Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee

“Legislate Peace (LP)” Campaign is in progress, beginning on August 27th over 200 cities, including Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Paris, France, Mindanao, Philippines, Suva, Fiji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Cape Town, South Africa, and more. They will host conferences, forums, supporting signature events as part of the Peace Letter Campaign and various cultural events.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit

I’ll show you firsthand what’s going on all over the world.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit
2019. 9.4 / eTurboNews
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit
2019. 9.4 / SPIKED

In Cape Town, the South African branch along with Cabinet Ministers, Speakers of Parliament and women organizations will announce the reply of peace letters and the initiatives of peace education and will show how the DPCW can be used for promoting the end of violence in Africa.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit

The goal of this movement is establishing a universal standard and international order that can be applied across the globe and enacting an international and legally binding law for peace. It is the DPCW, a comprehensive document that clarifies the role of the members of international society to prevent and resolve conflicts. DPCW is in the process of being introduced to the UN as a draft resolution.

2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Your Support is needed: DPCW & Man Hee Lee Washington D.C. WARPsummit2019 Suva South Africa Philippines Paris New York Mindanao manheelee peace leader Manheelee Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Biography man hee lee hwpl man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography Los Angeles Legislate Peace hwpl warp summit HWPL Peace Letter hwpl peace legislation hwpl peace legislate hwpl man hee lee hwpl mail hwpl LP campaign hwpl dpcw France Fiji Ethiopia dpcw peace letter dpcw meaning Cape Town Addis Ababa 2019WorldPeaceSummit

There are so many useful programs. Everything goes live on YouTube, so I hope we watch it together. Peace is bound to be achieved if each of us makes only a little more effort. Already the whole world is moving, and this huge flow is unstoppable. Together, Peace.

WARP Summit:
HWPL Headquarters e-mail:
Sign your support for DPCW:
Online Peace Letter:

Peace is up to you ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck!