“Legislate Peace (LP)” Campaign is in progress, beginning on August 27th over 200 cities, including Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Paris, France, Mindanao, Philippines, Suva, Fiji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Cape Town, South Africa, and more. They will host conferences, forums, supporting signature events as part of the Peace Letter Campaign and various cultural events.
I’ll show you firsthand what’s going on all over the world.
2019. 9.4 / eTurboNews
2019. 9.4 / SPIKED
In Cape Town, the South African branch along with Cabinet Ministers, Speakers of Parliament and women organizations will announce the reply of peace letters and the initiatives of peace education and will show how the DPCW can be used for promoting the end of violence in Africa.
The goal of this movement is establishing a universal standard and international order that can be applied across the globe and enacting an international and legally binding law for peace. It is the DPCW, a comprehensive document that clarifies the role of the members of international society to prevent and resolve conflicts. DPCW is in the process of being introduced to the UN as a draft resolution.
2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit
There are so many useful programs. Everything goes live on YouTube, so I hope we watch it together. Peace is bound to be achieved if each of us makes only a little more effort. Already the whole world is moving, and this huge flow is unstoppable. Together, Peace.
“The Right to Peace – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”
The International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21st September. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), where the 73rd session will open on 18 September 2018, has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace.
This day is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” which calls for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
The Theme of 2018 is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UDHR is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by legal experts, the Declaration was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948.
The Universal Declaration states in Article 3. “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” These elements build the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Yet, the Universal Declaration does not include a separate article on “Right to Peace”. This is why we ask you this year: What does “The Right to Peace” mean to you? Share your ideas with us through #peaceday and #standup4humanright.
So far, international law has not ended the war. So many people had to suffer and be sad because there was no peace. They should not suffer any more. They have the ‘Right to Peace’!!! So HWPL is creating a new order for the world.
In order to fundamentally resolve international conflicts and crises, The HWPL international law peace committeewas founded to discuss ways to achieve peace through international law. It is composed of prominent legal experts of different nationalities. After three formal committee meetings, the DPCW was drafted. On March 14, 2016, 10 articles and 38 clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was declared. Currently, there is a worldwide campaign to introduce the DPCW to the United Nations. Now, they collected 734,055 signatures (as of October, 2017) and 173,170 people of 176 countries participated.
People around the world want the DPCW to be adopted by UN. The new international peace law will change the history of mankind.
Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. There are 12,703battles since 2500 B.C. (created by a Dutch company LAB1100) Explore the map here. At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century. Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all of human history range from 150 million to 1 billion. War causes universal misery. Wars made internally displaced people, refugees and casualties. “There was never a good War, or a bad Peace.” (Benjamin Franklin) “Who can compensate for the death of the youth? A Country? No one can do.” (Man hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL)
The Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL asked, “People who are gathered here, is there any want who want war?.”
No one answered. The Chairman Lee continued that “War sacrifices many lives and destroys many buildings. If there is anyone who wants war, please raise your hand.” With silence–, no one raised their hands. The Chairman Man hee Lee shouted strongly, “When there’s war, who is the one who is fighting in front of battle line that is the youth. We are born in the same world, same generation, but their lives cannot blossom, but their lives are lost in the battle!”
After truthful speech of Mr. Man hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, everyone gave a huge Standing Ovation! at UN Headquarters on May 31, 2018.
The Chairman Lee continued, “Now, we need to make a peaceful world to live. And when we inherit peaceful world to our future generation, nothing would be more valuable. That is why we need to urge all of our presidents. We need to urge them for the world to become peaceful sooner. I’m not saying something wrong. Am I? We have to make our world, our global village being paradise. This is our duty. And, this is what we have to do.” Everyone gave a standing ovation.
How can DPCW guarantee Right to Peace?
Law experts agreed that the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) is fully aligned with the UN Charter &theUDHRand this Declaration not only encapsulates and supports all of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also, HWPL is recognized by experts and foreign media that we have never seen a peace organization that achieved so much in such a short period of time. How can? The strength of the DPCW lies in its representation of the voice of all those yearning for peace, calling on States to protect their rights to enjoy peaceful lives. The Legislate Peace Campaign is operated all over the world to support the DPCW. Now, they collected 734,055 signatures (as of October, 2017) and 173,170 people of 176 countries participated. The HWPL & DPCW are regarded as the most powerful and substantial peace movement than others. Foreign media around the world are now paying attention to HWPL.
A Definite answer to peace : 10 Articles and 38 Clauses
Conflict prevention: encourages states to cooperate in gradual disarmament, repurpose weapon-manufacturing facilities for the benefit of humanity and develop friendly relations through mutual respect of the sovereign equality and right to self-determination of all States.
– Article 1 Prohibition of the threat or use of force
– Article 2 War potential
– Article 3 Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression
– Article 4 State boundaries
– Article 5 Self-determination
Conflict mediation: focuses on conflict mediation through reaffirming the role of international supervision organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
– Article 6 Dispute settlement
– Article 7 Right to self-defense
Securing sustainable peace: includes targets for the means of implementation
– Article 8 Freedom of religion
– Article 9 Religion, ethnic identity and peace
– Article 10 Spreading a culture of peace
The full text of the Declaration is available at www.peacelaw.org.
Why UN has no choice to adopt?
On Friday 7 September 2018, delegations of Permanent Missions of the United Nations (UN) and HWPL gathered at the Office of the Commonwealth (New York) to discuss the promotion of sustainable peace and human rights. Also, they discussed intensively the way to promote the 918 WARP Summit, the center of the peace movement. Because the walks of HWPL are alignment with the core purposes of the United Nations, the delegations have no choice but to support the 918 WARP Summit, the Peace Festival which 7.6 billion become One. When they shout ‘WE ARE ONE!’, they become ‘the messengers of peace’. If they followed the peace initiatives led by HWPL well, it is possible to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
“It is time all nations and all people live up to the words of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of
all members of the human race. This year marks the 70th anniversary of that landmark document.” – Secretary-General António Guterres
So, the United Nations will adopt the DPCW and peace is coming.
The 4th Annual Commemoration of the2018 HWPL World Peace Summit was held in South Korea from the 17th to the 19th of September. This year, thousands of leaders and citizens from around the globe will gather for 3 days with the great determination of creating a peaceful world together. Under the theme of “Collaboration for Peace Development: Building a Peace Community through the DPCW”, the wind of peace is blowing all over the world. This918 WARP Summit is the core of HWPL’s peace movement. The main agenda of the WARP Summit will be the introduction of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to the United Nations (UN) as a binding resolution.
“Global Cooperation for the Realization of a Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula”
Multilingual Global Live Broadcast
2018. 9. 17. Mon. 15:30 GMT +8 ♦ http://www.warpsummit.org
(If you click the ‘Live’ button, you can choose the language ♥) #918WARP #peaceday #standup4humanright