On May 14, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) hosted a conference with the theme: “Youth, Let’s Voice Out” in the National Library of Romania. With the cooperation of MasterPeace, a youth peace organization, many peace-loving youths gathered.
Jeni Sendroiu, a founding member of MasterPeace Romania, stated “HWPL, current and former heads of state, legal experts, and heads of the organization (MasterPeace Romania) raised a voice together to support the DPCW. Starting from today’s event, it is time for Romanian youths to raise their voices for a better world, a world of peace and justice”
During the event, IPYG gave a progress report about the delivery of 370,000 peace letters to leaders in 33 countries, and Romanian youths wrote peace letters in the honor of the 6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace. For the media coverage, ANTENA 1, ranked No. 1 in private broadcasting stations, sent their reporters to participate and cover the news of peace throughout Romania.
Romania and HWPL have deep relations
Beginning with Emil Constantinescu, former Romania President, Romania and HWPL have deep relations. For examples, Early in April, about 700 people from various sectors of society such as education experts, women and youth groups, global peace activists and journalists gathered at Pentagon Events in Bucharest to discuss practical approaches for the realization of peace through peace education. With the title of ‘The Role of Teachers for Peace Education’, the 2019 Peace Education Conference was held.
Mr. Dragomir Marian, President of Master Peace, said “My belief, which made me work with HWPL and its peace education curriculum, is that education in personality, skill, value, and attitude is important for social, economic, and political development in any country. This role is well articulated in the ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ No. 4 which emphasizes a quality education for all to promote lifelong learning.
This is also shared by Article 10, ‘Spreading a culture of peace’, of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) which mentions that education is important in promoting respect and mutual understanding among different religions, ideologies, and ethnic groups.”