HWPL Busan-Gyeongnam Western Branch held the first Peace Loving New Year Conference on 18th of January. The event was organized as a time to share last year’s activity series and 2020 activity plan reports with 150 members and citizens attending.
“I sincerely thank you for being with HWPL at this time of the New Year,” said leader Kim Jung-soo, who attended the event and gave a welcoming speech. “This year, HWPL will continue to promote peace, international law, peace education, and harmony among religions for peace and war on the Korean Peninsula.
In particular, the event drew the attention of participants as a video of a celebration featuring voices on peace was shown at all levels of Afghanistan.
“Everyone in the world is partly responsible for stopping the war and bringing peace to everyone around the world,” said Wali Kabir, the head of news at Afghanistan’s state-run news agency. “It’s a great opportunity for a journalist to deliver a message of peace.
I look forward to hearing a lot of news of peace from now on.
HWPL Peace Education Conference was held under subtitle, “Changing the future of Korea by Building an Upright Character.” Unlike last year, the goal of this year’s event is for peace to promote peace in their countries in different parts of the world. So, YouTube video says it’s for Korea because it was held in Korea. At 166 locations in 113 countries around the world, 138 countries participated in 211 “Legislate Peace” projects to mark the 5th anniversary of the 2019 World Peace Summit. 🙂
Peace Education is our hope, our power and our future.
It was also being promoted by Twitter and other lots of media outlets. There were more messengers of peace than I thought! 🙂
Wide shot… Sure, my friend is good at taking pictures.She is my friend. When I asked him if she was tired, she said she was full of energy. She said “promoting peace is too fun, motivating, and inspiring.” She is such a passionate friend.
What is HWPL Peace Education?
Many of the participants look like those in the education industry. They’re all about middle and high school teachers, professors, and someone’s mother, right?
In fact, we already know the importance of peace education. Education had been for mankind to develop further. No one wants to be annihilated in a war. What is the advantage of HWPL’s peace education over other peace education?
Because HWPL has the answer to peace, and teaches it. The DPCW, an answer to peace, is a international law to be proclaimed by 21 law experts in 15 countries and we are now preparing to bring the DPCW to the United Nations. Former and incumbent European presidents(Centre BBS), the Central American Parliament(PARLACEN) and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) have officially declared their support with 1.3 million citizens.
Exemplary Case in Cambodia
I’m a peace teacher, Hyun Joo Kim. Many of you who are here today have lived a long life for your students. I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect for that dedication and passion. And it’s an honor to share some of my experiences here today.
Cambodia has a glorious cultural heritage and nature of the heavenly world. But did you know that even in such a beautiful country, the history of pain coexist?
It happened about 50 years ago in the 1970s, Killing-field, Cambodia. It was the 1975 Khmer Rouge regime that massacred more than 2 million people across Cambodia in a period of three years and eight months to maintain a communist regime. Victims were mostly intellectuals, men and women, and it was also a painful history of being killed indiscriminately, from the elderly to the newborn.
Did you know that the people who were involved in the Killing Fields massacre were teenagers? Students were forced to live as perpetrators and victims before they could even realize their dreams.
We had a meeting with Cambodia’s Ministry of Education and Youth Sports with answers to education and peace values found at HWPL. The Ministry of Education and Youth Sports(MoEYS) has a mission to educate the Cambodian people to become citizens of global peace. After signing the Peace Education MOA with HWPL, the MoEYS promised to expand opportunities for peace education in schools and educational institutions, and to train peace teachers to provide peace value education throughout Cambodia.
And in February 2019, the HWPL Peace Education Committee was officially launched under the Ministry of Education and Youth Sports. Since then, peace education has continued. After one class, a fifth-grade girl came to see me.
“Teacher, why am I so funny and happy at this time?”
I answered. “That’s the peace. Because peace starts with yourself, if you start practicing it on your home and on the people around you, your country will soon become a nation of peace. The history of war will never be repeated.”
The girl’s eyes glistened at the word were the moment I wanted to take a video and keep it for the rest of my life.
I was most impressed by this speech. I also heard some news about Cambodia so I posted it. I’ll attach it to the back.
Personally, I like this picture the most. The camera looks expensive. Um… this is B-cut. I hope my friend doesn’t see this article. LOLI think this picture is a bit good. If I don’t say this, I think my friend will hit me.
On 18th of September, “2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit” is held under subtitle, “Legislate Peace” – Implementation of the DPCW for Sustainable Development. It will be held on today in Korea, and “Legislate Peace” projects have already been under way around the world. There were 193 events in 164 locations in 112 countries. (136 countries participating)
You’ve already seen a lot of my old posts, haven’t you? So I brought some today, too! There are so many great pictures. But before that, I want to see the picture of my friend who is on the scene today. 🙂 I love you.
PROGRAM of 2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit
You can see this live and see it again after the event. But the best thing to do is to watch the live broadcast together! So I have a delicious lunch with my friend, and I am ready to sit in a cafe and watch it together on my laptop.
I ate lunch and watched the opera house scenery a little. 🙂 Now, let’s take a look at it through a friend who is at the peace festival in Korea.
Even though my friend left early in the morning, a huge number of people had a rehearsal. There are the staff preparing for the parade and young people for the card performance. When I think about how many people have tried to make a festival like this, nothing is easy and I feel grateful.
She participated in the WARP Summit 2019 as a HWPL supporters “ONE.”
Before seeing the event in person, let’s listen to the voices of the participants.
“Legislate Peace” Project Quotes #4
Prof. Oleksandr Zadorozhnii¸ Former President of Ukrainian Association of International Law
“It is very technical, modern, and well written enough to be implemented. The core contents of the declaration are good. I have helped its translation because the contents were all good. But the main problem now is to make this into a legally binding document. On a legal aspect, there is nothing I should add or modify to the current contents of the declaration as they are good enough. But a problem would be how to implement the contents of the declaration. Perhaps Articles 9 and 10 are not based on their legal implement, but this would be concerned with volunteers, youth and women organizations instead. I totally agree with the contents and the structure of the declaration and have no other suggestion. The purpose and essence of the declaration perfectly goes along with the foreign policies of Ukraine. I support all the activities of HWPL and the DPCW because this is very important.”
Herculano Amaral/International Rotary Club of Dili Lafaek,Director/Timor-Leste
“Looking at these stories, Timorese people have been suffering a lot. A range of crimes and violence have been experienced which including massacres, tortures, kidnapping, rape and so on and so forth. You could have imagined how hard it was living in their own country and going through these situations. This kind of situation have brought many children lost their parents and many people had lost their beloved ones. However, the reconciliation was the weapon and is the weapon of living as a great neighbour in the world. (Can you please give a round applause?) The reconciliation was the weapon for us to live as a great neighbour in the world. Today, we are very proud living in an independent country yet many things that our leaders are still working on, so that our people can live in prosperous and live in harmony and peaceful lives. However, to achieve this, it’s not that easy as many people have been facing physiologically trauma and stressful and so on and so forth. IPYG Timor-Leste is also working hand by hand with the IWPG Timor-Leste to plan more peace activities such as Peace through Sports, Clean up for Peace, Peace for Concert, Planting Trees and many more things. Moreover, we hope to include more young people so that we can create more spaces for spreading the culture of peace. However, to achieve this, it should be done by cultivating a culture of respecting each other and mutual trust within people to people and states to states levels.”
Monk Phramaha Monchai Saitanaporn, from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Berlin
“All religions speak of peace, but unfortunately religion has become one the causes for the greatest conflicts in human history. DPCW deals with these issues of religion which may be sensitive and includes specific provisions to resolve religious conflicts. Article 8 of the DPCW contains provisions to deal with these things. Like so, the DPCW contains the necessarily legal provisions to cut off religious conflicts, protect the freedom of religion, and encourage inter-religious dialogues. DPCW Article 9 states that if such disputes are prevented but are not resolved and continue to be caused by religion, then strong legal actions will be taken against them. That is why I strongly believe that the DPCW is the method to achieve peace.”
Opening Address of the Mr. Man Hee Lee
“Good afternoon, peace family. I sincerely welcome your attendance. I’m Mr. Man Hee Lee, the chairman of HWPL.
We are not the only ones here at this celebration, but also the spirits of heaven. As soon as I see your bright side, I can see the day of the WARP Summit 2014 five years ago.
On that day, in order to end the war in the global village and to make peace an eternal legacy in the future, politicians pledged to urge them to enact international laws for peace, and religious people to unite in God, in front of God, before the people of the world. All the heaven and earth heard this pledge. So, we are keeping the promise well.
At this time, we are having this 5th anniversary event all over our country and all over the world at the same time. Look at that monitor over there a lot. You’re going to see it. We are all messengers of peace. Today’s event, this is going to shine eternally in the history of the global village. Let’s achieve our promised goal. We Are One! I love you. Thank you.”
Speech of the IPYG Director
“The answer of peace, DPCW, has been widely supported around the world since its announcement in 2016, and as you’ll see in detail in its progress report, has expanded its support from all walks of life for a year. In particular, IPYG youth around the world have played a major role in promoting DPCW and in transforming DPCW into a peaceful culture. We received answers to the letter of peace from each country, and Australia, East Timor, and South Sudan held a soccer tournament of peace to inform young people about the need for peace. In Thailand, more than 2,000 students held a singing contest to spread the culture of peace, and in Korea, more than 10,000 young people participated in a campaign for peaceful unification to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Ladies and gentlemen, the answer of peace and the support of the citizens of the world is amazing, but there’s something even more amazing. It’s not the president of any country, the head of the United Nations, but the chairman of the HWPL that is making the answer of peace. Why is it that the whole world speaks out for DPCW voluntarily, even though it’s not something that someone has forced you to do, and it’s not something that you have to do? Thanks to Mr. Man Hee Lee’s leadership in practice.
In 2014, he promised to establish international law and create peace between religions, and he actually traveled around the world more than 30 times. He also visited and gathered experts in international law to help enact international laws, met heads of state and leaders, and expressed the need for DPCW, met religious leaders from each country in person, and encouraged them to participate in the WARP Office.
And he created the MOU and implementation of peace education with the heads of the National Education Ministry, the elementary, middle and high schools and universities. With the leadership of running and working nonstop, the result was possible. And we can also be confident that we will be able to achieve our future.
All of this is possible if we all become one. Don’t forget. We are one.”
Speech of the IWPG Director
“Our peace families, who are paying attention to this place. To end the global war and create a world of peace, let’s urge us to know the value of this peace declaration first, to let my neighbors know the value of this peace declaration, know the nation and the president, join and sign in support.
I’d like to ask all the women in each country. And I’d like to ask you guys and male politicians. Please encourage your loved ones and your wives and children to join the eternal peace process. So that we can do the work of peace with people who can do absolutely pure service to the human world, regardless of power or interest. There’s nothing more valuable than this. It’s a pure volunteer that makes a good world and gives it to future generations as a legacy.
It’s time to end the war, and peace is done when war and sin and pain are lost in the world. It is also peace that heaven wants to give us so much. Therefore, let us use ourselves as a tool for peace and make new changes in the world. This is not someone else’s business. You should never assume that you’re doing someone else’s work. I will do my job and fulfill my mission from heaven. That’s why I’m asking all of you here to work with all your heart.
It’s time to fulfill our mission with our Chairman Man Hee Lee. And it’s time for peace to rule the world. Let’s work together to share each other’s burden for the future and safety of mankind so that we don’t break the line of life of peace. Let’s add the wisdom I’ve accumulated and use the expertise I’ve worked for to make sure that peace is complete in this age of life. If your zeal, Man Hee Lee’s wisdom, and the explosive power of 3.7 billion women and youth become ONE, war will surely disappear in this world. Let’s all become messengers of peace together and achieve our goal before our eyes. Thank you.”
IPYG Card Section Performance
It is the result of 6,000 young people’s effort without any cost. Actually, it’s even more wonderful to see in person. The history of the Korean Peninsula can be seen at a glance from the founding of the country. It also gives an answer to how peace can be achieved.
At the same time in the Big Cities of Korea
Their enthusiasm is really hot. It seems that peace will be achieved right now. Then there was speeches of leaders after that, special performances of Korean traditional music and taekwondo, and a media facade as the final finale.
Speech of Giani Harpreet Singh Ji Jathedar (Head) Sri Akal Takht Sahib, the highest temporal seat of the Sikh Faith
“Greetings. I am the representative of all the Sikhs and at presently serving Sri Akal Takht Sahib, the highest temporal seat of the Sikh Faith. I, on behalf of all the Sikhs of the world, give my good wishes to HWPL for attainment of their noble objectives for DPCW to be submitted to the UN General Assembly as a draft resolution and to become a legally binding instrument. It will finally bring the true meaning of Peace in the world.
I, as the representative of all the Sikhs and at presently serving Sri Akal Takht Sahib, the highest temporal seat of the Sikh Faith, assure the esteemed assembly of highly revered ambassadors of all the great Religious Faiths that the Sikhs have always stood and will stand for world peace, mutual respect of religious faiths and empowerment of women and youth in our society so that we co-exist in a peaceful world and leave a better place for our coming generation.”
Media Facade Finale
How beautiful it can be. It was so cool. I don’t know how many months it will take to make this. That visual quality was the level of movie.
Now I’m going to go home. It would be even more touching and proud to see it in person. We have live broadcasts for each session tomorrow, so let’s take a good rest for tomorrow.
What’s happening in 200 cities in 110 countries? It is a Peace Festival!! Beginning on August 27th, Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Paris, France, Mindanao, Philippines, Suva, Fiji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Cape Town, South Africa, and more, hold “2019 World Peace Summit” to support the DPCW for sustainable development. There are so many people who want peace. They are confident in the DPCW, a new international law aligned with SDGs and UN Charter and are about to achieve peace with their voices.
Today we looked at five cities. Finally, I want to introduce you a boy, born in South Sudan, a country suffering from a sustained civil war.
This young boy is Immanuel Lovizo Justin. When he saw 150 people die horribly before his eyes in a civil war in 2016, he decided to start the work of peace. He already knew his life could be threatened.
He started to encourage people to realize the DPCW, which is a new international law called the “answer to peace” and is supported by former/incumbent Presidents, and he collected 5,000 signatures of support for DPCW by himself. He also held a peace concert and was reported in the local newspaper.
The peace-loving young boy is now in a hurry to collect 10,000 peace letters for the Presidents and has already collected more than 1,000. What value did this South Sudanese boy see in the DPCW? Why is he risking his life in the battlefield to call for the DPCW?
In this current century, the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) set out key points for harmonious coexistence and development of the global community, including the economy, poverty eradication, education, welfare, equality and justice. The precondition for achieving this goal is the sustainable state of peace without war based on the complete cessation of violent conflicts such as hostile actions and wars throughout the international community.
UN Ukraine / flickr
However, conflicts and actions of war between countries have not ceased, and the possibility of war is further increased by the spread of violent extremism by non-state actors based on religious and ethnic identity. Just as such, today’s conflicts are becoming worsened by the everyday fears that can directly affect individuals, going beyond what affects one’s country.
Therefore, a comprehensive approach of prevention and solution is required to respond to violent forms of disputes, including wars that threaten the lives of mankind. This comprehensive approach is based on the participation of non-governmental organizations and individuals – as well as governments and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) in this current international community – where the response to disputes in non-political areas such as culture, religion, ethnicity, economy, and the environment is required with the cooperation between various actors. This increases the possibility of establishing global peace as a new approach to respond to conflicts by transcending national boundaries with shared, common effort for peace from around the world.
The HWPL Peace Summit sets the source of power to create a world of peace to include every agent of action – from an individual to a country – to become a peace messenger. The 10 articles and 38 clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), drafted by HWPL along with international law experts from around the world, reconfirms the core values included in the existing international documents discussed and drawn in international communities including the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
The Declaration also clarifies the role of the members of international society, including civil societies and countries, to ban, prevent, and resolve conflicts. Based on the global support shown through “Legislate Peace” campaign, the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW should be introduced to the UN as a resolution with the goal of the principles of peace represented in the Declaration should be established as international law for peace which should be protected as a legally binding document in the world today.
HWPL, the host of this event, is an NGO associated with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the UN Department of Global Communications and in Special Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC. The organizers are the IPYG, an affiliated organization of HWPL, and the IWPG, a UN ECOSOC-affiliated NGO with Special Consultative Status. Mr. Man Hee Lee is the chairman of HWPL. In fact, everything here has nothing to do without him. That’s how important he is.
All of these can be seen as Man Hee Lee’s peace biography. I think it would be nice to read another article because I’ve posted so many posts about who he is. (more info)
1. On 17-19 September 2014, HWPL hosted the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit for world peace and cessation of war. At this event, the world’s political leaders recognized the need for an international legal instrument that ensures peace and promised to cooperate, and religious leaders promised to become one according to the teachings of God and contribute to peace. As a token of their promise, they signed the Agreement to Propose the Enactment of International Law for the Cessation of Wars and World Peace and the World Alliance of Religions Agreement on 18 September 2014 at the 63 Building in Seoul.
2. In 2015, the 1st anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit was held at the World Peace Gate in Seoul Olympic Park. At this event, the HWPL International Law Peace Committee was officially inaugurated, and its members entered the stage of discussing an international legal instrument to settle and prevent armed conflicts.
Then on 14 March 2016, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), comprising of 10 articles and 38 clauses, was proclaimed. The fundamental spirit of the DPCW is the fair governance based on law, not power. Articles 1 to 7 pertain to the role of States while Articles 8 to 10 aim to empower the participation of global citizens in establishing a global order of peace through politics, religion, media, education, and civil society.
3. At the 2nd Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit of 2016, discussions were held to turn the DPCW into legally binding form. As a result, “Legislate Peace” Project was launched to advocate the DPCW and mobilize support for its implementation globally, and over a million people in 170 countries participated in just one year.
4. In 2017, 2017 Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit was held under the theme, “Establishing Collaborative Governance for Development and Implementation of the DPCW.” Building on the momentum from the adoption of the DPCW by the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN), the Summit aimed to increase awareness of the DPCW among intergovernmental organizations including the United Nations.
Furthermore, the agreed standards for determining a trustworthy religious scripture, which is the key of the comparative study of scriptures, were presented and ideas for a global peace media network were developed. Overall, the Summit provided an opportunity to seek ways to establish a cooperative network among international organizations, governments, and civil societies.
5. Through the 4th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit that convened with the theme of Collaboration for Peace Development: Building a Peace Community through the DPCW in 2018, the following topics were discussed: 1) Plans of action to support the DPCW to be introduced as UN resolution as a national and regional level; 2) Plans of action to establish and expand peace networks with various fields in the core including politics, religion, education, media, youth, women, etc.
With the youths’ Peace Letter activities that urged for a peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula in 2018, the Peace Letter campaign expanded during March to May in 2019 for the citizens and leaders from around the world in various sectors to urge support for the DPCW. As a result of this campaign, peace letters were written and sent to the heads of state from 192 countries.
The theme of the 2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit is “Legislate Peace”– Implementation of the DPCW for Sustainable Development. This year the outcomes from the previous year’s work – in which various fields focused on solidifying peace networks – will be shared, along with a more detailed direction for the advancement of actualizing world peace. For this purpose, there will be events held in 200 cities in 110 countries with 300,000 citizens with the goal of establishing a universal order and standard that is applicable internationally, and to establish an international, legally binding document for peace.
Do you think this world is peaceful? Or are you too busy making a living in front of us to think about? Everyone lives in their own world. The size of the world is only different. Of course, I know that unless it’s God, I can’t count everything. It could be hypocrisy. Nevertheless, there are those who risk their lives and do the work of peace. Who are they?
First of all, I’m going to see if it’s peaceful.
Ongoing Conflicts (2018-2019)
Ongoing armed conflicts have caused at least 181,000 fatalities(2018-2019). It included only battle-related death or intentionally targeted civilian casualties. Overall damage would be magnitudes greater if injuries and lasting aftermath from conflicts are considered.
Communal conflicts in Nigeria (1998~) : 3,162 (total 17,156)
Iraqi conflict (2003~) : 5,750(total 288,000)
Boko Haram insurgency (2009~) : 2,457(total 51,567)
South Sudanese Civil War (2011~) : 1,685(total 383,000-400,000)
Libyan Civil War (2014~) : 1,727(total 29,859–42,253)
In two years, so many people died. Fatalities are over 181,000. This number is not a small. Can you handle the grief of their family or friends? We can’t feel anything, because we’re far from psychological. The closer you get to them, the more you will live a life of helplessness, sad and unable to do anything. If you’ve had a similar experience, you know it.
But we can’t just sit still and do nothing. Now, we’re trying to find out who’s risking their lives for peace. They are HWPL.
HWPL, DPCW.. and Man Hee Lee
2018 HWPL World Peace Summit: 4th Anniversary of the WARP Summit
HWPL is an NGO associated with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the UN Department of Global Communications and in Special Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC. The organizers are the IPYG, an affiliated organization of HWPL, and the IWPG, a UN ECOSOC-affiliated NGO with Special Consultative Status.
HWPL is considered by experts and foreign media to be the most accomplished peace organization in a short period of time. Among them, the key role is DPCW, the answer to peace.
What is the problem of existing international law? It is not legally binding and it partially allows war. S0, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was drafted by prominent international law experts from 15 different countries.
The 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW is a comprehensive documentation of the principles of peace that are required in this current era through an inclusive approach to ban, prevent, and resolve conflicts. Based on the DPCW, the common global yearning to achieve world peace and cessation of war can be accomplished with the core principles of peace.
It can be established in the form of international law, not just for individual societies, but in relationships between countries and in the entire globe as a universal standard and value. To achieve this goal, the DPCW needs to become a resolution at the United Nations – which represents the international community – and become an internationally binding legal document for every country and citizen to abide by it.
H.E. Viktor Yushchhenko, Former President of Ukraine
“I am deeply grateful to be able to implement the cause of peace in a specific way. This is truly a worthy cause. I was deeply impressed to see the DPCW with its refined and profound wisdom. I think it is worth the support from all leaders of the world. This is because the DPCW is a perfectly balanced document that was drafted through the great effort of international legal experts and is of fundamental value.”
What is the core of HWPL?
HWPL is said to have brought together the voices of citizens from all over the world. What is the driving force that makes things possible that no one else has done? It is the Mr. Man Hee Lee, who is supported by 1.8 billion young people around the world. He is also a veteran of the Korean War and is working harder for peace than a young man, despite his age.
His life-threatening moves touched many young people. What is surprising is that many people have seen the light from him. He is also called the president of the world. If you listen to his speech, you will find out why. The whole family in the world follows him, because he has a clear answer and leadership.
H.E. Emil Constantinescu, the former president of Romania
Q. What do you think of Chairman Lee?
A. “I believe Chairman Lee is a leader in the true sense of the word, which is easy to see in the way he wins the hearts and the minds of the younger generation, in particular because of his destiny: a man who fought in the Korean War which, like all wars, pits man against man; but what is even more striking is that, in the case of the Korean war, it was pitting brother against brother.
When youth and women’s associations were established, I think Man Hee Lee astutely picked up on the fact that herein lay the key, as youths are sent to die in wars by populist and ultranationalist leaders with dictatorial tendencies while women during war are not only victims but also suffer for their parents, children and brothers. We must never forget that while 20.000.000 soldiers died in World War II, 40.000.000 civilians, mostly women, children and the elderly, perished in that conflict as well.”
Romanian Parliament House / 31st HWPL World Peace Tour
2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit
The 2019 HWPL World Peace Summit: 5th Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit will be held over three days, from 17 to 19 September 2019, in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Summit has been held annually since 2014, providing a platform for leaders in politics, religion, youth and women’s groups, journalism, and civil society around the world to discuss the ideas and practices required to achieve peace, a common goal of the global community.
Outcomes from the past year – in which various fields focused on solidifying peace networks – will be shared this year, along with a more detailed direction of the advancement for actualizing world peace. Peace Festival will be held at not only Korea, but also 110 countries and 200 cities worldwide. Peace is the timeless, invaluable asset for humanity. Your presence and support will be sure to make this event even more meaningful.
1) Expanding support at international level for introducing the DPCW to the UN General Assembly as a draft resolution 2) Spreading a culture of interfaith understanding and dialogue based on religious scriptures 3) Strengthening the ability of youth and women’s peace network 4) Implementing peace education for building the character of global citizens with peace values 5) expanding a global peace media network: changing the public’s awareness of peace
Actually, DPCW has been consistently supported by the world. It already has national supports such as Seychelles, Eswatini, and Comoros. In 2017,the central american parliament (PARLACEN)passed a resolution in support of the DPCW. Also, the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), which represents all citizens of 55 countries of the African Continent, the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which consisted of former European Presidents, and 145 United Nations officialsalso supported the DPCW.
What is #LP Campaign?
The support of citizens is also continuing constantly. Already, 734,098 signatures from 176 countries are collected. What is LP Campaign? “Legislate Peace” project is a comprehensive cooperation campaign around the globe in support of the DPCW’s introduction to the UN as a draft resolution, and for it to become an international, legally binding document.
This project lists all of the support received from 2016 to now from over 180 different countries and includes institutional support from various international organizations and governments, with individual support and activities from political leaders, religious leaders, and community activists. At this year’s event, the projects’ specific cases in individual expert fields will be shared with a discussion for future plans. Young people are also moving to achieve faster.
IPYG all over the world is urging presidents from around the world to sign the DPCW. In less than a year, 165,782 Peace Letters were collected. On March 14, 2019, citizens from all over the world wrote letters of peace and sent them to the Presidents of 192 countries and Prime ministers to urge the need for DPCW. It is a part of the “Legislate Peace” Project. What a great thing! You can join online right now. There are not many opportunities to work for peace. Together, Peace.
Timor-Leste, or East Timor, is a Southeast Asian nation ringed by coral reefs teeming with marine life. It has really beautiful natural scenery. But crime continues to be a problem in Timor-Leste, including gang-related violence, robbery (in some cases armed), and assault. There have been attacks on foreigners in Dili during the hours of daylight and darkness. Also, the citizens who live there have suffered a lot.
East Timor genocide (1975-1999)
East Timor was colonised by Portugal in the 16th century, and was known as Portuguese Timor until 28 November 1975, when the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (Fretilin) declared the territory’s independence. The East Timor genocide refers to the “pacification campaigns” of state terrorism by the Indonesian government during the US-backed.
From the start of the invasion in August 1975 onward, the wholesale massacre of Timorese civilians happened. At the start of the occupation, FRETILIN radio sent the following broadcast: “The Indonesian forces are killing indiscriminately. Women and children are being shot in the streets. We are all going to be killed…. This is an appeal for international help. Please do something to stop this invasion.”
Amnesty International estimated that one third of East Timor’s population, or 200,000 in total, died from military action, starvation and disease from 1975 to 1999. In 1979 the US Agency for International Development estimated that 300,000 East Timorese had been moved into camps controlled by Indonesian armed forces.
Also, Indonesian military abuses against women in East Timor were numerous and well-documented. Amnesty International USA wrote: “Women are reluctant to pass on information to non-governmental organizations about rape and sexual abuse, let alone to report violations to the military or police authorities.” University of Oxford held an academic consensus calling the event genocide and Yale university teaches it as part of their “Genocide Studies” program.
However, a strong wind of peace is blowing again these days.
HWPL Peace Walk In Timor-Leste
On June 8, 2019, Peace Walk event of HWPL was held on May 25 at the Radio Community Atoni Lifau in the Oe-Cusse area together with government officials, the heads of NGOs and school students. Every year in Timor-Leste, HWPL has held the event in Dili, the capital city. This year, it was the first time in Oe-Cusse, not in Dili. Do you know Oe-Cusse? UN troops and the “Sangnoksu Unit” of Korea were dispatched together to fight for the independence of Timor-Leste in the past. After the war, there is a lot of exchange with Korea.
During the Peace Walk, they walked to the memorial stone for the sacrifice of Sangnoksu Unit who sacrificed for the independence of East Timor. Independence… What a heart-wrenching word? The smiling children don’t know anything, but the ancestors who achieved independence must be really happy. It’s hard not to forget that gratitude, but… Youth must do it. And the most important thing we need to do is to stop the war from happening anymore. Let’s leave peace as a legacy for future generations!
They made a promise to work together with HWPL for peace from now on. The event was also broadcasted on the national broadcasting station GMNtv on June 12.
Tunisia is a North African country bordering the Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert. The FCO says: “Terrorists are still very likely to try to carry out attacks in Tunisia. Security forces remain on a high state of alert in Tunis and other places. You should be vigilant at all times, including around religious sites and festivals.”
Conflicts of Republic of Tunisia
Bizerte crisis(July 19, 1961 — July 23, 1961)
Tunisian revolution(December 18, 2010 — January 14, 2011)
ISIL insurgency in Tunisia(June 26, 2015 — ongoing)
On 27 June 2019, two suicide blasts took place in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. The first explosion on Thursday involved a suicide bomber who targeted a police patrol on Tunis’s central Charles de Gaulle Street. One police officer was killed, while another was wounded as well as three civilians, according to the interior ministry. In total, 127–173 were killed and 84–126 were wounded.
What is ISIL (ISIS, IS)?
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and officially known as the Islamic State (IS). They are under a lot of criticism. The UN estimated that 5,000 Yazidis were killed by ISIL during the takeover of parts of northern Iraq in August 2014. The problem of child soldiers, sexual violence and slavery is so serious. In 2018, Nadia Murad (Yazidi girl) awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict”.
In late December 2015, nearly 70,000 Indian Muslim clerics associated with the Indian Barelvi movement issued a fatwa condemning ISIL and similar organisations, saying they are “not Islamic organisations”. Approximately 1.5 million Sunni Muslim followers of this movement have formally decried violent extremists. Regardless of religious beliefs, human rights violations are too serious.
In Tunisia, Peace must be Coming
Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie, @Nawaat/Références
On May 29th, 2019, Mohamed Riadh Aissaoui presented the HWPL True Story to Ms. Raja Ben Slama, the chief director of the National Library of Tunisia. Mr. Aissaoui currently lives in Tunisia and is the director of the OUDH(University Organization of Human Development). He explained to her about HWPL, the IPYG, and the DPCW, an answer to peace. As a response, Ms. Raja Ben Slama expressed her gratitude. And she said HWPL’s Legislate Peace Campaign and IPYG Peace Letter Campaign will make constructive influences on future generations.
Why is HWPL an “Answer to Peace”?
Mohamed Riadh Aissaoui presented the HWPL True Story to Ms. Raja Ben Slama, the chief director of the National Library of Tunisia.
The new international law DPCW made by HWPL is supported by continents around the world. It is supported by former and incumbent presidents, ministers, professors and heads of organizations, who want to make peace as soon as possible. The problem with existing international law is that it is not legally binding. HWPL, supported by 3.7 billion women (IWPG) and 1.8 billion young people (IPYG), is bound to be the answer to peace. Let’s do it together~