To what extent can human selfishness destroy each other?
Whose job is it to endure the pain? Are they war-makers or ordinary citizens?
These three questions bother me so much. Even if you give an answer easily, the world does not change easily.
But as I have often said, as long as I like peace organizations, they actually change the world. The story was made into a documentary.
A documentary film about the international peacebuilding efforts for Mindanao in the Philippines, one the world’s long-term conflicts sparked by violence that left over 120,000 deaths and millions of displaced persons since the 1960s was released and screened in the Philippines.
A peace documentary titled “Great Legacy” premiered in a cinema in Davao City on the evening of September 6, 2022.
Davao City Mayor Sebastian Duterte congratulated by saying, “By showing people documentaries and films on peace, we may encourage more to be one with us in our peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts for our communities.”
“When the light of peace shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away”
In the film, the former chairperson of the UN Human Rights Commission of the United Nations said that the civil peace agreement in 2014 is an “amazing case of realization of peace that the world should study”.
Someone said “Seeing the Filipinos cheering, I felt the sincerity of the peace activities. Especially, the scene where people’s appearance changed from religious strife to harmony was really touching.”
If you have a chance, it would be nice to see it. It seems to me that peace is not far away. Actually, we just need to change a little bit, but we don’t seem to be trying to change. In fact, we can. If we become one.
“Legislate Peace (LP)” Campaign is in progress, beginning on August 27th over 200 cities, including Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Paris, France, Mindanao, Philippines, Suva, Fiji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Cape Town, South Africa, and more. They will host conferences, forums, supporting signature events as part of the Peace Letter Campaign and various cultural events.
I’ll show you firsthand what’s going on all over the world.
2019. 9.4 / eTurboNews
2019. 9.4 / SPIKED
In Cape Town, the South African branch along with Cabinet Ministers, Speakers of Parliament and women organizations will announce the reply of peace letters and the initiatives of peace education and will show how the DPCW can be used for promoting the end of violence in Africa.
The goal of this movement is establishing a universal standard and international order that can be applied across the globe and enacting an international and legally binding law for peace. It is the DPCW, a comprehensive document that clarifies the role of the members of international society to prevent and resolve conflicts. DPCW is in the process of being introduced to the UN as a draft resolution.
2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit
There are so many useful programs. Everything goes live on YouTube, so I hope we watch it together. Peace is bound to be achieved if each of us makes only a little more effort. Already the whole world is moving, and this huge flow is unstoppable. Together, Peace.
2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)
“A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice“
On March 14, 2018, I sat at a quiet cafe and watched ‘2nd DPCW’ live broadcast in Australia. The sky was so clear today. Maybe you don’t know, now I’m studying abroad in Australia. I’m from Korea. Unlike Korea, here seems to be more relaxing. ‘Did I come this far and learn all the things to learn?’ ‘Why am I here?’ On these thoughts, I heard the news from HWPL. Today is the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW. I know a lot of peace groups, but I don’t believe any one. Because they are only saying about peace, not moving. But I can’t help putting my trust in HWPL. We can know them by their walking.
HWPL has two Engines
HWPL‘s two Solutions to end WAR are DPCW & WARP. As you know, DPCW is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. WARP is the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace offices. In short, WARP Office. There are, of course, IPYG&IWPG who supports everything. In the previous post, we looked at DPCW. This time, we will look at WARPOffice thoroughly.
“We’ve called heaven and earth as witnesses to WARP Summit. In front of God and people in the world, we made an agreement to declare international law and unite religions. Also, the heads of organizations from each country made an agreement to urge implementation.”
– chairman Lee of HWPL
Where did the War take place?
Wars of mankind : total 14,513 times.
Reason of War: 80% Religious war
Victims of War : 3.7 billion
Nobel Peace prize rewarded : 124 times
How long should we wait? We can’t stand it anymore. It is so hard and painful. My family and friends are dying. Who can compensate you for their death? To Whom? What can you do? Money never can pay it back. Nothing can repay this!
The2ndAnnual Commemoration of theDPCW “126 events in 108 cities of 62 countries Worldwide”
• KEYWORDS of 2nd Annual Commemoration “Building a World of Peace” HWPL’s mission is to bring wars not to a temporary halt but to a complete end, and to create sustainable peace in the current generation. For this goal, HWPL is working through a global peace network to advocate the DPCW, promote religious harmony and prevent interfaith conflicts, and spread a culture of peace through education, press, and civil society, all in accordance with the principles set out in the DPCW.
“Realizing Justice”
Justice is the ultimate ideal of law and essential condition for peaceful coexistence. Through the DPCW, HWPLaims to establish an international legal instrument that contains provisions concerning international cooperation, respect for international law, freedom of religion, and spreading of a culture of peace, as the basis for building a world of peace.
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty in Mindanao Island, Philippines
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines
Peace treaty is between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines. It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao. He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.
“Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted.Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement.
Itgavemethechills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over. This event has led to HWPL gaining an international reputation.
2016 Nobel Peace Prize : Why is peace agreement rejected?
The Norwegian Nobel Committee said the award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process. This tribute is paid, not least, to the representatives of the countless victims of the civil war.(
But it was before the referendum. The result?
Yes! 49.78% No! 50.21%
Vvoterturnout was 37%. Dissenting votesis 57,000 more than vote yes. Let’s see the same situation.
Colombia civil war for 52 years220,000 died
Mindanao civil war for 40 years140,000 died
But after two years, what happened in the Mindanao?
25 May, 2015 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
January, 2016 The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement in MILF
The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement
MILF(Moro Islamic Liberation Front) is the rebel forces. Can you believe it? After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day‘ on March 14th and they erected the monument. It is the fruits of HWPLwhich show possibility of peace beyond politics and religions.
“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim
World alliance of religions and peace(WARP) Office is founded to achieve Article 8 of DPCW, ‘Freedom of Religion’. Religious leaders should take the lead in fostering harmony among religions through the WARP Offices established in various parts of the world. The alliance of religions is the earnest hope of all humanity. It is called by an ‘Innovative Approach‘ to Religious Dialogue. The key point is ‘Scriptural texts‘ of each religion. The WARP Office aim to prevent the conflicts caused by religious misunderstandings. They are marching to peace teaching each scripture of religion. In the short three years, the WARP Offices have seen rapid expansion with 218 offices now operating in 126 countries. I believe they can really achieve peace. 🙂
the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) & DPCW & WARP
HWPL is working in conjunction with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). Let’s walk with me!
25 May, 2013 Proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk
Proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace at the World Peace Gate in Seoul Olympic Park
Declaration is over here. I findanewmeaningeachtime, whenever I read it. The existence of Declaration itself deeply touched me. Peace has begun!
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty in Mindanao Island, Philippines
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines
Peace treaty is between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines. It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao. He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.
“Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted. Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement.
Itgavemethechills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over.
18 September, 2014 The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Korea
The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Korea
25 May, 2015 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
18 September, 2015 The 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit
The 1st Annual Commemoration of the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
January, 2016 The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement
The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement
After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day‘ on March 14th and they erected the monument.
“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim
14 March, 2016 The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW)
The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
They godeepintothe Action plan(s) based on common ground of understanding and practicality of the DPCW to create “tangible results at a national level”
18 September, 2016 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit
18 September, 2016 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP(World Alliance of Religions’ Peace) Summit
Foreign eminentpersonsfromvariouscircles : about 1,000
“international law expert, all over the incumbent ministers, religious leaders, leaders of women and youth groups, the press”
HWPL members : about 100,000
This WARP(World Alliance of Religions’ Peace) summit goes into operation to develop DPCW into an enforceable law and motivate global citizens. There are are many citizens to support and advocate for HWPL‘s Peace Law Initiative.
What’s NEXT?
25 May, 2017 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk!!!
Guatemala National Palace was constructed by President Jorge Ubico and started in 1939. It took four years to build and at a relatively low cost, since prisoners were forced to work in the projects for a measly 0.25 cents a day, back when Guatemala’s currency had the same value as the dollar. It was the most important building in Guatemala and was the headquarters of the President of Guatemala. The building is the origin of all the roads in the Republic. It is now a national museum.
The Palm of Peace : Why constructed?
This bronze statue, sometimes called “The Palm of Peace” is in the courtyard of the National Palace, on the site of the signing of a peace to end Guatemala’s 36-year-long civil war in 1996.
The Guatemalan Civil war ran from 1960 to 1996. It was fought between the government of Guatemala and various leftist rebel groups supported chiefly by ethnic Maya indigenous people and Ladino peasants, who together make up the rural poor. The government forces of Guatemala have been condemned for committing genocide against the Maya population of Guatemala during the civil war and for widespread human rights violations against civilians.
The White Rose : Symbol of Peace
This statue represents two left hands reaching up, representing each side of the conflict and to signify a sincere truce between the two sides. The 16 interlocking arms signify the Guatemalan people, locked in arms, determined to sustain peace and liberty, the big rock which the arms lift up.
They have a tradition concerning peace and a symbol of peace, the White Rose. To celebrate another day of peace in their country and the ever-fresh peace process, at about 11:30 AM, the Army Honor Guard, changes a white rose that has been placed on a monument in the court yard with another fresh white rose. The day old white rose, symbolizing 24 hours of peace, is then given to a guest of the country in a ceremony, held within the court yard.
List of people who lay flowers on palm
Tenzin Gyatso (The 14th Dalai Lama)
George Walker Bush (the 43rd president of the US)
Ban Ki-Moon (the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations) in 2011
Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia’s President)
Michaelle jean (27th Canada Governor General)
David Lloyd Johnston(28th Canada Governor General)
Carolyn Wright(Volunteer working in Municipal Development)
Myrna de Ruiz (worked with Peace Corps Guatemala for over 30 years)
Audrey DeLange(unclear)
* People, whose name was not mentioned
– The President of the International Football Federation
– Very successful and influential businessmen
– Political appointees
* Man Hee Lee(the Chairman of HWPL : Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) in 2014
I’m Korean. So I want to say my feelings. I was very surprised at this news. I know very well about Ban Ki-Moon. Everyone knows him, aren’t you? Because he is the secretary- general of the United Nations. He is a public figure. But what is it? Who is the ‘Man Hee Lee‘? He is just a civilian like us. But He is in rage with the great figures. It’s so amazing!!! Don’t you wonder what he did?
HWPL : Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which was founded in 2012. HWPL is working in conjunction with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). IWPG has 97 branches around 40 other nations!!! IPYG has 2.4 million people in 96 nations!!!
Its purpose is achieving world peace and the cessation of war.
How do we achieve it?
HWPL‘s SOLUTIONS are ‘International Law for Peace and Cessation of War‘ and ‘Alliance of Religions‘. It has been said to be the greatest groundbreaking and substantive solutions for peace.
Is it all talk? No : The Mindanao peace agreement
It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao.
He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.
“Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted. Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement.
Itgavemethechills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over. Wow.Guatemala give credit for this big event.
After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day’on March 14th and they erected the monument.I was deeply moved by this news. 🙂 Many things are happening all over the world. Peace is not just their problem. ‘PEACE’ is up to you.Good luck!! 🙂
“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim