H.E. Hun Sen
Prime Minister
Royal Government of Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
March 9, 2019
Dear Prime Minister Hun Sen

I fully agree with you, the Prime Minister. You said that the history of the recent conflict in Cambodia was caused by foreign intervention. Your message seems to reflect the reality exactly. As a young man who went through the war in person at that time, I think you know better than anyone how painful it was.
I remember saying, “My youth has no peace, no happiness, one eye has a disability, and I’m sick and tired of the war and the parting of my loved ones.” Who dies in war? Youth! He is my friend and he is someone’s son.
Reference: http://www.nbcambodia.com/archives/39118
As a young man, I’m very interested in peace. I’m from Korea, the only divided country in the world. Because of foreign intervention, which was two powerful powers, we became two countries, two peoples. In the tragedy of shooting at our own people, many young people had to die. The sound of gunfire, cannons, jets, and bombs split young people’ ears.
Shot to death, Starved to death. This is the tragedy of the same race. Our country is still a divided country, and danger lurks.
So I could sympathize more with the suffering of the Cambodian people. There was a civil war by the end of the 1980s, and ‘foreign intervention’ is making the people more painful. Now, thanks to Prime Minister Hun Sen, Cambodia has achieved a lot of political stability, but shouldn’t there be a lasting peace? What can you give to future children as the best legacy? It is a lasting peace! I would like to speak to you about the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the “Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War” (DPCW) which has recently been supported as “Answer To Peace” by former and incumbent presidents, the National Assembly speaker, and so on.
One historian said “China, Russia and the U.S. tried to put the world’s countries in their political arena and provoked them with money, weapons and political assurance strategies.” I would like to talk to you about DPCW’s provisions that reflect the realities of Cambodia at the time when peace was desired more than anyone else.

Article 1 – Prohibition of the threat or use of force
4. States should abstain from interference in the internal conflicts of other States.
Article 3 – Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression
1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), States should develop friendly relations based upon respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and should take appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.
Article 4 – State boundaries
1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from military, political, economic, or any other form of coercion aimed against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. This is without prejudice to instances when such forms of coercion may be lawfully applied, inter alia, to induce states to cease internationally wrongful acts, or when sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council.
3. Every state has the duty to refrain from any act of incitement, planning, preparation, initiation or commission of an act of aggression by a state, a group of states, an organization of states or an armed group or by any foreign or external entity, against the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of any State.
Article 5 – Self-determination
2. Subject to the right to self-determination of peoples, states shall not engage in any intervention that seeks to divide or separate a state in a manner that is contrary to the rules of international law.

In particular, when it comes to “Killing Fields” where the Khmer Rouge regime forced or massacred nearly two million people (one third of its seven million people) for three years and seven months, the Solution is the Article 9 of the DPCW.
Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace
2. States should take measures to ensure that religious belief or ethnic identity are not utilised as a pretext for gross and systematic acts of violence. In circumstances where individuals or groups perpetrate or assist in such acts in the name of their religion, states should take adequate measures that lead to the prosecution and punishment of such activities.
Please Sign the DPCW! We Are One!

The current international law cannot end conflict and war. This is because it is not legally binding. Thus, the “HWPL International Law Peace Committee”, which has gathered 21 renowned international law experts from all over the world, declared the DPCW to improve the problems of current international law. If the DPCW is presented as a resolution to the UN General Assembly and supported by two-thirds of the ambassadors, peace can be achieved.
HWPL, associated with UN DPI and ECOSOC, is risking their lives to leace peace as legacy to future generations with a definite answer to peace. On February 22, 2019, HWPL held a peace event with Cambodian supreme monk Tep Vong, during HWPL 30th World Peace Tour. If Cambodia has been harmed by the regime of genocide by ignorant people, please support HWPL peace education, which has signed an MOA with Ministry of Education of Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia, so that it may no longer be ignorant. This is to achieve the Article 10 of the DPCW, “Spreading a culture of peace.”
Peace event with Cambodian Supreme Monk Tep Vong
Prime Minister Hun Sen, if you really love the people and the country, please sign the DPCW! IPYG all over the world is urging presidents from around the world to sign the DPCW. In less than a year, 165,782 Peace Letters were collected. The Pan-African Parliament (PAP), which represents all citizens of 55 countries of the African Continent, the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which consisted of former European Presidents, and 145 United Nations officials also supported the DPCW. Please support the DPCW to be introduced into the U.N. resolution and to be legally binding all over the world.
Reference: http://hwpl.kr/en/news
Why is the DPCW the answer to peace? The answer is in the “Civil Society”. That’s why HWPL is joined with the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG). At the Center of HWPL, there is Mr.Man Hee Lee who is a veteran of the Korean War and called the “Father of Peace”. He’s risking his life for old age and working for peace. That’s why 1.8 billion young people and 3.7 billion women all over the world support the Chairman Lee. If all citizens speak one voice in a single direction, which leader can ignore citizens? There is “No Citizen” who doesn’t want peace.
Man Hee Lee Biography: http://www.peacestep.com/tag/man-hee-lee-biography/
Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes: http://www.peacestep.com/2018/10/13/the-chairman-man-hee-lee-quotes/

I heard from a Cambodian friend that because of the painful history of ‘Killing Fields,’ young people under the age of 30 now account for more than 70 percent of the total population. If peace can be established, Cambodia has the potential to become an advanced country more than any other country. Who would be the first to die in a war? It’s young people. These young men don’t want war, they want peace. I think maybe you don’t want to pass on “the youth of yours, when there is no peace and happiness.” But if you don’t take any action, we have no choice but to think you love war.
Prime Minister Hun Sen, if you make a right choice in this time of year, you will remain a lasting record for future generations, and the future will remember your name and praise you. Please reply.
Thank you for reading my peace letter.
Ming Taylor
Student of Medical School
Sydney, Australia
3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)
“Civil Society’s Role for Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula”
At the 14th of Mar., 2019 16:00pm (GMT+9), Youths from all over the world will send peace letters to 193 incumbent presidents and U.N. ambassadors.
This peace event will be broadcast live on YouTube.
#Peaceletter #DPCW #unification #Korean_Peninsula #NoWar #Peace