“The death of a child refugee. Then after a year, Not remain in our minds”
It is first anniversary of a child refugee’s Death. Do you remember ‘Alan Kurdi’?
He is a child refugee. Last year he became enormously famous. Because he appeared dead on the beach. While trying to go to Europe to avoid civil war, his mother(35) and his brother(5) were drowned. Then all the world wanted to help the refugees.
His father said “Then after a year, that movement is all gone.”
What did you feel?
What did you do?
How is your plan going now?
He pointed out that “People are still dying in the Mediterranean, and dangerous boats with illegal refugees continue.”
He appealed “I hope the world leaders to stop a Syria civil war as soon as possible.”
The Mediterranean is the fuss now. Thousands of people were overthrown, and Thousands of people were rescued. But all do not get involved this problem.
Now there has been a lot of talk about the Colombian civil war.
What we now have, is the Syria civil war
I want to end war. 🙂 Refugee is our friend.
His father said “I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t know why I’m still alive”