Vote for your company
Are you hands clean? If not, you‘d better wash your hands. Why? Because you must pick up your CEO with your hand. Didn’t you almost pass out? I was really surprised at first. If you want to be a team leader, you should be more than 50 percent of an approval rating. If you want to be a CEO, you should be more than 70 percent of an approval rating. Aren’t you fun? I think it is a ‘fun ownership’. I can’t believe it. It is not the end. The Founder stepped down as the CEO. Wow… But actually here it is.
Tourbaksa : Fun ownership
This is a Korean company. This company’s unprecedented step is really innovative! First of all, the founder declared “If I can’t get 80 percent, I will step down as CEO.” The result? He gained 79.2% in 2013. It is just one vote. He set up this company with 2,500 dollars. After 15 years? Annual sale is 178.7 million dollars. He was the CEO for 15 years. Could he easily step out? He was up all night. Then, he said “What’s your hope, salaried employee? Maybe it’s promotion. If we don’t give up our vested rights, This hope is not exist. Today is the day of hope!” It brings a sense of ownership to employees. It is the core value of ‘tourbaksa’. This video will increase your understanding.
I’ll introduce my friend, CEO
The relation between CEO and employees is a very forthright and straight. The former-CEO don’t have any secretary, entourage and office. If you look his picture with staff, you know how close they are. The core force leading company is ‘Fun’ He want to make ‘fun company’ than just make money. Fun ownership comes from Fun owner. If you vote, you can receive 500 dollar pocket money. A new employee(2 weeks) participated in an interview as a interviewer. You can see a continuation in the upward trend in sales. I want to know how much they can do it.