Peace leaders and religious leaders from all over the world gathered in Seoul for the first time in 2014.
It’s a YouTube shorts for less than a minute, so I recommend you watch it. I can feel the excitement wash over me.
In 2013, HWPL declared through the Declaration of World Peace that, to end wars and bring peace to the global community, a new international legal instrument was needed.
At the 2014 World Peace Summit, legal and political leaders from around the world signed an agreement with HWPL to work together on drafting such a document.
In just a year and a half, on 14 March 2016, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was proclaimed, and HWPL is actively committed to the introduction of the DPCW into international law.
Man hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, said “If you are a believer who truly desires for peace and loves this global community like his own body, religions must become one.
When religions become one, there will be no more war; and if there is no war, there will be peace.
Let’s all become one so we can make this global community into a world of peace.”
Man Hee Lee is a man who is showing the way to the path of peace. With a clear vision, many follow in his footsteps. With him and HWPL, peace will come soon enough.
Official homepage : https://www.hwpl.kr/language/en/home-hwpl-_en/
This is a beautiful post. The fact that one of the five member states of the UN Security Council has launched an invasion of a neighbouring country without repercussions proves that international law and its implementation is weak and in need of reform. I do think the DPCW is the solution to the cessation of all global hostilities.
A beautiful post. My heart holds out hope of a better future for my children and their children. This work of peace is not a small feat. Thank you, HWPL, for all your efforts in bringing light to this dim and dark world – you represent the voices of those who have no voice to speak out at all the injustices committed against humanity. History will undoubtedly thank the efforts of individuals like yourself. We really are at a crossroads in History. In the words of Chairman Lee, who has been working for the cessation of global conflict and creation of sustainable peace, “It is time for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to be submitted to the United Nations.”