Here we go!! Hold on to your hat!!

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

Do you know ‘Woholleo‘? πŸ™‚
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Here we go!! Hold on to your hat!!

In Korea ‘Woholleo‘ is people who get the working holiday visa.

In Korea 50,000 people go to work in 20 countries in a year.

30,000 of them go to work in Australia.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Here we go!! Hold on to your hat!!

They have dreams that they can learn English but also make money.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Here we go!! Hold on to your hat!!

And they want to go little cafe with new foreign fridends. And then they wish little cafe has a very social atmosphere.

But the reality is the exact opposite.

I want to introduce a korean movie “HOLYWORKINGDAY

Do you see it?

It starts Conan O’Brien‘s 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement.

“In 2000, I told graduates that do not be afraid to fail. and I want to tell you that you should not feel failure, you should do your very best to avoid it.

Nietzsche’s famous said whatever does you kill makes you stronger.

What he felt the stress is that is almost kill you.”

I think It exactly says Woholleo‘s life.

There is one more reason why Woholleo live a hard life.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Here we go!! Hold on to your hat!!

Asian Woholleo is called ‘dust mite‘ by some of Australian.

It is a human rights issue that they suffer from.

I know it hurts……… We know that…..

So I begin to pay attention to ‘PEACE‘.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Here we go!! Hold on to your hat!!

It is the reason why I start blog.
Wait for it. Just throbbing. πŸ™‚


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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