How will the world change if peace becomes a culture?

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

What is culture? What happens if peace becomes a culture? I feel about the power of culture these days.

Obviously this was a difficult task, but if it is based on people’s common understanding that it is natural, it is done easily. It’s so amazing.

No business, no school, no friends around the students seem to be able to escape the influence of culture. The power of culture from small to large is powerful.

In this reality, there is an international peace organization in Korea that leads the change so that the global village may be imbued with a culture of peace, named Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light (HWPL).

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

As a veteran, HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee witnessed the horrors of the Korean War and presented answers for peace and life in the world of conflict and death. Urging everyone in the world to become one in peace, he always shouts ‘We Are One!’.

The representative achievement of the peace steps he and HWPL have made is the fruit of contributing to peace in Mindanao, the Philippines, ending its 50-year history of conflict.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace
Mindanao peace agreement

Mindanao was the site of the largest armed conflict in Southeast Asia.

Armed groups have been formed since the 1960s due to accumulated political, economic, and cultural discrimination and contradictions since the colonial period of Spain and the United States.

The MILF, which has been based in Mindanao, was the largest armed force in Southeast Asia as well as the Philippines. In the 2010s, the Philippine government declared an all-out war with the MILF, which resulted in 120,000 casualties.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace
with Moro Islamic Liberation Front(MILF)

The Mindanao conflict clearly shows the crisis faced by the global community of the spread of conflict based on ethnic/religious identity that emerged in the 21st century.

Mindanao’s peace was a matter of direct connection to global security issues beyond the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Efforts were made to resolve the dispute after it caused massive casualties. It’s the Mindanao peace agreement.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

International private organizations, along with the governments of Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom, supported the peace agreement, including Malaysia, the mediator of the official peace agreement between the government and the MILF.

In addition to the official process, international organizations such as the European Union, Organization of the Islamic Cooperation and various private organizations have begun to establish peace by supporting it and providing humanitarian aid.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE How will the world change if peace becomes a culture? Mindanao peace agreement MILF Man Hee Lee HWPL culture of peace

If you want to know how the effort that sowed for peace lasted, look forward to Part II. 🙂

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

3 thoughts on “How will the world change if peace becomes a culture?”

  1. This is a beautiful and very hopeful post. I find it quasi-miraculous that one man was able to end a very bitter 40-year inter-religious conflict between Catholic and Islamic groups that claimed 120,000 lives and that no other group could solve, yet so few media organisations report it. Thank YOU for reporting this news of peace.

    Moreover, it is war that hits the innocent the hardest, especially women, youth and children. Why must a mother lose her son to war? The DPCW – a legal instrument that Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL, a 92-year-old Korean War veteran, has conceived and garnered support for through 31 peace tours with politicians, Heads of State, religious leaders, academics and youth – is a solution to ending all conflict. I believe that it will be enacted as international law and peace will come when it is presented to the UN in late 2022 or early 2023. Kudos to Chairman Lee and HWPL.

  2. A beautiful post. Whether in Europe, Middle East or Africa, war always hits the innocent the hardest, especially women, youth and children. What do you possibly say to a mother who loses her son to war? The DPCW is a legal instrument that Chairman Lee of HWPL, who is a 92-year-old Korean War veteran, has conceived and garnered support for from politicians, Heads of State, religious leaders, academic experts and educators, women and youth groups through 31 global peace tours and it proposes a clear solution to permanently ceasing all wars and leaving peace as a legacy for the next generation. I really hope it will be presented to the United Nations in late 2022 or early 2023 so that it can be enacted as international law so that peace can come as soon as possible. Again, thank you for your post, and kudos to Chairman Lee and HWPL.

  3. If a world of peace is achieved, I believe it would be the best gift for mankind. Thank you HWPL for taking on this work! We won’t give up until peace is accomplished!

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