Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria

One Shoot Pierced Our Heart

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria Syrian civil war Syria reporter Syria refugees Peace Omran Daqneesh Muhammad Alrageb CNN buses carrying evacuees Bomb beach refugee Bana Alabed ambulance Aleppo Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak 68 children 126 killed

What do you think about photographers? They are aimed at the moment. That moment is very important for their life. Because a good chance is never again. When I see my next, my friend is not there. Astonishingly he was running. He didn’t shoot but was taken in camera. He is a photographer and activist Abd Alkader Habak. This one picture resounded around the world loudly. This is a story of Aleppo, Syria. A lot has happened until now in Syria. Let’s see.

Three Children of Syria : Cry Out for Peace

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria Syrian civil war Syria reporter Syria refugees Peace Omran Daqneesh Muhammad Alrageb CNN buses carrying evacuees Bomb beach refugee Bana Alabed ambulance Aleppo Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak 68 children 126 killed   Do you remember ‘Alan Kurdi‘? You already know it. He appeared dead on the beach. While trying to go to Europe to avoid civil war, his mother(35) and his brother(5) were drowned. Then all the world wanted to help Syria refugees.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria Syrian civil war Syria reporter Syria refugees Peace Omran Daqneesh Muhammad Alrageb CNN buses carrying evacuees Bomb beach refugee Bana Alabed ambulance Aleppo Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak 68 children 126 killed   Do you remember ‘Omran Daqneesh‘? He was rescued after being buried in collapsed buildings in Syria Aleppo. One picture shocked people all over the world. He was sitting in an ambulance with stained with blood and dust. I cannot repress my astonishment.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria Syrian civil war Syria reporter Syria refugees Peace Omran Daqneesh Muhammad Alrageb CNN buses carrying evacuees Bomb beach refugee Bana Alabed ambulance Aleppo Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak 68 children 126 killed   Bana Alabed, who broadcasted the current situation in real time, is also same. She got 233,653 followers. Her first words were “I need peace”. It was retweeted over 1000 times.

This three children informed the world of the misery of the Syrian civil war. They changed world’s movement for Syria.

Woeful Plight: 126 killed, 68 was children

Bombs hit a convoy of buses carrying evacuees. If you saw it with your own eyes, can you sleep? My head must be too sick. It’s horrible. 68 was children. A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria Syrian civil war Syria reporter Syria refugees Peace Omran Daqneesh Muhammad Alrageb CNN buses carrying evacuees Bomb beach refugee Bana Alabed ambulance Aleppo Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak 68 children 126 killed
“This child was firmly holding my hand and looking at me,” he said.
An image taken by another photographer, Muhammad Alrageb, shows Habak dashing towards an ambulance, the child and his camera in his arms. He maybe only thought ‘We need to save lives’. No matter how much he took hundreds of the miserable children, his figure is much more touching. I have never seen pictures like this. And one more picture is also really touching.

Overwhelmed, Habak collapsed.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Abd Alkader Habak : A Photographer Dashing with Child & Camera in Syria Syrian civil war Syria reporter Syria refugees Peace Omran Daqneesh Muhammad Alrageb CNN buses carrying evacuees Bomb beach refugee Bana Alabed ambulance Aleppo Alan Kurdi Abd Alkader Habak 68 children 126 killed   An image, shot by another photographer, shows him on his knees sobbing near the boy’s body.

“I was overcome with emotion,” he told CNN. “What I and my colleagues witnessed is indescribable.

PEACE is up to you. 🙂 Good luck!

Next UN Secretary General ‘António Guterres’ “Syria peace is a top priority”

“Syria peace is a top priority”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Next UN Secretary General 'António Guterres' "Syria peace is a top priority" United Nations Syria peace Syria civil war Ban Ki-moon António Guterres Aleppo

António Guterres emphasized that The end of the Syria civil war is more urgent than any other issue. Also He shouted ‘The United Nations should be changed.’

“Our most serious shortcoming — and here I refer to the entire international community – is our inability to prevent crises.”

“The United Nations system has not yet done enough to prevent and respond to the appalling crimes of sexual violence and exploitation committed under the UN flag against those we are supposed to protect.”

“We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the United Nations Charter:  peace, justice, respect, human rights, tolerance and solidarity.  All major religions embrace these principles, and we strive to reflect them in our daily lives.” – Inaugural address(12 DECEMBER 2016)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Next UN Secretary General 'António Guterres' "Syria peace is a top priority" United Nations Syria peace Syria civil war Ban Ki-moon António Guterres Aleppo

After inaugural address, he said in interview that It’s time to finish a crazy things happening in Syria civil war. He added There are no winners and all losers in the Syria civil war. Even if there are divergence of opinion and disagreements between the United Nations member states, There is something more valuable. The value of Syria peace is necessary to us all. Guterres hoped that everyone will be acceptable to Syria peace.

In fact in Aleppo on where the most fierce battle is going, the government took control of region that rebels seized more than 90 per cent.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Next UN Secretary General 'António Guterres' "Syria peace is a top priority" United Nations Syria peace Syria civil war Ban Ki-moon António Guterres Aleppo

The current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon express deep regret at news that a lot of civilians are massacred in Aleppo.

Whose fault?

what do we have to do?

Who is responsible?

I hope that Syria peace will come. I want to see Syira baby’s smile.

Syria little girl, Bana Alabed broadcasted Aleppo’s situation in real time

A Brave journalists, Bana Alabed


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Syria little girl, Bana Alabed broadcasted Aleppo's situation in real time Syria Bana Alabed Aleppo   Bana Alabed is a little girl living in Aleppo, Syria. She is not just little girl. She is a little reporter in Aleppo, Syria. She has broadcasted the current situation in real time.

Aleppo is where a Syria civil war broke out. It is a very tough place to live for a little girl. She is faithful to her role.

She began telling us her story.

She started a Twitter on September 24. Her first words were “I need peace”. It was retweeted over 1000 times. And She  got 20,000 more followers in a week.

https://twitter.com/AlabedBana. Here’s a website address.

Now she is influential. She got 233,653 followers.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Syria little girl, Bana Alabed broadcasted Aleppo's situation in real time Syria Bana Alabed Aleppo

Click her website. Scroll down to read more details.

There are words that she frequently used.

‘Appeal’ ‘My friends’ ‘Death’ ‘Bomb’ ‘kill’

‘Save me’ ‘We are still alive’.

Let’s support her together. We must do it. What I’m surprising is that She is still bright. We need to protect her smile. 🙂