What is HWPL Newsletter
Quite simply, It is the peace news. It is made of something happening all over the world within a single, small book every month. Surprisingly, it is made by the law. The HWPL Newsletter is based on Article 10 of the DPCW, “Spreading a Culture of Peace”. The advantage of this Newsletter is a high level of authenticity that is truly touching. It’s about time to listen Newsletter Editor‘s story. Hannah Jeon, Newsletter Editor said, “In just four short years since its establishment in 2013, HWPL and its many peace projects have received great interest and appreciation worldwide.” Why is it needed? “The HWPL Newsletter was created with the purpose of announcing the news of HWPL, which is now running for peace and justice in the global community with tens of thousands of peace messengers.”
“The Starting Point is the Conveyance of the News of Hope to the World”
What is the Vision of HWPL and Us?

Our limits? No. “The newsletter is not limited to only the stories of HWPL but instead seeks to find stories of peace messengers who share the same heart for peace.” Our vision is that “We are working to create a platform where all individuals are able to tell their own personal stories and explain for themselves their experiences with the processes and results of HWPL’s peace activities in their communities across the globe.” Thanks, Hannah. Listening to the story, I thought a lot. Why do we need peace? Because there is a war. Because there is a pain. All people, who are suffering from the unrelenting violence and war, share the same sadness. I feel a deep sadness because of the pain that is being experienced around the world. So what do we have to do? It is the reason why I love HWPL.
The ultimate object of HWPL
: The world of peace! which humanity has never experienced throughout all of history will be possible for the first time through HWPL. For this, the starting point is the conveyance of the news of hope to the world. It becomes the engine for the transmission of the values of the international law, inter-faith harmony and peace education that all aim for the world of peace.
“You are the main character of HWPL’s Newsletter. As a loving family of peace living in this world together, let’s create a community that can share one another’s sorrow and joy. We must create the river of peace that all creation is dreaming of and leave it as an eternal legacy that can be inherited by future generations. Anything you would like covered regarding the news of peace is welcome, so please send us your comments.” – The HWPL PR Team