The assassination by the US of Iran’s most powerful general, Qasem Soleimani, has caused an escalation in tensions between the two countries.
In the wake of an Iranian ballistic missile attack on air bases which house US forces in Iraq, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated his call for the United States and Iran to stop the conflict and pursue peace.
President Trump’s speech after Iran’s strike
As a reaction to Iran’s strike, Donald Trump said “Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world. We will never let that happen.
Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. Instead of saying “thank you” to the United States, they chanted “death to America.”
Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism. The time has come for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China to recognize this reality.
Today, I am going to ask NATO to become much more involved in the Middle East process.
Finally, to the people and leaders of Iran: We want you to have a future and a great future — one that you deserve, one of prosperity at home, and harmony with the nations of the world.”
These are just a summary of what I think is important in his speech. If you want to read the full speech, just click on the video and the link below.
UN Secretary General said “The world cannot afford Wars”
In a brief media address, Guterres said “we are living in dangerous times” worldwide as “geopolitical tensions are at their highest level this century.”
Also in a statement released by his Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, on Monday António Guterres made a passionate appeal for peace.
His message to world leaders was simple:
UN Photo / Mark Garten / 06 January 2020
“Stop escalation. Exercise maximum restraint. Re-start dialogue”, and “renew international cooperation.”
This appeal remains as important today as it was on Monday.
For his part, the Secretary-General will continue his active engagement with relevant actors. “It is our common duty to make every effort to avoid a war in the Gulf that the world cannot afford. We must not forget the terrible human suffering caused by war. As always, ordinary people pay the highest price.“
I condemn the Iranian missile attacks on US & @coalition forces in Iraq. #NATO calls on Iran to refrain from further violence. Allies continue to consult & remain committed to our training mission in Iraq.
Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, said like this.
The use of weapons must stop NOW to give space for dialogue. We are called upon to do everything possible to rekindle talks. There cannot be enough of that. We have established and timetested relations with many actors in the region and beyond to de-escalate the situation.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, emphasized the importance of not using weapon for dialogue. European countries such as Britain and France have also appealed for easing tensions.
I also think we can’t afford war. It’s really unclear whether our future will be a tragedy or a happy one. In fact, our daily lives begin again tomorrow. I don’t think we have many options. Forget it or fight it. I hope we risk our lives for peace.
Because peace is just as valuable, and war is too painful to be explained in words. The aftereffects are enormous. Who can be held accountable?
Jayathma Wickramanayake, United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, addresses the Security Council meeting UN Photo/Loey Felipe
On 17th of July 2019, Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN’s Youth Envoy, visited the Security Council on Wednesday with a simple message “young people care about peace.” She said especially young women can be labelled on a “small minority” easily. These stereotypes and myths skew young people’s full potential for peace. The fact is that most young people are in fact not involved in violence.
“In the past months I have noticed with grave concern, incidents of young peacebuilders and young human rights defenders being subjected to threats, intimidation, violence, arbitrary arrest and retaliation by State and non-State Actors.” She emphasized the need to protect these young peacebuilders.
A wide view of the Security Council meeting 17 July 2019 UN Photo/Loey Felipe
She reminded the Council that the Youth, Peace and Security agenda is being recognized and institutionalized within the UN as “core” to the Organization’s priorities for young people. So, the UN Youth Strategy, Youth 2030, will promote an environment that recognizes young people’s important and positive contributions to peace and security, while creating safe spaces and expanding opportunities for young people.
I totally agree with her. Young people have enormous potential. Protect them and help them grow tremendously. There’s something she and the young men of the United Nations are pushing now, and I think it’s so good that I’d like to introduce it. #Youth4Peace #Youth2030
At the First International Symposium on Youth Participation in Peace Processes, which was held last March in Finland, the youth envoy officially launched the policy paper “WE ARE HERE: An Integrated Approach to Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes.”(Here)
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said “It analyses how young people can influence such efforts using diverse and innovative approaches. Around the world, young women and men are striving for justice, inclusion, gender equality and human rights. We must make the most of their power as drivers of a culture of peace.”
Ms. Wickramanayake said “I hope this is the beginning of a process… for concrete actions to bring peace. Sustainable peace must be democratized to include the communities most affected. Young people are our best chance in succeeding at that.”
International Youth Peace Movement
In the last two decades, over 1,000 peace agreements have been signed globally. It is estimated that 408 million youth live in a state or province affected by armed conflict. The co-authors, Ali Altiok and Irena Grizelj, said “No comprehensive studies have assessed the role and impact of young people in these peace agreements. This paper takes the first step towards providing emerging evidence that youth inclusion in peace processes can yield positive results.”
All we need for ‘We Are Here’ is ‘We Are One’
I’m reading this paper. Looking at it, I feel confident that peace can be achieved. How? Only, it would be necessary for all of us to work together as one. All we need for ‘We Are Here’ is ‘We Are One’. I also remember International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), a youth peace organization that is emerging most recently. It is a subsidiary organization of HWPL, international peace NGO affiliated with the UN ECOSOC and the UN DGC.
IPYG shouts “We Are One!!!”
IPYG, which represents 1.8 billion young people, is affiliated with 805 organizations of 110 countries. The number of total members is 4,600,000. In IPYG Peace Letter Campaign, youth of 23 countries have participated and the handwritten peace letters have been delivered to 9 former/current presidents and prime ministers in 8 countries.
On 14th of March 2019, all youth of the world had sent to their respective President or Prime Minister in 192countries with the expectation of a response from these heads of state. On 25th of May 2019, the “6th IPYG Peace Walk” was held in around 126 locations in 77 countries around the world, including Australia, China, Germany, India, Russia, South Africa, the Philippines, and United States of America. (What is Peace Walk?) There is enthusiastic support from young people all over the world, and this huge flow is unstoppable.
6th Peace Walk / Santa Monica, LA
These young people are now doing all they can to get the DPCW, the best international law to put an end to the war, to the U.N. (What is DPCW?) Like UN Youth Envoy, the world is full of young people of passion for peace. Their potential can never be ignored. If all the peace groups of each country come together, and all of them shout in one voice, which country can start a war? No one will suffer any more.
“The Right to Peace – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”
The International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21st September. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), where the 73rd session will open on 18 September 2018, has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace.
This day is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” which calls for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
The Theme of 2018 is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UDHR is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by legal experts, the Declaration was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948.
The Universal Declaration states in Article 3. “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” These elements build the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Yet, the Universal Declaration does not include a separate article on “Right to Peace”. This is why we ask you this year: What does “The Right to Peace” mean to you? Share your ideas with us through #peaceday and #standup4humanright.
So far, international law has not ended the war. So many people had to suffer and be sad because there was no peace. They should not suffer any more. They have the ‘Right to Peace’!!! So HWPL is creating a new order for the world.
In order to fundamentally resolve international conflicts and crises, The HWPL international law peace committeewas founded to discuss ways to achieve peace through international law. It is composed of prominent legal experts of different nationalities. After three formal committee meetings, the DPCW was drafted. On March 14, 2016, 10 articles and 38 clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was declared. Currently, there is a worldwide campaign to introduce the DPCW to the United Nations. Now, they collected 734,055 signatures (as of October, 2017) and 173,170 people of 176 countries participated.
People around the world want the DPCW to be adopted by UN. The new international peace law will change the history of mankind.
Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. There are 12,703battles since 2500 B.C. (created by a Dutch company LAB1100) Explore the map here. At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century. Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all of human history range from 150 million to 1 billion. War causes universal misery. Wars made internally displaced people, refugees and casualties. “There was never a good War, or a bad Peace.” (Benjamin Franklin) “Who can compensate for the death of the youth? A Country? No one can do.” (Man hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL)
The Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL asked, “People who are gathered here, is there any want who want war?.”
No one answered. The Chairman Lee continued that “War sacrifices many lives and destroys many buildings. If there is anyone who wants war, please raise your hand.” With silence–, no one raised their hands. The Chairman Man hee Lee shouted strongly, “When there’s war, who is the one who is fighting in front of battle line that is the youth. We are born in the same world, same generation, but their lives cannot blossom, but their lives are lost in the battle!”
After truthful speech of Mr. Man hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, everyone gave a huge Standing Ovation! at UN Headquarters on May 31, 2018.
The Chairman Lee continued, “Now, we need to make a peaceful world to live. And when we inherit peaceful world to our future generation, nothing would be more valuable. That is why we need to urge all of our presidents. We need to urge them for the world to become peaceful sooner. I’m not saying something wrong. Am I? We have to make our world, our global village being paradise. This is our duty. And, this is what we have to do.” Everyone gave a standing ovation.
How can DPCW guarantee Right to Peace?
Law experts agreed that the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) is fully aligned with the UN Charter &theUDHRand this Declaration not only encapsulates and supports all of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also, HWPL is recognized by experts and foreign media that we have never seen a peace organization that achieved so much in such a short period of time. How can? The strength of the DPCW lies in its representation of the voice of all those yearning for peace, calling on States to protect their rights to enjoy peaceful lives. The Legislate Peace Campaign is operated all over the world to support the DPCW. Now, they collected 734,055 signatures (as of October, 2017) and 173,170 people of 176 countries participated. The HWPL & DPCW are regarded as the most powerful and substantial peace movement than others. Foreign media around the world are now paying attention to HWPL.
A Definite answer to peace : 10 Articles and 38 Clauses
Conflict prevention: encourages states to cooperate in gradual disarmament, repurpose weapon-manufacturing facilities for the benefit of humanity and develop friendly relations through mutual respect of the sovereign equality and right to self-determination of all States.
– Article 1 Prohibition of the threat or use of force
– Article 2 War potential
– Article 3 Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression
– Article 4 State boundaries
– Article 5 Self-determination
Conflict mediation: focuses on conflict mediation through reaffirming the role of international supervision organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
– Article 6 Dispute settlement
– Article 7 Right to self-defense
Securing sustainable peace: includes targets for the means of implementation
– Article 8 Freedom of religion
– Article 9 Religion, ethnic identity and peace
– Article 10 Spreading a culture of peace
The full text of the Declaration is available at
Why UN has no choice to adopt?
On Friday 7 September 2018, delegations of Permanent Missions of the United Nations (UN) and HWPL gathered at the Office of the Commonwealth (New York) to discuss the promotion of sustainable peace and human rights. Also, they discussed intensively the way to promote the 918 WARP Summit, the center of the peace movement. Because the walks of HWPL are alignment with the core purposes of the United Nations, the delegations have no choice but to support the 918 WARP Summit, the Peace Festival which 7.6 billion become One. When they shout ‘WE ARE ONE!’, they become ‘the messengers of peace’. If they followed the peace initiatives led by HWPL well, it is possible to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
“It is time all nations and all people live up to the words of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of
all members of the human race. This year marks the 70th anniversary of that landmark document.” – Secretary-General António Guterres
So, the United Nations will adopt the DPCW and peace is coming.
The 4th Annual Commemoration of the2018 HWPL World Peace Summit was held in South Korea from the 17th to the 19th of September. This year, thousands of leaders and citizens from around the globe will gather for 3 days with the great determination of creating a peaceful world together. Under the theme of “Collaboration for Peace Development: Building a Peace Community through the DPCW”, the wind of peace is blowing all over the world. This918 WARP Summit is the core of HWPL’s peace movement. The main agenda of the WARP Summit will be the introduction of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to the United Nations (UN) as a binding resolution.
“Global Cooperation for the Realization of a Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula”
Multilingual Global Live Broadcast
2018. 9. 17. Mon. 15:30 GMT +8 ♦
(If you click the ‘Live’ button, you can choose the language ♥) #918WARP #peaceday #standup4humanright
It was Cape Town at which the wind of peace is blowing. The Cape Town is called the affectionate ‘Mother City’. They have ‘Ubuntu‘ in their hearts.
The Former President Nelson Mandela explained Ubuntu as follows:
“A traveler through a country would stop at a village and he didn’t have to ask for food or for water. Once he stops, the people give him food and attend him. That is one aspect of Ubuntu, but it will have various aspects. Ubuntu does not mean that people should not enrich themselves. The question therefore is: Are you going to do so in order to enable the community around you to be able to improve?”
Nelson Mandela International Day 2018
Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term meaning “humanity”. It is often translated as “I am because we are,” and also “humanity towards others”, but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity”. Since the transition to democracy in South Africa with the Nelson Mandela presidency in 1994, the term has become more widely known outside of Southern Africa.
António Guterres said, “Nelson Mandela was a towering global advocate for justice and equality. He continues to inspire the world through his example of courage and compassion. Nelson Mandela was held captive for many years. But he never became a prisoner of his past. Instead, he poured his energy into reconciliation and his vision of a peaceful, multi-ethnic, democratic South Africa.
On this day marking the centennial of his birth, we commemorate Nelson Mandela’s lifetime of service. Rarely has one person in history done so much to stir people’s dreams and move them to action. That struggle for equality, dignity and justice continues. Madiba’s legacy shows the way.”
The DPCW provides direction so we can do it. Article 10 ‘Spreading the culture of peace’ of DPCW is already being done. The International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) is providing a new direction to turn Cape Town into a city of peace. The Gugulethu NY116 Sports Field was taken over by gangs and many people have been afraid of gang violence. But through the efforts of many people, the field was revamped with a peace mural then cleaned up again. In the city where the campaign is being held, the crime rate has dropped. Starting with this, it’s spreading across parts of South Africa.
The IPYG is one of the two wings of HWPL and they are working with the Youth for world peace. With 851 organizations from 111 countries around the world, peace is being realized, especially in Africa with 238 groups from 28 countries. You already know, Africa has had a lot of difficulties in history. But now, with such heroic presidents as Nelson Mandela and also abundant resources and the number of young people who make up more than 60 percent of the population, the Africa shows a lot of possibilities to the world. And based on that possibility, Africa is becoming so powerful that the world can’t ignore more and more. But there are still gaps in the way to develop like that. I want to ask you a question to explain it.
Have you ever heard of the expression ‘lawless zone‘? The dictionary said simply an area without laws. But when applied in our real lives and in movies and in other media, the lawless zone is not just an area without law, but a life-threatening environment where violence, conflict and suffering are a lot and basic human right is not protected. From that, we can see how much pain can be caused by lawlessness and you can see how important the law is. The development of Africa is already on the way, but in order to leap further, the law of peace must be established in this society. The law of peace must be needed to realize such long-term plans as the Agenda 2063. Therefore the law of peace is the most important and fundamental. So, what is the law of peace?
HWPL is proposing the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) as a resolution for establishing a legally binding law for peace that can fundamentally prevent war and conflict
Why is the DPCW answer to peace?
I’m sure you all know. This is 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the DPCW that the chairman Man hee Lee created. Let me briefly explain why 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of DPCW is the law of peace and why it is the answer to peace. The DPCW consists of 10 articles. Articles 1 to 5 is talking about preventing conflict. In order to prevent conflict, they made each other friendly and unwilling to fight. And we’re making laws to make sure that there’s no weapons or troops needed for war. It also has a clause that maintains borders so that countries do not invade other countries.
Articles 6 to 7 have a complete system of resolution in case of conflict. There is a strong law that can resolve the dispute through the International Court of Justice and the UN Security Council following the order of the international community.
Articles 8 to 9can solve religious conflicts, which are the largest percentage of all disputes. It also includes solving ethnic conflicts. Article 10 ‘Spreading the culture of peace’ emphasizes the ‘Peace education’ to leave this settled dispute as an eternal legacy for future generations.
In conclusion, the DPCW is the ultimate solution of peace that can prevent conflicts, if it happens, resolve it and leave this world peace as a eternal legacy for future generations.
What can we do for us?
So what do we do for peace? We’re working to bring the DPCW to the United Nations. And it needs the support of presidents in each country to be passed. So you can ask “What can I do?.” I’m going to give you a strong statement. Each country is made up of citizens and the president must listen to them. I really want to ask you. If you acknowledge that this is indeed the answer to peace, please be sure to support and urge your President to pass the DPCW to the United Nations. Then, this DPCW could be established as a real international law, which is the answer to peace. Therefore, this Africa will be remembered around the world as the leading continent to support the law of peace for the first time. Then, Africa with the sound foundation for peace, and South Africa, as well, will be the most advanced country in the world.
All Africans support the DPCW
So now not only we’re ready to bring DPCW to the United Nations. But also HWPL came to Africa and achieved a lot. When the chairman Man hee Lee visited the Pan African Parliament (PAP), the representative of PAP signed the MOU with HWPL. And He also supported the DPCW on behalf of the pan-African Parliament (PAP). This means that every country in Africa will support the DPCW. Also, two countries send documents that they would support the DPCW on a national level. I don’t know how much you recognize it, but it’s a huge result!!! And what I’d like to focus on the most is that the Chairman Man hee Lee declared, in 2013, we created an international law and the presidents should sign here. And then, the war will be eliminated all over the world. That’s how it really works. So it is another evidence that not only DPCW but also the reality, where what the chairman lee said comes true, are the answer to peace.
The wind of peace is blowing all the world
So I ask you again, but please urge your presidents to support this DPCW. Please write letters to presidents, promote it online & media and support the DPCW! And I hope that you will encourage not only your country, but also the presidents of Africa and the rest of the world through the Internet and the media. The Chairman Man hee Lee is right here now. Our representative of HWPL is the messenger of peace who is making the actual result of peace. In 2014, he risked his life to go the area where many people died for 40 years in the bloody conflict in Mindanao. So he met with representatives of the two religions to resolve the religious conflict that was at the cor of this civil war, and he drew a peace treaty. The Chairman Man hee Lee also created this DPCW, the answer to the war, with 21 international law experts, and now he is actually working on international legislation, urging the world and the United Nations. In a moment, our representative will come up here and introduce you to the answers of this peace. Please open your ears and remember his words in your mind and be sure to encourage your leaders.
And here we have a lot of young people coming. I really want to say something to young people. I will speak English so that these young people can hear it in person.
“Someone asked me. A young South African man said, I want to convey my opinion to the President of South Africa. But I don’t think the president will listen to me. So I answered. And I’m going to tell you this because it applies to us. One person and One voice is weak. But if we come together, we’re stronger than anyone. Please remember. You’re not alone.We’re one.”
I’ll shout before finishing. We Are One!!! Thank you very much.
African Leaders of Peace Summit
– Urge DPCW
Time : UTC 8:00-9:30, 13 August 2018 YouTube (Only Korean)
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated, “An unprecedented volume of landmines and unexploded weapons contaminates rural and urban war zones, maiming and killing innocent civilians long after conflict has ended. Mine action is vital.” To bring attention to this issue the General Assembly of the United Nations established the 4th of April as International Mine Awareness Day. It is estimated that approximately 110 million landmines still remain in the ground in various countries around the world.
“Advancing Protection, Peace and Development”
These landmines clearly show the lasting effects of war that continue to cause damage and loss of life even after the active conflicts have ceased. Articles 1 through 3 of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) address the prohibition of acts of aggression and the banning of weapons of war. According to Article 2 Clause 3 of the DPCW “States should take measures to ensure that existing weapons of mass destruction, weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law are gradually dismantled or destroyed.”
There are three days through the New Year’s Day. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? Let’s see Antonio Guterres’s resolution.
Make 2017 a peace for year
Antonio Guterres took office as the ninth UN secretary-general on Sunday.
Before starting work on his first day, he gave a new year’s address. He said he will make 2017 a peace for year.
“On this New Year’s Day, I ask all of you to join me in making one shared New Year’s resolution: Let us resolve to put peace first. Let us make 2017 a year in which we all — citizens, governments, leaders — strive to overcome our differences.”
He seem to have a strong will for peace. This year is really special. Many people cry out for peace. However, achieving peace is really difficult. Donald Trump also criticized UN as a “club for people to get together, talk and have a good time”. He have to try hard to show ‘UN is Not’.
One Question on his heart
Antonio Guterres said one question weighs heavy on his heart. “That is: how can we help the millions of people caught up in conflict, suffering massively in wars with no end in sight?”
He is a leader of UN. We know that. But his speech was not impressing as he said well. Do you really think it make sense? I was shocked when I discovered my insensibility. I am just ordinary citizens and Antonio Guterres is a leader of UN!!! It was surprising. The same applies to you. Do you have any ‘Question’ on your heart? Most of the people don’t have any question.
“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. … live in the question.” – Rainer Maria Rilke, ‘Letters to a Young Poet’
What for do I live? What’s important to me? May I live like this? It is not so bad to look for your question. Then you can feel the value, too. You can understand how great saying of Antonio Guterres is.
Let’s go our way. Are you ready? I’m expecting you. 🙂
António Guterres emphasized that The end of the Syria civil war is more urgent than any other issue. Also He shouted ‘The United Nations should be changed.’
“Our most serious shortcoming — and here I refer to the entire international community – is our inability to prevent crises.”
“The United Nations system has not yet done enough to prevent and respond to the appalling crimes of sexual violence and exploitation committed under the UN flag against those we are supposed to protect.”
“We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the United Nations Charter: peace, justice, respect, human rights, tolerance and solidarity. All major religions embrace these principles, and we strive to reflect them in our daily lives.” – Inaugural address(12 DECEMBER 2016)
After inaugural address, he said in interview that It’s time to finish a crazy things happening in Syria civil war. He added There are no winners and all losers in the Syria civil war. Even if there are divergence of opinion and disagreements between the United Nations member states, There is something more valuable. The value of Syria peace is necessary to us all. Guterres hoped that everyone will be acceptable to Syria peace.
In fact in Aleppo on where the most fierce battle is going, the government took control of region that rebels seized more than 90 per cent.
The current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon express deep regret at news that a lot of civilians are massacred in Aleppo.
what do we have to do?
Who is responsible?
I hope that Syria peace will come. I want to see Syira baby’s smile.