Dead White helmet : Peace is the path

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

Executed 7 Dead White helmet

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dead White helmet : Peace is the path White helmet Peace Nobel Peace Prize candidates Mahatma Gandhi HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions   It is really a shocking news. I have had an eye on Nobel Peace Prize candidates because I have a lot of interest in peace. What news? 7 members of ‘White Helmet‘ were killed by unidentified armed men. I don’t know how many. They were shot in the head. Do you know what it means? “Execution” What kind of crime? The international community is angry. It is even more because 7 members are private volunteers who worked tirelessly to save lives in an extraordinarily dangerous environment. We should make it as an opportunity7 Dead White helmet is not dead.

War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. – Thomas Mann

What is their will?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dead White helmet : Peace is the path White helmet Peace Nobel Peace Prize candidates Mahatma Gandhi HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions

The best way to commemorate their deaths is to follow their will. It is unnecessary to talk many things. If we don’t do anything, we should be more angry. So, what is their will? White helmet is made up of Tailor, bakers, carpenters, electricians and other over 3,000 people. Their goal is to save anyone hurt. They claim to advocate moderation. Eventually, what they most wanted is peace. “A world free from wars” Anton Chekhov saidWe shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds’  I didn’t want their death to be in vain. Dead White helmets must be alive in our heart.

How we can do it?

HWPL’s Two wings : IWPG & IPYG

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Dead White helmet : Peace is the path White helmet Peace Nobel Peace Prize candidates Mahatma Gandhi HWPL DPCW Alliance of Religions   We already know that war settles nothing and to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one.(Agatha Christie) Actions are necessary now, not words. We should really achieve peace. I want to recommend ‘HWPL‘. “Groundbreaking and substantive” solutions of HWPL is impressive. The chairman of HWPL said “We have the answer to achieve Peace” HWPL‘s SOLUTIONS are  ‘International Law for Peace and Cessation of War‘ and ‘Alliance of Religions‘. (more info) and other postings

There is no path to peacePeace is the path. – Mahatma Gandhi

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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