There is another thing that is rapidly gaining popularity in Korea. Like the last posting, “feel the rhythm of Korea”, there are a lot of comments saying that Korean Tourism Organization should have to cast her quickly.
That figure skater (백수박: Baek Soobak, not real name) is also very pretty, but the camera moving is also highly praised.
The visual beauty is so good. Sometimes I get tired of COVID-19, but it’s healing.
In fact, this video became popular first. Why do you think it is? Because she is so pretty.. Also cutie..
There is a figure skater who can’t forget in Korea. I want to hear from Kim Yuna. Where and what will she do now?
She was a dream and hope for me, who was young.
I missed her, so I brought a video.
What do you miss? I think it would be nice to spend the day looking for it.