On 29 May 2019, the 6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk took place at Ecole Fondamentale Lafia De Kalaban-Koro in Bamako, Mali. The event was hosted by the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and supported by a peace advocate group called Peace One Day. Leaders from various sectors, including government and NGO and more than 300 youth, participated in the event.
The Peace Walk event was hosted for the first time in Mali and it filled the hearts of the youth and event participants with an overwhelming sense of hope. Due to the recent breakout of civil war in Mali few months ago, Malian people have been in urgent need of peace. Afterwards, those students had an opportunity to write their own peace letters. A total of 85 hand-written peace letters are to be sent to the president of Mali, together with other hand-written peace letters.
Let’s find out about Peace One Day who helped HWPL.
What is Peace One Day?

Peace One Day is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 1999. In 2001 the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the first ever annual day of “global ceasefire and non-violence” on 21 September – Peace Day. Since 2001, Peace One Day’s objective is making it a day that is “self-sustaining”, an annual day of “global unity”, a day of “intercultural cooperation on an unprecedented scale.”

The founder is an actor turned filmmaker Jeremy Gilley. After a carrer as an actor, Jeremy began making films in 1995 and in 1999. And making a movie was a big boost to Peace One Day. In 1998, Gilley began to make the Peace One Day documentary, eventually deciding to aim for a UN resolution formalising the idea. This goal was reached in 2001. In 2004, the Peace One Day documentary premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) and the BBC.
He and his friends, who had nothing at first, recklessly wrote letters. He said “And we wrote to heads of state, their ambassadors, Nobel Peace laureates, NGOs, faiths, various organizations — literally wrote to everybody. And I remember the first letter. One of the first letters was from the Dalai Lama, saying ‘This is an amazing thing. Come and see me. I’d love to talk to you about the first ever day of peace.'”
That’s how it continued to evolve and results began to emerge. In Afghanistan, 70% reduction in violent incidents was recorded by United Nations Department of Safety and Security on Peace Day 2008. In 2016, after several years work with global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, it was estimated that 2.2 billion people had been exposed to the Peace Day message, that 940 million were aware of the day and that 16 million behaved more peacefully as a result. It’s a brilliant idea and has a distinct ripple effect. But there is an international peace NGO that has developed this a little bit.
Reference: http://www.peaceoneday.org/
Global ceasefire & Non-violence Everyday
“The Complete End of War and Eternal Peace”It is the goal of the HWPL. Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is affiliated with the UN ECOSOC and the UN DGC. And International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) is its youth organization. In order to achieve its goal, HWPL is trying every year, with a higher growth rate than any other peace organization. Experts and journalists evaluate HWPL as a practical and powerful organization.
On May 25th, “6th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk” was held at about 126 places in 77 countries around the world including Australia, China, Germany, India, Russia, South Africa, the Philippines, and United States of America. These millions of people gathered to urge Support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). It is the HWPL‘s most groundbreaking answer to peace.
Introduction of the DPCW to the UN
What is the problem of existing international law? It is not legally binding and it is allowing war in part. So 21 prominent international law experts from 15 different countries made 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW. DPCW has only been proclaimed for three years, but it’s been a startling development of national and global support for citizens around the world.
It has received formal support from the Pan-African Parliament, the Council of Ministers of the Pacific Islands, the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN), and the former presidents of Eastern Europe, as well as MOUs and official documents. Also, when the Chairman Man Hee Lee introduced the DPCW at UN headquarters, delegates from 145 countries gave a standing ovation.

From a civil society perspective, more than 1.3 million citizens around the world support DPCW with signatures and IPYG Peace Letter Campaign. On March 14, citizens from all over the world wrote more than 200,000 letters of peace and sent them to presidents and prime ministers of 192 countries to urge the need for DPCW and support from countries. And the media from around the world reported it extensively, and the world cheered when they heard the news.
In my personal view, every peace organization seems to be absolutely wonderful. Wouldn’t world peace be too easy if all the world’s peace organizations were united, regardless of their own interests? But the core will be needed. I’m sure it’s HWPL that has the power to bring everyone together. We Are One!
HWPL: http://www.hwpl.kr/en/
DPCW: http://www.hwpl.kr/en/initiative/lawForPeace