Man Hee Lee biography

Do you know why people say ‘Mr.Man Hee Lee is a messenger of peace’? Because he has the definite answer to peace. I will tell you the coolest Man Hee Lee Quotes. He is a Korean War veteran, knows the horrors of war than a person ever knew. Also, he is the chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL).
HWPL is an international peace nonprofit organization which is the most influential in the world, especially for young people and women. In his biography, It’s clear who he is. ‘I received many rewards from around the world—certificates of awards, plaques, and medals. However, these are not the true rewards. The true reward is the establishment of world peace. This is an eternal reward.‘ This is why he moves for peace.
Man Hee Lee Quotes

The signing of a Joint Statement as well as the MOU signing ceremony between HWPL and 13 supporting media outlets followed the presentations.
After signing the MOU, Chairman Lee pleaded earnestly to those in attendance, “Achieving peace and cessation of war is an impossible task without media professionals like yourselves because we cannot meet everyone in person to deliver this message. The media and press must constantly report on the news of peace-building efforts to make a peaceful society. Let us achieve our goal of peace by doing it. Rather than waiting for tomorrow to come, let us bring forth tomorrow and work steadily to accomplish our goal. I trust each and every reporter here to hold the media accountable.”
Media should take up the mantle of reporting good news, and not just negative news. I hope more positive news about HWPL and its affiliates will be broadcast in 2019.