South Sudanese Women are sowing Seeds of Peace with Ox Ploughs

What is the current situation in South Sudan?

Over seven million people — about two thirds of the population — are in need of aid, including around 6.9 million people experiencing hunger. Food security is expected to deteriorate more, with 7.7 million people estimated to face crisis levels of hunger. The ongoing conflict and insecurity have pushed millions to the brink of starvation for years. (MERCY CORPS statistics as of June 2019)

Due to persistent intercommunal violence, including cattle raids, revenge attacks and armed ambushes, many people in the region have been reduced to relying on relief aid.

Is there really no hope?

The more desperate man is, the stronger he becomes.

The first thing to do is to blame the system for creating this world imbalance, and then we’ll have to do what we do.

The Women is Strong

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE South Sudanese Women are sowing Seeds of Peace with Ox Ploughs UNMISS United Nations South Sudan Conflicts South Sudan Sans Frontieres Germany Samuel Owoko Ox ploughs Ms. Agor IWPG hwpl report hwpl profile HWPL FAQ DPCW Doing good better
UN Photo/Isaac Billy
A woman awaits her return flight home at the UNMISS terminal of the Juba airport.

This time, women gathered strength. With support from the UN mission in the country, UNMISS, ox ploughs were handed to women’s groups.

“The challenge they reported was a lack of implements to increase their food production. That’s how the ox plough idea was born,” said Samuel Owoko, a representative of Sans Frontieres Germany, the organization implementing the project.

They did really great things. In the book of ‘Doing Good Better’, companies spend a lot of money to help, but in reality they are not helpful and often get in the way.

Ms. Agor, the women’s group leader, said “We have been using hand hoes, and with that you can only do so much. With these ox ploughs coming in, we shall cultivate bigger areas which will help us sustain our families throughout the long dry spell.”

She also had a message for the national authorities: “We want our Government to make sure that there is enough security so that we can bring in our bulls and cultivate. Without peace, that will not be possible. Right now, the roads are full of armed youth. They should go away so that our men can safely return with their cattle”.


I wish they were happier.
As she said, the best way is to stop the conflicts. I would like to tell her country to support the DPCW, the international law of peace. This is the perfect answer to peace.

I want to tell the women’s group again. The power of women is enormous! If the voices of 3.7 billion women around the world come together, no one will be able to stop them. IWPG will help you. 🙂

I sincerely hope that there will be peace in South Sudan.

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement

Doing good better : William MacAskill

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement William MacAskill WARP Summit 2017 the Third World countries poverty peace movements Legislate Peace Campaign international law HWPL Effective Altruism DPCW Doing good better     It is a book of altruism. Have you ever think about good will? Sometimes I want the world to change better, don’t you? If so, I take an example. One man want to do something for children of the Third World countries. He get great ideas! ‘A wheel pump‘ He imagine children romping with water. This project received worldwide attention. It raises large sums of money. They can supply lot of wheel pumps to the Third World countries.  So, what happened? Doing good better?

It is really uncomfortable

Many international organizations point out the flaw and families of the Third World complained. It is very ineffective than hand pump. The project suddenly went to smash. Although efforts are great, It’s a big waste of time and money.

Effective Altruism can change the world

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement William MacAskill WARP Summit 2017 the Third World countries poverty peace movements Legislate Peace Campaign international law HWPL Effective Altruism DPCW Doing good better     A practical, data-driven approach to doing good makes a tremendous difference. Not only charity, It can apply to peace movements. This book throw a question. “How can I make the biggest difference I can?” Like this question, if you cry out peace, all peace movements are not effective and practical. We should measure this impact accurately. There is an peace movement that is highly acclaimed at home and abroad. HWPL‘s peace movements are very practical and substantive. DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) is already declared. Now, presidents only have to sign up. Or come up with something better.

“The challenge for us is this: How can we ensure that, when we try to help others, we do so as effectively as possible?”  – Doing good better

WARP Summit 2017 : Peace movement

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Doing good better : Apply to Peace Movement William MacAskill WARP Summit 2017 the Third World countries poverty peace movements Legislate Peace Campaign international law HWPL Effective Altruism DPCW Doing good better

  • In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
  • In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
  • In Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
  • Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
  • In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
  • Now ‘Legislate peace campaign’