HWPL at a glance : Follow me

HWPL is working in conjunction with the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). Let’s walk with me!
25 May, 2013 Proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace & Peace Walk

Declaration is over here. I find a new meaning each time, whenever I read it. The existence of Declaration itself deeply touched me. Peace has begun!
24 March, 2014 Sign private peace treaty in Mindanao Island, Philippines

Peace treaty is between Roman Catholic and Muslim in Mindanao Island, Philippines. It’s a real. Mindanao civil war for 40 years and 140,000 died. How do they make peace? He prayed to God before to go Mindanao. He said “I won’t go if God don’t accompany me.” He called all the political leaders, religious leaders and citizens together in one place.
“Raise your hands!! If you want peace!!”, he shouted. Everyone raised their hands!!!! So two leader of Catholic and Muslim signed the peace agreement.
It gave me the chills. 40 years of Catholic and Muslim religious war was over.
18 September, 2014 The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Korea

25 May, 2015 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace in Mindanao, Philippines

18 September, 2015 The 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit

January, 2016 The Commemoration of the Signing of the Mindanao Peace Agreement

After 2 years, 10,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL, they established ‘HWPL Day‘ on March 14th and they erected the monument.
“Man Hee Lee, brought a powerful message that adds to the power to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace.” – MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim
14 March, 2016 The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW)

They go deep into the Action plan(s) based on common ground of understanding and practicality of the DPCW to create “tangible results at a national level”
18 September, 2016 The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit

Foreign eminent persons from various circles : about 1,000
“international law expert, all over the incumbent ministers, religious leaders, leaders of women and youth groups, the press”
HWPL members : about 100,000
This WARP(World Alliance of Religions’ Peace) summit goes into operation to develop DPCW into an enforceable law and motivate global citizens. There are are many citizens to support and advocate for HWPL‘s Peace Law Initiative.
Hello , Dear
I am Ven : Shohel Sramon, I am Staying from Sri Lanka , i need to help you . i well came your Conference , actually i am going to Singapore immediately i have to conference. so i am request to can pls sand me my Invitation letter.
Thanks for your reply 🙂 You are a leader of peace. Thanks for your attention. The 4th Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit 2018 will be held in Seoul, Korea. Link is here. https://c11.kr/3g0f
Thanks for your participation. It will be a valuable time! We should leave eternal peace as a legacy for future generations. 🙂