HWPL Busan-Gyeongnam Western Branch held the first Peace Loving New Year Conference on 18th of January. The event was organized as a time to share last year’s activity series and 2020 activity plan reports with 150 members and citizens attending.
“I sincerely thank you for being with HWPL at this time of the New Year,” said leader Kim Jung-soo, who attended the event and gave a welcoming speech. “This year, HWPL will continue to promote peace, international law, peace education, and harmony among religions for peace and war on the Korean Peninsula.
In particular, the event drew the attention of participants as a video of a celebration featuring voices on peace was shown at all levels of Afghanistan.
“Everyone in the world is partly responsible for stopping the war and bringing peace to everyone around the world,” said Wali Kabir, the head of news at Afghanistan’s state-run news agency. “It’s a great opportunity for a journalist to deliver a message of peace.
I look forward to hearing a lot of news of peace from now on.