The Nobel Peace Prize 2018
The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Friday 5 October, 11:00 am, CEST(UTC+02). It is a Youtube live streaming Link. You can see the historic moment in person.
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Alfred Nobel’s will
On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament. Nobel’s will said prize should be given to “the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
Alfred Nobel was acquainted with Bertha von Suttner, who was a driving force in the international peace movement in Europe. She influenced his views on peace. Peace was the fifth and final prize area that Nobel mentioned in his will. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget).
Nominations for
the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize
There are 331 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018 out of which 216 are individuals and 115 are organizations. The names of the nominees and other information about the nominations cannot be revealed until 50 years later.
All Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, except for the Nobel Peace Prize, which is awarded in Oslo, Norway. The founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel, was a Swedish cosmopolitan. In his will, he declared that the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded by a Norwegian committee.
Who is the Nobel Peace Prize winner of 2018?
The Nobel Peace Prize 2017
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) received the award “for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons”.
The Nobel Peace Prize 2016
The Nobel Peace Prize 2016 was awarded to Juan Manuel Santos “for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end.” Juan Manuel Santos is a president of Colombia. (2010–18) He signed a peace treaty with the Marxist guerrilla organization FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia; “Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia”).
All eyes are on Peace of Korean Peninsula
There has been plenty of speculation about the possible recipient of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. But no one can know until the envelope containing the winner’s name is opened. Speculation has it that Moon Jae-In and Kim Jong-Un deserve the prize because of their unprecedented efforts to ease military tension on the Korean Peninsula and above all their public commitment to denuclearize the North. But skeptics say ‘Not yet’ because the North has taken no concrete step toward denuclearization. Let’s see the public opinion. British online betting site nicerodds rates the Moon Jae-In and Kim Jong-Un as the most likely, followed by Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump.
Robert Reich, a former U.S. cabinet member, has praised President Moon Jae-in’s “broker diplomacy” between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. He continued “But if there is ever going to be a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, the person who will deserve the Nobel Peace Prize won’t be Trump. It will be South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in.”
South Korean President Moon Jae-in said the ‘Nobel Peace Prize should go to U.S. President Donald Trump‘, if anyone were to win it for their efforts to resolve the issues with North Korea. He said “the Nobel Peace Prize is for Trump and we only need to bring peace.”
List of public opinion (British online betting site nicerodds)
1. Kim Jong-Un & Moon Jae-In
2. Kim Jong-Un & Donald Trump
3. Donald Trump
4. Denis Mukwege + Yanar Mohammed
5. Novaya Gazeta
6. W.F.P.
7. U.N.H.C.R.
8. Raif Badawi
9. Aclu
10. Carios Puigdemont
Reference :
Many predictions but almost same
Who is the NEXT hero of peace?
Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL
Why Chairman Man hee Lee? He is a Korean War veteran, knows the horrors of war than a person ever knew. So the chairman Lee is running really hard for Peace on the Korean Peninsula. Also, he is the chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL). HWPL is is an international peace nonprofit organization registered with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). There are three reasons why the Man hee Lee will win the Nobel Peace Prize.
“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people,
it becomes the light that never fades away.” – the chairman Man hee Lee
3 Reasons Why chairman Man hee Lee win
1. HWPL 918 WARP Summit
2. Philippines Mindanao Island Peace Agreement & Peace Walk
3. Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)
First, HWPL 918 WARP Summit
Collaboration for Peace Development:
Building a Peace Community through the DPCW
The 4th Annual Commemoration of the 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit was held in South Korea from the 17th to the 19th of September. This year, thousands of leaders and citizens from around the globe will gather for 3 days with the great determination of creating a peaceful world together. Under the theme of “Collaboration for Peace Development: Building a Peace Community through the DPCW”, the wind of peace is blowing all over the world. This 918 WARP Summit is the core of HWPL’s peace movement. The main agenda of the WARP Summit will be the introduction of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to the United Nations (UN) as a binding resolution. It received a lot of spotlight from foreign media. HWPL has been recognized the most powerful and practical peace NGO. Programs are here. If you click one by one, you can know the reasons. Also, below is a Youtube replay link.
Hon. Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania

“Youth and women can become the most persuasive advisories of peace in the present and in the future. Both avoiding war and establishing peace-building processes require a laborious effort to create a culture of solidarity outlining a pragmatic style in which the statements should followed by effective actions. I believe that the Declaration of World Peace proclaimed in Seoul can get everyone around the world, no matter if they are men, women, youth or children, ready to unite under the mantle of peace and take the responsibility to promote the message of peace to the entire world. We are one.“
H.E. Viktor Yushchhenko, Former President of Ukraine

“I am deeply grateful to be able to implement the cause of peace in a specific way. This is truly a worthy cause. I was deeply impressed to see the DPCW with its refined and profound wisdom. I think it is worth the support from all leaders of the world. This is because the DPCW is a perfectly balanced document that was drafted through the great effort of international legal experts and is of fundamental value.”
H.E. Ivo Josipović, Former President of Croatia

“It is necessary for the two leaders(Kim Jong-Un and Moon Jae-In) to meet and discuss face-to-face. I believe that we can understand one another and accept each other’s differences through cultural exchanges, such as music and sports.”
Also, he emphasized “Presenting the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to the United Nations as a resolution, with our intention to build peace in the world, is novel and important.”
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Second, Philippines Mindanao Island Peace Agreement & Peace Walk

The Chairman Man hee Lee is the messenger of peace who is making the actual result of peace. In 2014, he risked his life to go the area where many people died for 40 years in the bloody conflict in Mindanao. He prayed to God before to go Mindanao. He said “I won’t go if God don’t abide with me.” Then, he met with representatives of the two religions to resolve the religious conflict and drew a peace treaty.
The Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL asked, “People who are gathered here, is there any want who want war?.”
No one answered. The Chairman Lee continued that “War sacrifices many lives and destroys many buildings. If there is anyone who wants war, please raise your hand.” With silence–, no one raised their hands. The Chairman Man hee Lee shouted strongly, “When there’s war, who is the one who is fighting in front of battle line that is the youth. We are born in the same world, same generation, but their lives cannot blossom, but their lives are lost in the battle!”
The Chairman Lee continued, “Now, we need to make a peaceful world to live. And when we inherit peaceful world to our future generation, nothing would be more valuable. That is why we need to urge all of our presidents. We need to urge them for the world to become peaceful sooner. I’m not saying something wrong. Am I? We have to make our world, our global village being paradise. This is our duty. And, this is what we have to do.” Everyone gave a standing ovation.
Colombia civil war for 52 years 220,000 died
Mindanao civil war for 40 years 140,000 died
Connection with Nobel Peace Prize 2016
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016. Colombian Civil War has cost the lives of at least 220,000 Colombians and displaced close to 6 million people. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said ‘the award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process. This tribute is paid, not least, to the representatives of the countless victims of the civil war.’
By the mediation of Cuban President Raul Castro, Rodrigo Londono (FARC) and Santos pledge to a peace agreement on 26th of September, 2016. Pen used in their signature is made from real bullet shell used in civil war. In pen grip “The bullet record our past. Education is our future.” is written in Spanish.
The only thing left was a referendum. That’s when the Nobel Prize 2016 was announced. But the peace agreement was rejected.
Yes 49.78% No 50.21%
Also, voter turnout was 37%. Dissenting votes is 57,000 more than vote yes.
The people said ‘it is too generous for rebels.’ The Agreement said ‘War crimes like drug trafficking and kidnapping of civilians in the FARC will be exempted from obligation.’ And It ensures the legitimate political participation. They, who lost a family or whose family were taken hostage in FARC, were against the peace agreement. So, Santos government only passed Colombia peace agreement by parliamentary vote instead of the referendum. But some said “Colombia people refuse it. How can the Congress approve it?”(AFP)
But after two years, what happened in Mindanao?

After 2 years, 15,000 people are in line to greet the HWPL in Philipines. On 24 January 2016, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) held an unveiling ceremony for the Monument to the Declaration of World Peace located in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao Province. This monument is the second HWPL Peace Monument to be erected in the Philippines. Also, the Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim of MILF decided to designate January 24th of every year as ‘HWPL Day’. I think Colombia needs to learn ‘how HWPL achieves peace in Mindanao’.
MILF chairman of Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim
“The Chairman Lee brought a really powerful message to achieve peace that we hope and desire. It means HWPL and MILF are partner for peace. Peace is not a matter confined to a single person but to every individual. Therefore anyone who is part of this global family must all become messengers of peace. Let us all participate and become the messengers of peace to pass on peace as an eternal legacy for the future generations!”
Third, Declaration of Peace and
Cessation of War (DPCW)
So far, international law has not ended the war. So many people had to suffer and be sad because there was no peace. They have the ‘Right to Peace’. In 2018, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) recognized the Universal Declaration does not include a separate article on “Right to Peace”. So HWPL is creating a new order for the world.
In order to fundamentally resolve international conflicts and crises, The HWPL international law peace committee was founded to discuss ways to achieve peace through international law. It is composed of prominent legal experts of different nationalities. After three formal committee meetings, the DPCW was drafted. On March 14, 2016, 10 articles and 38 clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was declared. Currently, there is a worldwide campaign to introduce the DPCW to the United Nations. Now, they collected 734,055 signatures (as of October, 2017) and 173,170 people of 176 countries participated.
Law experts agreed that the DPCW is fully aligned with the UN Charter & the UDHR and this Declaration not only encapsulates and supports all of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). People around the world want the DPCW to be adopted by UN. The new international peace law will change the history of mankind.
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How many Wars are there in history?
Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. There are 12,703 battles since 2500 B.C. (created by a Dutch company LAB1100) Explore the map here. At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century. Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all of human history range from 150 million to 1 billion. War causes universal misery. Wars made internally displaced people, refugees and casualties. “There was never a good War, or a bad Peace.” (Benjamin Franklin) “Who can compensate for the death of the youth? A Country? No one can do.” (Man hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL)
More info :
It’s Time to need a new peace law
- Wars of mankind : total 12,703 times.
- Reason of War: 80% Religious war
- Victims of War : 3.7 billion
- Nobel Peace prize rewarded : 124 times
A Definite answer to peace : 10 Articles and 38 Clauses
- Conflict prevention: encourages states to cooperate in gradual disarmament, repurpose weapon-manufacturing facilities for the benefit of humanity and develop friendly relations through mutual respect of the sovereign equality and right to self-determination of all States.
– Article 1 Prohibition of the threat or use of force
– Article 2 War potential
– Article 3 Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression
– Article 4 State boundaries
– Article 5 Self-determination
- Conflict mediation: focuses on conflict mediation through reaffirming the role of international supervision organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
– Article 6 Dispute settlement
– Article 7 Right to self-defense
- Securing sustainable peace: includes targets for the means of implementation
– Article 8 Freedom of religion
– Article 9 Religion, ethnic identity and peace
– Article 10 Spreading a culture of peace
The full text of the Declaration is available at
Connection with Nobel Peace Prize 2017
Why ICAN won? ICAN is the abbreviation for International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. They awarded “for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons.” Successfully on 7 July 2017, The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is adopted at the United Nations by a vote of 122-1! The ICAN said ‘TPNW‘ is “a landmark international agreement that outlaws, categorically, the worst weapons of mass destruction and establishes a pathway to their elimination.”
But since adoption, it was criticized for non-binding.
What is the ICAN’s ground-breaking efforts?
TPNW contributed to the continued role of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), emphasizing its “vital role in promoting international peace and security”.
- There is the distinction between states entitled to possess such weapons and non-nuclear weapon states in NPT. But in TPNW it is not.
- The TPNW also forbids states party to the treaty from allowing “any stationing, installation or deployment” of nuclear weapons on their territory, a prohibition that is not explicitly included in the NPT.
- States party to the TPNW are prohibited from conducting nuclear tests, while the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) has not yet entered into force.
Beyond Nuclear Disarmament
The purpose of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) is to end the war. If so, the nuclear disarmament is a natural consequence. Actually, DPCW has an article of elimination of nuclear weapons. I know many people think it is a naive desire. But the success of ICAN already show you that ‘the world wants peace’. We must keep the Nobel’s will.
DPCW Article 1 – Prohibition of the threat or use of force
3. States should prohibit any act or threat of violence, whatever its motives or purposes, that occurs for the advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda.
DPCW Article 2 – War potential
2. States should not produce, assist in, encourage, or induce; the production of weapons of mass destruction, inter alia, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, or weapons capable of causing indiscriminate or widespread and unnecessary suffering, or weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law.
3. States should take measures to ensure that existing weapons of mass destruction, weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law are gradually dismantled or destroyed. States should cooperate in disarmament and the reduction of arms stockpiles, ideally under international supervision. Decommissioned weapons manufacturing facilities should be repurposed, so that they may serve purposes that are beneficial to humanity in general.
The World supports the DPCW
In August, two African countries, eSwatini and Seychelles, officially proclaimed the National Solidarity Statement for the promotion of the DPCW. Also, the Central American Parliament (Diputados del Parlamento Centroamericano, PARLACEN), with 6 member-states, completed the official process of approval for the DPCW on January, 2018. The only thing left is the adoption of the DPCW as a UN resolution. I look forward to the support of the Nobel Committee.
Mr.PravinH.Parekh, President of the Confederation of Indian Bar

“Today one country saying ‘yes, Chairman Lee I accept your declaration’ is not enough, even 10 countries saying this is not good enough. Therefore, we need the United Nations.
In fact, the United Nations came out in 1948 from the Human Rights Declaration and that is a very good document but things have changed from 1948 until now and, therefore, it is necessary that the United Nations adopts the Declaration made by us…so that when the United Nations accepts it, it becomes binding to all the countries in the world.
That is the effort Chairman Lee had been doing and we should all support Chairman Lee in ensuring that this becomes a United Nations document.”
H.E. Gennady Burbulis
Former State Secretary of Russia and President of Baltic-Black Sea Forum

He declared support for the DPCW on behalf of the Baltic-Black Sea Board of Directors. He stated, “The MOU and MOA express our intention to work together in this important issue. Sometimes we can think that this problem or question of promoting peace is difficult or sometimes we can think that is very utopian, but we shouldn’t forget that there are many international or law organizations that unfortunately today, even the UN, do not function according to the purpose for which it was established.
So that brings the threats to all humanity…. We cannot ignore these facts. So, in our work together we should take into consideration this reality. With all of that, we eagerly support the DPCW and we really believe that it is a very important declaration,” reaffirming support for the adoption of the DPCW at the UN.