African Leaders of Peace Summit 2018
‘Achieving peace in our lifetime’
The African Leaders of Peace Summit 2018: Achieving peace in our lifetime was held in Cape Town. This is not a place for anyone. This groundbreaking summit brought dignitaries, civil society, youth, religious leaders and media from across Africa together. Who are they and why are they gathered? They are really nice people. If you are one of African people, you will be really impressed. They have been working hard towards fulfilling the goal of the conflict-free continent envisaged by the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and Silencing the Guns 2020. Also, they supported the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) as the ultimate solution of conflict.
DPCW Official :
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“In order to realise peace in our lifetime, world leaders have to adopt a DPCW at the next UN General Assembly” – Chairman Man hee Lee
2018 Addis Ababa Summit
international cooperation for sustainable peace
Events, that would have a huge impact on the world peace trend, were held in succession. On August 15, the “Ethiopia Peace Conference” was held with education experts and civil society. The “Addis Ababa Summit” was held with political representatives from Africa and the Middle East and the “Open Dialogue with Religious Leaders” was held on on August 16. One expert said, “Addis Ababa city administration has a deep conviction that the launching of peace education in the Universities could help ” As a result, eleven university presidents signed an MOU to agree on peace education at their universities. Another expert said, “DPCW draws upon the principles of peace expressed through the ages, through which the people of the world expressed their desire for global peace and called upon world leaders”
The Chairman Man hee Lee said, “One era is fading and a new one is beginning. Will this be achieved by sitting around? No. In Korea, we hosted a World Alliance of Religious Peace (WARP) summit to discuss the DPCW. We want to proposed it to the UN.” Existing laws cannot achieve peace. “To achieve peace, we must complete peace with the spirit of that moment when the United Nations begins.”
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“We should also write a letter to the president to support the Implementation of international laws for the cessation of war. The people have all the power of the state. That’s why the president has no reason to refuse what the people want” – the Chairman Man hee Lee
The wind of peace is very strong worldwidely
As you can see from my postings so far, the whole world is cheering for messengers of peace. As if to prove it, more than 300 media outlets in 35 countries are promoting it just a short time after the African Leaders of Peace Summit 2018. At this time when the DPCW is gaining national support, the wind of peace is very strong all over the world. HWPL is considered by experts to be the most substantive and powerful peace organization ever. I feel also that HWPL could really be able to achieve peace. And this thinking is becoming increasingly convincing. I would like to introduce the core of the HWPL‘s peace movement.
At the UN, two-thirds of presidents must vote in favour of this law. This is why I travel from place to place to urge presidents to accept the law.
– the Chairman Man hee Lee
918 WARP Summit is coming soon
The 4th Annual Commemoration of the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit was held in South Korea from the 17th to the 19th of September. This 918 WARP Summit is the core of HWPL’s peace movement. Do you want to know the secret? How can HWPL achieve peace? Come in person!! You can feel what it is directly. Now, all over the world is wishing for the success of 918 WARP Summit. Search on Twitter ‘#918WARPSummit’ Let’s go together!!! Peace does not wait for us.
Official :
Save the Date for September 17-19
We could get peace with action,not silence!