Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk?

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

HWPL’s 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

Why did people start walking on 25 May? Millions of people around the world walk on that day. It started in 2013.

The Declaration of World Peace, first proclaimed by HWPL Chairman Lee on May 25, 2013, called upon people to acknowledge the dire need for world peace. And Man Hee Lee defined the roles of heads of state, women, youth and the press in achieving peace.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

Over 20,000 people from 130 countries gathered to march for peace at the Peace Gate of Seoul Olympic Park, South Korea. 525 peace walk has become a symbol of peace for both youth and women around the world.

That’s how we got to our 11th anniversary this year. People have been walking for over a decade now. On the HWPL homepage, there are pictures and descriptions of the event every year, and it’s touching to see them.

The Declaration of World Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk? Solution_of_Peace Reconciliation_and_Hugging Peacehero Peace Manheelee HWPL Peace Walk Manheelee International_law HWPL_Peacewalk HWPL DPCW Declaration_of_WorldPeace 525Peacewalk 11th_Anniversary

In keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of World Peace, that HWPL aims to achieve world peace through the heavenly culture and restore the global community with light, we are carrying out peace activities all across the world.

In 2013, HWPL’s work was defined, and the 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit brought political and religious leaders together in Seoul.

And they discussed the need for a new international law for peace. In 2015, an International Law Commission was created to further the discussion, and on 14 March 2016, Article 10, paragraph 38 of the DPCW was promulgated.

I would love the opportunity to explain DPCW in more detail.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

One thought on “Road to Peace #2 : Why 525? Why do they walk?”

  1. A beautiful post. My heart holds out hope of a better future for my children and their children. This work of peace is not a small feat. Thank you, HWPL, for all your efforts in bringing light to this dim and dark world – you represent the voices of those who have no voice to speak out at all the injustices committed against humanity. History will undoubtedly thank the efforts of individuals like yourself. We really are at a crossroads in History. In the words of Chairman Lee, who has been working for the cessation of global conflict and creation of sustainable peace, “It is time for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to be submitted to the United Nations.”

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