HWPL WARP Office in Daejeon and Busan

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL WARP Office in Daejeon and Busan WARP Summit WARP Offices testament Quran prophecy Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL fulfillment Daejeon Christianity Cheondoism Busan Buddhism Bible

On July 19, the HWPL held the 16th WARP Office in Daejeon. They invited leaders of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity to hold a forum under the theme of “God’s Promise.” Participants discussed the record of God’s promise to make and whether it was recorded in the scripture.

The Buddhist leader said, “The teachings of Buddhism are not dependent on the absolute but on the fulfillment of one’s salvation and wishes through training and enlightenment himself.”

“God promised blessings and salvation in heaven if we kept the word written in the Quran,” the Islamic leader said. “He confirmed our faith by keeping his word.”

The pastor said “There are two testaments of old and new in the Bible. The content is the liberation from sin and the return of the Creator God. The prophecy of the Old Testament came about 2,000 years ago and Jesus had achieved Old Testament. And he gave us a new testament.” Lastly, he emphasized that “the true faith of the believers is to believe that a new testament will be fulfilled and to believe what has been achieved when it is done.”

Theme: What is the truth? in Busan

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL WARP Office in Daejeon and Busan WARP Summit WARP Offices testament Quran prophecy Islam HWPL WARP Office HWPL fulfillment Daejeon Christianity Cheondoism Busan Buddhism Bible

On July 21, under the theme of “Truth,” leaders of Cheondoism, Buddhism and Christianity gathered to announce “the truth and standards in each scripture” and “the process and purpose of seeking the truth written in each scripture.”

“It is not easy to learn the true truth in a world where lies are played these days,” said a 40-year-old woman who attended the forum. “After listening to the truth of each religion at the forum today, I came to the conclusion that the ultimate purpose of truth is ‘LOVE’.”

Meanwhile, HWPL has continued to host the WARP Office for Inter-religious Harmony since the 2014 WARP Summit and currently operates offices at 250 locations in 127 countries.

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

10 thoughts on “HWPL WARP Office in Daejeon and Busan”

  1. In a world where the majority of conflict is motivated by religion, HWPL’s peace work is truly groundbreaking. Thank you for all you are doing.

  2. Wow, an interesting topic about ‘Truth’. It’s an interesting topic because everyone has their own truth, but the thing is the real truth should be one? That’s what I thought..

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