“How far that little candle throws his beams!”
No one ever expected that so many people came together. Everyone think “citizens are tired in candlelight rally that lasted for a long time.” This is the sixth Candlelight vigils. But huge crowds pour into nationwide. Candlelight vigils is being held in 70 places of the country. 200,000 in Busan. 100,000 in Gwanju. 50,000 in Daejeon.
1,700,000 people in Seoul. Nationwide total is 2,320,000 people.
Even though so many people came together, Non-violent culture is still. Any one is not taken to the police. They march in 100 m front of Cheong Wa Dae. It is the shortest distance until now. This peaceful protest is unprecedented in world history.
Many amazing things happened. When one citizen suddenly collapsed, police officers hand over hot packs. Wow.
Second, one citizen threw flowers for peace performance. Then, people say “Don’t hit by flowers” I was impressed.
And there were citizens to put flower stickers on police car.
Also foreign interests is hot. They expressed surprise in particular about orderly and peaceful assembly culture.
“How far that little candle throws his beams!”
-William Shakespeare