PEACE FESTIVAL is already started
The 4th Annual Commemoration of the 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit was held in South Korea from the 17th to the 19th of September. This year, thousands of leaders and citizens from around the globe will gather for 3 days with the great determination of creating a peaceful world together. Under the theme of “Collaboration for Peace Development: Building a Peace Community through the DPCW”, the wind of peace is blowing all over the world. This 918 WARP Summit is the core of HWPL’s peace movement. The main agenda of the WARP Summit will be the introduction of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) to the United Nations (UN) as a binding resolution. Today, I will introduce the WARP Office.
HWPL‘s 3 Peace Initiatives
• Law for Peace
• Alliance of Religions
• Peace education
Alliance of Religions
Discussing the spirit of peace written in scriptures
to step forward onto the road of world peace
Religion is returning to its original role in restoring peace. The WARP Office was established to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings among religious groups. The Chairman Man hee Lee‘s clear religious guidelines lead religious people in the right direction today.
The Chairman Man hee Lee said, “If religions are in harmony with each other, there will be no reason to fight. To achieve harmony among religions, people of religion should examine and compare their scriptures to find the truth and become one in that truth. People of religion are responsible for leading people of the world in the right path.”
In the WARP Office, leaders from various religious groups gather to discuss religion and the Bible. It is being held in major cities around the world. The purpose of this comparative study of religious scriptures is to return religion to its original role and become one religion according to the creator’s will. The WARP Office promotes understanding and harmony among many religions in the world for the peace of mankind.
My posting :
One religious leader emphasized, “We should support the WARP Office discussions, as the significant link and the great network for the worldwide religious institutions and spiritual leaders, to show the cooperation and solidarity of all religious leaders, and to send the message of tolerance, peace and unity to all people around the world.”
The Story of WARP Office
Seeing the current status of the religious war, HWPL thinks the solution of peace. ‘How can we make it?’ The answer they found is the Scriptures. Because it represent the accumulation of not only the spiritual and moral teachings of the respective faiths, but also a fundamental standard of human conduct.
Why Scripture? Although the common objective that all religion is the great things, these messages are often overlooked by people. Because religious people fight with each other first. They showed hostility and started a war. So peace is becoming an elusive concept. So HWPL approach towards the root cause of this hostility between faiths, defined as the misunderstandings that arise from the misinterpretation of these scriptures. Eminent religious experts recognized it as an ‘Innovative Approach’. The alliance of religions is the earnest hope of all humanity.
Spreading throughout the world
The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office Meetings began from the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in 2014 where representative leaders from 12 religions, along with 950 participants, signed the Unity of Religion Agreement. At that time, the WARP Office Meeting was established and it has been actively practiced worldwide since then. In the short three years from its official beginning, the WARP Offices have seen rapid expansion with 218 offices now operating in 126 countries. With approximately 2,500 representative religious leaders as participants, it enhanced the level of understanding of various religions.
Do you know what culture was created? Religious leaders want to seek true peace-building and harmony among religions based on correct understanding. And they dedicated themselves to thoroughly researching what a “trustworthy scripture” should contain.
91 percent of all religious leaders agreed that the following six attributes, 1) Good and Evil, 2) Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death, 3) The Spiritual Realm, 4) Cleansing of Sins, 5) History and Genealogy, and 6) Prophecy and Fulfillment
Religious Youth Peace Camp
The aim of the HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp is to engage youth and youth organizations in dialogue and conflict transformation activities based on inter-religious and inter-cultural learning.
Camp participants learn about the general history of world religions, find the root cause of and plausible resolutions to religious conflicts and disputes, examine the religious community’s roles for peace, and experience cultural exchanges.
1&2 HWPL Intercontinental Online WARP Office
On 24 March 2018, the first Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting was held. The topic of this WARP Office meeting was “What is the root of evil and how can we eliminate evil? Where does it come from? How can we eliminate it according to your respective religion?” The religious leaders, who participated in meeting, were specially selected as outstanding leaders at worldwide. It made it easy for anyone to be able to see and participate in audience questions by broadcasting their discussion. It is also designed to promote WARP offices to religious societies and civil society, and to spread the culture of seeking truth.
“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.” – the Chairman Man hee Lee
One Netherlander said, “It is amazing that people from different religions can meet and communicate with each other about peace. I think peace and harmony of religions can be achieved as we continue to do this work.”
2018 WARP Summit Program (Only Live)
HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting | 17(Mon.) 10:00 | Live 1 |
2018 Conference for the Implementation of the DPCW | 17(Mon.) 15:30 | Live 2 |
Peace Festival for the 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit | 18(Tues.) 15:00 | Live 3 |
The Role of the Youth in Spreading a Culture of Peace | 19(Wed.) 12:30 | Live 4 |
HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting
What Religious Texts Tell You “About God”
Multilingual Global Live Broadcast
2018. 9. 17. Mon. 10:00 am GMT +8
(If you click the ‘Live’ button, you can choose the language ♥)