The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

What is WARP office?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting WeWantPeace WARP OFFICE WARP The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting Religion HWPL   Do you know WARP Office? Since the initial establishment of the WARP Offices in November 2014, religious leaders have gathered worldwide. Why do they gather? They have same passion, for what? ‘What is believable scriptures?’ They gathered to conduct comparison dialogues regarding their various religious scriptures. There are many corrupt religious people. But these leaders are different. Why do they compare? 80% of the war is religious war. So, religious leaders intend to unite religion with responsibility. They are gathered at this Online WARP Office Meeting.

Let us all become messengers of peace and leave peace as a legacy to future generations. – HWPL

Why Online WARP Office?

  • A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting WeWantPeace WARP OFFICE WARP The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting Religion HWPL

  On 24 March 2018 HWPL’s World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office held its first Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting. Why is this meeting meaningful? It is transcending continental boundaries. What surprising is that an open channel of communication with the audience was implemented. It enabled them to participate directly in the discussions with the religious leaders. What do you think will happen then?

The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting WeWantPeace WARP OFFICE WARP The First Intercontinental Online WARP Office Meeting The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting Religion HWPL     The topic of this WARP Office meeting was “What is the root of evil and how can we eliminate evil? Where does it come from? How can we eliminate it according to your respective religion?” The religious leaders were specially selected as outstanding leaders at worldwide. It made it easy for anyone to be able to see and participate in audience questions by broadcasting their discussion. It is also designed to promote WARP offices to religious societies and civil society, and to spread the culture of seeking truth.

“When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.” – HWPL

The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting

What Religious Texts Tell You: “Beginning and Origin of All Things”

  The 2nd Intercontinental WARP Office Online Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 9. It would be until the day when war is ceased on earth and peace is finally achieved.

Is there a creator? What’s the essence of my existence?

Session 1 UTC 10:00~12:00

What has brought me to this world?

Session 2 UTC 13:00~15:00

#HWPL #WARP #WeWantPeace #Religion

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!