National Liberation Day [Korea] : Meaning

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A STEP TOWARDS PEACE National Liberation Day [Korea] : Meaning 광복 true independence Socrates National Liberation Day of Korea It's not my fault Gwangbokjeol   In 1945, Korea gained independence. It is called by ‘National Liberation Day’. Independence is a moving word. I know it after I saw many movies. But it is a brief amount of time. I settle into a routine again and again. My concern is how I could earn a living, how to go out and how to know what I want to do. It may be too small pricks. I can say “The past is past and the today is today. We have new problems on our plate. Our lives are tough too.” I know it. And I know it too. Actually they don’t want to blame to us. Sometimes I want to explain myself. I want to say “It’s not my fault.” I know it. But we must move forward.

What should we do?

광복 : Restoration of Light

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE National Liberation Day [Korea] : Meaning 광복 true independence Socrates National Liberation Day of Korea It's not my fault Gwangbokjeol   National Liberation Day of Korea is called ‘Gwangbokjeol, 광복절’. 광복‘ means ‘Restoration of Light’. What it means? Why is this? ‘Liberation’ and ‘Restoration of Light’ mean same? You can think it is a little bit abstract. Restoration means “In the past, all dark” I read an article. It’s really nice. So I scrap it. To commemorate Independence Day is to truly realize and know what independence means in real life. With this, it is possible to start a true independence for the future. A world without discrimination – righteousness and justice exist and breathe – this is the place where everyone needs to strive together to achieve, and truly become the owners of independence.This evening I’m more sentimental.

The unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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