The fourth Industrial Revolution with Google : Can you survive? #1

What is the fourth Industrial Revolution?

Where are we?

  • 1st Industrial Revolution 18C : The machines-revolution based on the steam engine
  • 2nd Industrial Revolution 19C~ early 20C : The mass-production-revolution based on electrical energy
  • 3rd Industrial Revolution late 20C : The knowledge-information-revolution based on computer and Internet
  • 4th Industrial Revolution early 21C : What?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The fourth Industrial Revolution with Google : Can you survive? #1 TGIF super-intelligence Sunil Chandra nano technology IoT hyper-connectivity Googleyness Fourth Industrial Revolution cloud computing big data AI 3D printing   The Fourth Industrial Revolution was first mentioned on 2016 WEF: World Economic Forum. The most interesting features are ‘hyper-connectivity‘ and ‘super-intelligence‘. So it has a powerful influence. For example, there are AI, IoT, cloud computing, big data, 3D printing and nano technology. It’s cool! But if you don’t catch up with the times, it’s a recipe for disaster to you. For someone it may be a golden opportunity.

What kind of person would survive?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE The fourth Industrial Revolution with Google : Can you survive? #1 TGIF super-intelligence Sunil Chandra nano technology IoT hyper-connectivity Googleyness Fourth Industrial Revolution cloud computing big data AI 3D printing     Do you know about Google’s requirements? Google leads the whole world. Sunil Chandra is a vice president in charge of Google’s recruitment. He suggested 4 things on May 17, 2016 in San Francisco. Problem-solving skills, a clear perception about his part, leadership and collaboration. In a word, “someone who actively solve the problem working with other people“. Lastly he emphasized ‘Googleyness‘ The flower of Google corporate culture is a ‘TGIF‘ event taking place every Thursday. Chandra have a sense that ‘I am a owner of Google‘ through ‘TGIF’ event. How does Google work? Find out in the next posting. 🙂

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!

“Bugs in the Brain” Neuroscience for public knowledge

What is Neuroscience?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE "Bugs in the Brain" Neuroscience for public knowledge soul Neuroscience mind Deep learning AlphaGo AI     Have you heard ‘neuroscience‘? How do you feel? You maybe think AlphaGo. I am sure that everyone has heard about the amazing GO match between Lee Se-dol and AlphaGo. It’s a thrilling sceneAlphaGo is famous for ‘Deep learning’. Deep learning is the application to learning tasks of artificial neural networks(ANN).  Its purpose is to learn for itself like human. Human brain found the pattern from a lot of information to distinguish objects. It’s on the same principle. Human brain has CNS(central nervous system), PNS(peripheral nervous system) and ANS(Autonomic nervous system). Countless neurons works harder. Neuroscience is the study of these things.

 Where is the mind?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE "Bugs in the Brain" Neuroscience for public knowledge soul Neuroscience mind Deep learning AlphaGo AI     In the past, we don’t know well about us. We have asked a lot of questions each other. Let’s go into the past. “Where is the mind and soul?” It is a important question. One say ‘It is in the brain’ and other say ‘It is in the heart’. What do you think? Neither? Hold on to your hat! Hippocrates and his teacher Plato said ‘Brain’ and Aristotle told ‘heart’. Even if you hear names, Isn’t it surprising? They’re giants who set a new milestone in the academic world. Descartes, a philosopher, claimed ‘The soul is in the pineal body‘. It is anterior of cerebellum. Isn’t it interesting?

Someone says ‘In medicine there are two thing that human can’t find out. One is Cancer and the other is Neuroscience

Actually, AI(artificial intelligence) really want to keep up with human. They want to do like human. Are we really aware about our values? It’s your turn. You can be a giant.

Peace is up to you 🙂 Good luck!