peace Campaign’ Signatures

When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.

Do you know what happens next?

Adoption of the DPCW in International Organizations

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace
The Central American Parliament(Diputados del Parlamento Centroamericano, PARLACEN)

The Central American Parliament(Diputados del Parlamento Centroamericano, PARLACEN), with 6 member-states, has now completed the official process of approval for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) after a year of discussion in the Commission of Peace, Public Security and Human Rights. It is an amazing achievement!!! I supported their walk. I want to make world where peace is everywhere.

The resolution includes the following,

It is intended that the Central American Parliament raise the flag of peace among the entire international community, taking this message to all governments, international organizations, civil society, political parties and others.

Based on what was considered above and the legal basis invoked, the Commission of Peace, Public Security and Human Rights issues favorable report with amendments to the initiative AP / 1278-278 / 2016 the “DECLARATION OF PEACE AND CESSATION OF WAR“.

In the DPCW promoted by HWPL on March 14, 2016, the respect of human rights and international law is fundamentally promoted, especially the role of the states in relation to the promotion of Peace, Justice and Freedom.”

PARLACEN X HWPL : Collaboration

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace
Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima

  The Central American Parliament(PARLACEN) will do a substantial and active support growing for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). It could not have been approved, if it wasn’t for Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima. Who is she? She is a current Representative of Guatemala in PARLACEN. She had sincere and honest heart for peace and inspired each of the 120 congressmen and congresswomen!!!!

Exclusive Interview with
Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace   She said “I’ve had the advantage of being here now for the 3rd time in Korea [for the WARP Summit]. All the things I observed were positive things. I observed all the religions here included within the organizations.

More than that, I was able to see all of the youth volunteers are intelligent youth with strong intellectual capacity. As a matter of fact, it [HWPL] is a noble organization whose only purpose is to search peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace   In all the months, I aspired to convince the deputies. During these 14 months I had to talk to every single one of congressmen and women to offer an explanation, the benefits, advantages, and the nobility of this declaration. And then it was finally approved. At last, it was approved.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) #1 WARP UN the Central American Parliament PARLACEN Legislate Peace Campaign HWPL Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima Guatemala DPCW Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War congressmen Australia A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War #LegislatePeace
There are more remarkable things. Go #2~

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

[D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) War potential TPNW Nuclear Disarmament NPT Nobel Peace Prize winners Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Committee messengers of peace ICAN HWPL DPCW Live DPCW is the Ultimate Solution DPCW 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize    On March 16, 2016, the DPCW is declared! It is the big day! Before that day, we are concerned and worried under the threat of war. What is peace? In our history, Peace was often identified as a coordinate concept of war. We realized then how peace is precious only after losing. Whatever we did, we are helpless. But after that day, we can see the path to peace. The Real PEACE. Its purpose is to end WAR. How can? So far, there have been many peace groups. There were also many Nobel Peace Prize winners. But did peace come true? People are still fighting. So, how is it possible?

DPCW is the Ultimate Solution

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) War potential TPNW Nuclear Disarmament NPT Nobel Peace Prize winners Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Committee messengers of peace ICAN HWPL DPCW Live DPCW is the Ultimate Solution DPCW 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize   Chairman Lee proclaimed “HWPL has made peace agreements with present and former presidents and heads of state, chiefs justices of Supreme courts, university presidents, religious leaders, and the heads of international organizations, and this news has been broadcasted all around the world. The cessation of war and world peace will become a reality because everyone desires for peace rather than war” and finally “We have the answer to peace which is the DPCW.” I’m sure it will cure the world more beautifully. DPCW is the solution!!! Let’s become the messengers of peace!

What is different?
We can find the answer in ICAN

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) War potential TPNW Nuclear Disarmament NPT Nobel Peace Prize winners Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Committee messengers of peace ICAN HWPL DPCW Live DPCW is the Ultimate Solution DPCW 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize   This year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to ICAN. The amazing  thing is that ICAN was launched on just April 2007! Can you understand? There are a lot of peace groups to contribute really hard toward the world! Why ICAN? I can’t understand. Here’s a hint. 2016 Nobel peace prize : Colombia peace agreement “It is passed. Now remaining task is ‘implementation’. Finally we could know ‘The Norwegian Nobel Committee want to tell something‘. I think they want to empower someone who want real peace.

“Nobel Empower Someone who Really want Peace”

  The meritorious deed of ICAN is to convert NPT to TPNW. Successfully on 7 July 2017, The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is adopted at the United Nations by a vote of 122-1! The ICAN said ‘TPNW‘ is “a landmark international agreement that outlaws, categorically, the worst weapons of mass destruction and establishes a pathway to their elimination.”


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) War potential TPNW Nuclear Disarmament NPT Nobel Peace Prize winners Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Committee messengers of peace ICAN HWPL DPCW Live DPCW is the Ultimate Solution DPCW 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize   First, TPNW vs NPT

 TPNW contributed to the continued role of the NPT, emphasizing its “vital role in promoting international peace and security”.
  • There is the distinction between states entitled to possess such weapons and non-nuclear weapon states in NPT. But in TPNW it is not.
  • The TPNW also forbids states party to the treaty from allowing “any stationing, installation or deployment” of nuclear weapons on their territory, a prohibition that is not explicitly included in the NPT
  • States party to the TPNW are prohibited from conducting nuclear tests, while the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) has not yet entered into force
Beyond Nuclear Disarmament

Do you know HWPL‘s DPCW(the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War)? The purpose of DPCW is to end the war. If so, the nuclear disarmament is a natural consequence. Actually DPCW has an article of elimination of nuclear weapons. I know many people think it is a naive desire. But the success of ICAN already show you ‘the world is changing‘. Simply we just walked the path to peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) War potential TPNW Nuclear Disarmament NPT Nobel Peace Prize winners Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Committee messengers of peace ICAN HWPL DPCW Live DPCW is the Ultimate Solution DPCW 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize

  • DPCW Article 1 Prohibition of the threat or use of force
  • 3. States should prohibit any act or threat of violence, whatever its motives or purposes, that occurs for the advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda.
  • DPCW Article 2 – War potential 
  • 2. States should not produce, assist in, encourage, or induce; the production of weapons of mass destruction, inter alia, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, or weapons capable of causing indiscriminate or widespread and unnecessary suffering, or weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law.
  • 3. States should take measures to ensure that existing weapons of mass destruction, weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law are gradually dismantled or destroyed. States should cooperate in disarmament and the reduction of arms stockpiles, ideally under international supervision. Decommissioned weapons manufacturing facilities should be repurposed, so that they may serve purposes that are beneficial to humanity in general.

“To live according to a Heavenly culture is to live according to the principles and values of heaven, a place that gives light, rain and air without boundaries.” – the chairman of HWPL

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-1 day] 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) War potential TPNW Nuclear Disarmament NPT Nobel Peace Prize winners Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Committee messengers of peace ICAN HWPL DPCW Live DPCW is the Ultimate Solution DPCW 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 2016 Nobel peace prize

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Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

International Law : Peace Forum in Everywhere

On March 14, what day?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE International Law : Peace Forum in Everywhere Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG HWPL's Solutions HWPL has the answer HWPL DPCW #LegislatePeace

What day is it? Drum roll sound~~ 1st Annual Peace Forum of Declaration of International Law! On March 14, 2016, the declaration for the achivement of world peace in this era was proclaimed. It’s a international law. The objective of this law is to remove war in the world without exception. Many influential people are gathered to celebrate this day.

International law :

Why HWPL? : has the answer

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE International Law : Peace Forum in Everywhere Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG HWPL's Solutions HWPL has the answer HWPL DPCW #LegislatePeace    The chairman of HWPL said “We have the answer to achieve Peace” When I heard it first, I can’t understand what it means. Do you? HWPL is working with IPYG and IWPG. IPYG is a group of young people. IWPG is a group of mother. There are really a lot of people. I can’t understand why these two huge group follow HWPL. What a surprising is that leader of IWPG said the same thing. It is that “HWPL has the answer.”

Legislate Peace Campaign : DPCW

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE International Law : Peace Forum in Everywhere Legislate Peace Campaign IWPG IPYG HWPL's Solutions HWPL has the answer HWPL DPCW #LegislatePeace   The purpose of HWPL is to end WAR. Maybe you can think it is not possible. Is it so naive? Is it an unattainable ideal? But the walking of HWPL makes us to believe. We get a hope. I can have the faith that we can do it! and I can too. The HWPL’s Solutions is establishing of international law aiming to construct a world of peace. It is famous for substantial and practical way to achieve peace. HWPL’s Legislate Peace Campaign is spreading out around the globe. How many? 630 events being held in 176 countries with over 1 million participants. #LegislatePeace

630 events 176 countries 1 million participants”

When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.

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Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!