IPYG Peace Letter Campaign Ads were put on the 27 newspapers of the United States, which send a letter to Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States. I can feel the hearts of American youth who truly desire a world without war and conflict!
International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) is one of two wings of HWPL, which affiliated with 805 organizations of 110 countries. The number of member is 4,600,000. Representative of IPYG said “The future owner is the youth. We should have the responsibility to lead the whole world. The first goal is to submit the DPCW to the UN General Assembly in the form of a draft resolution and have it adopted. Let us become all heroes of peace together”

So, IPYG Peace Letter Campaign is active in Washington D.C., South Africa, Indonesia, New Zealand, Namibia, Malaysia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Korea and others. In less than a year, 165,782 Peace Letters are sent to 193 incumbent presidents and Ambassadors to the U.N.
Also, Major media outlets like FOX, KTLA, NBC, ABC reported the youth’s movement for peace and a total of 599 online articles were released. Why are so many people interested? HWPL is famous for its great achievements in the shortest time. What have they achieved so far? Look for other posts.
I’ll show you a little taste. Why DPCW?

The international community has been regulating military actions through cooperation among countries in various forms, including treaties and agreements that restrict war, which is centering on the United Nations and other international organizations. But the limits are clear. Calls to regulate international disputes fairly through international law were continued, but international organizations and current international law lack binding force against all countries.
In a speech on the enactment of international law, the Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL said, “How can you compensate for those who lost their lives? If what used to be is complete, there is no need to re-create. We need to create a new international law because the existing international law cannot end the war in this world, and NOW let’s create an ‘eternal international law’ so that we won’t have to fix it again. Instead of saying who is right and who is wrong, we have to actually work for this cause.”
Reference: http://www.peacestep.com/2019/03/22/peace-letter-success-of-3rd-annual-commemoration-of-dpcw/
An Open Letter to the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President,
We are the youth of America
At such a crucial time within our nation’s history, we are urging your support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), a ground breaking peace law that many global leaders and heads of state are diligently working to have adopted by the UN General Assembly. It offers a legal framework for peaceful conflict resolution, the preservation of natural habitats, and the freedom of religion for all people. These causes align with American values and the hearts of American youth who truly desire a world without war and conflict. The DPCW protects what Americans deeply cherish, such as freedom and advancing peace around the world.
We believe that the work of peace is an inherent calling for every individual. As the acting President of the United States, your voice and support are a critical part of building a foundation of peace for future generations both here and abroad.
We sincerely hope that you will join our efforts by supporting the DPCW when it is introduced to the UN General Assembly. Many heads of state have already pledged their written support because they desire to end war and conflict. If we truly desire peace and love our country, how could we not support such a legislative solution to achieving peace together?
We request your reply and thank you for your service to our nation, Mr. President.
Most respectfully
International Peace Youth Group
United States Branch

Official : http://hwpl.kr/
Good article – thank you! If Mr. Trump does not listen to the many pleas for peace made by youth, he will expose his desire for war.