Writing practice : Audrey Hepburn Quotes #4

Audrey Hepburn

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : Audrey Hepburn Quotes #4 you have two hands Writing practice UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Unicef Tony Awards Peace Grammy Awards Emmy Awards Audrey Hepburn Quotes Audrey Hepburn Academy Awards

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn

Topic : Audrey Hepburn Quotes

Here’s the last word a famous person left before he or she died. That’s the sentence you should use for the ending of your article. The subject is freedom.

To give you a tip, don’t compare yourself with others!
People are always more likely to compare themselves to others who are usually superior to themselves. The same is true of writers. But the comparison is a waste of time. Respect yourself as you are. And put more effort into developing yourself! You should try only for your own development, not to compare or compete with others.

Choose a number between 1 and 10. I choose number one. She is the ‘Audrey Hepburn’ whom I should write with.

Writing practice : Audrey Hepburn Quotes #4

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : Audrey Hepburn Quotes #4 you have two hands Writing practice UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Unicef Tony Awards Peace Grammy Awards Emmy Awards Audrey Hepburn Quotes Audrey Hepburn Academy Awards   I can’t help but talk about her life. She was a British actress, model, dancer and humanitarian. She remains one of only 15 people who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards. You see, she is a hugely successful movie star, but she got no jealousy that movie stars usually get when they are very successful. It is due to her good personality.

Hepburn appeared in fewer films as her life went on, devoting much of her later life to UNICEF. She had contributed to the organisation since 1954, then worked in some of the poorest communities of Africa, South America and Asia between 1988 and 1992. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in December 1992. A month later, Hepburn died of cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63.

Of her first UNICEF volunteering to Ethiopia, she said “I have a broken heart. I feel desperate. I can’t stand the idea that two million people are in imminent danger of starving to death, many of them children.”

Her Life, as beautiful as her

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : Audrey Hepburn Quotes #4 you have two hands Writing practice UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Unicef Tony Awards Peace Grammy Awards Emmy Awards Audrey Hepburn Quotes Audrey Hepburn Academy Awards   She touched the hearts of many people. Her life shown us is as beautiful as her. Her words have also remained in the minds of many.

Horrible. That image is too much for me. The ‘Third World’ is a term I don’t like very much, because we’re all one world. I want people to know that the largest part of humanity is suffering.

I saw but one glaring truth: These are not natural disasters but man-made tragedies for which there is only one man-made solution – peace.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” said Audrey Hepburn

Peace is up to you 😮 Good luck!

Writing practice : How long does it take to get to Venice? #3


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : How long does it take to get to Venice? #3 Writing practice Topic Gap year Charlie Brown backpacking AWKWARD IS MY SPECIALTY Awkward American college student


Topic : How long does it take to get to Venice?

While backpacking, you sit in a double room on a train bound for Venice with a stranger. The only Italian I know is “How long does it take to get to Venice?” Whenever you look up, you keep making eye contact with strangers.

Even I can’t even sleep because my seat is uncomfortable. You are unable to overcome the awkward situation, so you try talking to the other person. ” How long does it take to get to Venice? ”

Choose a number. This is a passenger in a double room on a train.

Writing practice : How long does it take to get to Venice? #3

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : How long does it take to get to Venice? #3 Writing practice Topic Gap year Charlie Brown backpacking AWKWARD IS MY SPECIALTY Awkward American college student

I choose number two. Topic is ‘An American college student who has already gone to all the places you want to go.’

The first sentence is this. “How long does it take to get to Venice?” Thank God. He looks my age. He said, “Venice? Hmm… 35,000 hours on foot? HAHAHA” I was relieved that I understood. He was a humorous, sociable person. I want to say “Oh, that’s dangerous to my feet. Where are you going?” The moment I opened my mouth, there was something I didn’t think of. The only Italian I know is “How long does it take to get to Venice!!!!” Damn it! After a laugh, I pretended to be cool. But I’m screaming! in my heart.

But he is genius. He introduced himself as an American college student and asked me to speak in English. “Oh, god. Great sense.” He was taking a gap year. He wanted to think about his career and have a special experience. He had already gone to all the places I want to go. For him, everything was an opportunity and everywhere was a road. I envied him a little. Because I am sometimes timid. But I have an advantage too! Right now, I’m writing.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Writing practice : A writing producer #2

Produce yourself

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : A writing producer #2 writing producer Writing practice Produce yourself Marianne williamson   Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself. – Marianne williamson

Topic : A writing producer

Video was filmed to capture precious moments. However, the photographer made a muff of it. The scene was beautifully shot, but it didn’t have any sound. You came up with a great idea when you were thinking about how to revive the spoiled work.

The boring scenes are quickly wound up, the funny scenes are highlighted in slow motion, and the rest is partially edited to make a single music video. This process can also be applied to writing.

Describe an important moment for a long time and edit them freely, going back and forth between the past and the present. Now, let’s pick up the pen and talk about our precious moments.

Choose a number. It is a precious moment for you to edit in writing.

Writing practice #2

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice : A writing producer #2 writing producer Writing practice Produce yourself Marianne williamson   I choose number one. Topic is ‘Entrance into a school’. Let me start my story. I graduated from high school and went to medical school. Would I be happy? Hmm… I have mixed feelings. I feel much relieved and I’m happy to do what I wanted. Also, I was vaguely anxious and suffered from inferiority complex, that I could have done better. I was at a loss what to do because I just became an adult. So I looked for a lot of books, and I looked up all kinds of useful things like TED.

So what happened? Unfortunately, nothing happened. Humanities was on the rise. If I read more than 100 books, I could see my way. So I read 130 books in six months. ‘Have I changed?’ Will humans wander as long as we try? Then I knew why I was in pain. The gap between reality and ideal was too great. While the expectations grew more and more as I read books, the reality of me remained the same. So I was more frustrated. I’m lost.  This was the most difficult in the days of my youth but I think it is the most valuable time. Because now I’m not just sit still. Now I just get back on my feet! I know everything is up to me. good luck 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Writing practice : The Road Not Taken #1

The Road Not Taken – Robert Frost

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice :  The Road Not Taken #1 Writing practice The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Lotto friend essay   Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Full text : https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken

Topic : The Road Not Taken

Write about a situation in which you must choose one thing at a crossroads. Take one of the two paths (or more), like the lines of Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’ and write about a situation where everything has changed because of it.

My situation : When I found out the Lotto, which won the first prize, in the book I borrowed from a friend

1. I hand it over to my friend.
2. You take the winning lottery and change it into another one in the book.
3. Ask for some money in return for handing it to a friend.

Writing practice #1

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Writing practice :  The Road Not Taken #1 Writing practice The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Lotto friend essay     Hmm.. I think I really agonize about what to decide. First of all, it is not option 3. This is of course his, and I don’t want my friend to know what I think. Frankly, It is true that I want the money. Isn’t the money too big?! How many things can I do? Let’s imagine. First, I am now learning Adobe Premier Pro and After Effect. I will buy related books, and computer specifications should be very very good. I will spend some money on my growth and development. But wisdom can not be bought with money. My ability is too.

What kind of person do I want to be? I want to be a person recognized as capable. I think this is the most important to me. And I also want to give a lot of support to others. I want to help people who are in trouble. I also want to connect them with people like me. Of course, I won’t always go well. In that case, I have to learn how to suffer. Money alone can’t solve everything. There will also be a problem with my conscience and sorry for him. But shouldn’t money go to a good spender? Isn’t this a big problem in the world? In the end, I will give it to my friend. I am grateful to think twice about my values. Sorry, it’s time to say good-bye. Lotto—

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!