Is Peace a naive desire? Nope
We need practical and substantive approach for peace. It is not a small thing, Peace. In the world there are many peace movement to achieve peace. What can we do? Actually sometimes I don’t know what to do. But my heart is still strong. I have full of mind for peace! I know we are same. So, I find out what we can do! I find “Peace Messengers Together”
HWPL’s “Peace Messengers Together”
Milestones: the Road to Peace
- In May 25, 2013 The Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed.
- In Sep 16-19, 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
- In Sep 18-19, 2015 Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts
- In Nov 12-13, 2015 Committee meeting convenes to draft the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
- In March 14, 2016 New international law was proclaimed by HWPL International Law Peace Committee(more info). It was called DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War). (DPCW is here)
Vision of Peace law : Step by Step

‘Legislate Peace Campaign‘ was active to present DPCW to the United Nations.(campaign page) Now 300,000 people is moving fast. For Peace! Finally, they call on world leaders and governments to develop and enforce a law based on the principles of the DPCW. They are passionate and strong. What happened for a year? ‘Legislate Peace’ was started from 2015 May. How many people are participated in?
100 Nations 200 Cultural Events 100,000 People
174 Countries 715,625 People sign up!

Why ‘Legislate Peace Campaign‘? It is based on Article 10 “Spreading a culture of peace” I write it at the bottom. Actually the effect of culture is very powerful. It affects you unconsciously. To change the world was difficult, but that’s the easy bit. Why difficult? Why easy? If you want to change the world, it is hard. But if you change yourself, it is very easy!
DPCW Article 10 “Spreading a culture of peace”
1. States should recognize and engage with groups and organizations that seek to further the cause of peace as a global movement. States should facilitate such groups in their awareness-raising activities, including providing tuition in human rights and peace studies, as provided for, inter alia, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1999 UN Declaration on a Culture of Peace.
2. States should recognize that, in order to preserve a lasting culture of peace, public awareness of the need for, and value of, peace should be created. In this regard, states are encouraged to facilitate activities, commemorations, and initiatives that engage public consciousness with peace, including the erection of peace monuments as an alternative to war monuments.
3. Heads of state and heads of government should acknowledge that they are uniquely well placed to encourage a culture of peace, and should act to support this declaration to bring about the cessation of war.
4. States should promote a culture of peace including ensuring conditions in which-
(a) citizens are able to participate in the political affairs of the state as equals regardless of religious or ethnic differences;
(b) a free media is maintained which allows grievances to be aired and addressed;
(c) education is imparted to promote respect and mutual understanding among different religious, belief and ethnic groups;
(d) the right to development of peoples, including the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals, can be realized; and
(e) the well-being of all human kind with the participation of women and men to ensure peaceful coexistence amongst nations, states, and peoples may be guaranteed.
Go for Legislate Peace! Sign Your Support.
WARP Summit 2017 message relay!

This is the WARP Summit 2017 supporting message relay!
Wish the best and pass this “Peace Messengers Together.”
Relay on to 3 others
World peace and restoration has begun at the same time this declaration is proclaimed. Thank you. – Chairman of HWPL
Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!