Peace Letters to Prime Minister Hun Sen

H.E. Hun Sen
Prime Minister
Royal Government of Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

March 9, 2019

Dear Prime Minister Hun Sen

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Letters to Prime Minister Hun Sen unification Tep Vong Prime minister Hun Sen Peace Letter Peace NoWar Man Hee Lee biography Man Hee Lee Korean Peninsula Killing Fields IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG HWPL DPCW Cambodia

I fully agree with you, the Prime Minister. You said that the history of the recent conflict in Cambodia was caused by foreign intervention. Your message seems to reflect the reality exactly. As a young man who went through the war in person at that time, I think you know better than anyone how painful it was.

I remember saying, “My youth has no peace, no happiness, one eye has a disability, and I’m sick and tired of the war and the parting of my loved ones.” Who dies in war? Youth! He is my friend and he is someone’s son.


As a young man, I’m very interested in peace. I’m from Korea, the only divided country in the world. Because of foreign intervention, which was two powerful powers, we became two countries, two peoples. In the tragedy of shooting at our own people, many young people had to die. The sound of gunfire, cannons, jets, and bombs split young people’ ears.
Shot to death, Starved to death. This is the tragedy of the same race. Our country is still a divided country, and danger lurks.

So I could sympathize more with the suffering of the Cambodian people. There was a civil war by the end of the 1980s, and ‘foreign intervention’ is making the people more painful. Now, thanks to Prime Minister Hun Sen, Cambodia has achieved a lot of political stability, but shouldn’t there be a lasting peace? What can you give to future children as the best legacy? It is a lasting peace! I would like to speak to you about the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the “Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) which has recently been supported as “Answer To Peace” by former and incumbent presidents, the National Assembly speaker, and so on.

One historian said “China, Russia and the U.S. tried to put the world’s countries in their political arena and provoked them with money, weapons and political assurance strategies.” I would like to talk to you about DPCW’s provisions that reflect the realities of Cambodia at the time when peace was desired more than anyone else.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Letters to Prime Minister Hun Sen unification Tep Vong Prime minister Hun Sen Peace Letter Peace NoWar Man Hee Lee biography Man Hee Lee Korean Peninsula Killing Fields IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG HWPL DPCW Cambodia

Article 1 – Prohibition of the threat or use of force

4. States should abstain from interference in the internal conflicts of other States.

Article 3 – Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression

1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), States should develop friendly relations based upon respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and should take appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.

Article 4 – State boundaries

1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from military, political, economic, or any other form of coercion aimed against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. This is without prejudice to instances when such forms of coercion may be lawfully applied, inter alia, to induce states to cease internationally wrongful acts, or when sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council.

3. Every state has the duty to refrain from any act of incitement, planning, preparation, initiation or commission of an act of aggression by a state, a group of states, an organization of states or an armed group or by any foreign or external entity, against the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of any State.

Article 5 – Self-determination

2. Subject to the right to self-determination of peoples, states shall not engage in any intervention that seeks to divide or separate a state in a manner that is contrary to the rules of international law.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Letters to Prime Minister Hun Sen unification Tep Vong Prime minister Hun Sen Peace Letter Peace NoWar Man Hee Lee biography Man Hee Lee Korean Peninsula Killing Fields IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG HWPL DPCW Cambodia
“The Killing Fields” Rev Stan flickr CC BY

In particular, when it comes to “Killing Fields” where the Khmer Rouge regime forced or massacred nearly two million people (one third of its seven million people) for three years and seven months, the Solution is the Article 9 of the DPCW.

Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace

2. States should take measures to ensure that religious belief or ethnic identity are not utilised as a pretext for gross and systematic acts of violence. In circumstances where individuals or groups perpetrate or assist in such acts in the name of their religion, states should take adequate measures that lead to the prosecution and punishment of such activities.

If you want to know DPCW more

Please Sign the DPCW! We Are One!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Letters to Prime Minister Hun Sen unification Tep Vong Prime minister Hun Sen Peace Letter Peace NoWar Man Hee Lee biography Man Hee Lee Korean Peninsula Killing Fields IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG HWPL DPCW Cambodia

The current international law cannot end conflict and war. This is because it is not legally binding. Thus, the “HWPL International Law Peace Committee”, which has gathered 21 renowned international law experts from all over the world, declared the DPCW to improve the problems of current international law. If the DPCW is presented as a resolution to the UN General Assembly and supported by two-thirds of the ambassadors, peace can be achieved.

HWPL, associated with UN DPI and ECOSOC, is risking their lives to leace peace as legacy to future generations with a definite answer to peace. On February 22, 2019, HWPL held a peace event with Cambodian supreme monk Tep Vong, during HWPL 30th World Peace Tour. If Cambodia has been harmed by the regime of genocide by ignorant people, please support HWPL peace education, which has signed an MOA with Ministry of Education of Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia, so that it may no longer be ignorant. This is to achieve the Article 10 of the DPCW, “Spreading a culture of peace.”

Peace event with Cambodian Supreme Monk Tep Vong

Prime Minister Hun Sen, if you really love the people and the country, please sign the DPCW! IPYG all over the world is urging presidents from around the world to sign the DPCW. In less than a year, 165,782 Peace Letters were collected. The Pan-African Parliament (PAP), which represents all citizens of 55 countries of the African Continent, the International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Centre BBS), which consisted of former European Presidents, and 145 United Nations officials also supported the DPCW. Please support the DPCW to be introduced into the U.N. resolution and to be legally binding all over the world.


Why is the DPCW the answer to peace? The answer is in the “Civil Society”. That’s why HWPL is joined with the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG). At the Center of HWPL, there is Mr.Man Hee Lee who is a veteran of the Korean War and called the “Father of Peace”. He’s risking his life for old age and working for peace. That’s why 1.8 billion young people and 3.7 billion women all over the world support the Chairman Lee. If all citizens speak one voice in a single direction, which leader can ignore citizens? There is “No Citizen” who doesn’t want peace.

Man Hee Lee Biography:
Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes:

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Peace Letters to Prime Minister Hun Sen unification Tep Vong Prime minister Hun Sen Peace Letter Peace NoWar Man Hee Lee biography Man Hee Lee Korean Peninsula Killing Fields IWPG IPYG peace letter campaign IPYG HWPL DPCW Cambodia
“Girl in Cambodia” David Dennis, flickr CC BY-SA

I heard from a Cambodian friend that because of the painful history of ‘Killing Fields,’ young people under the age of 30 now account for more than 70 percent of the total population. If peace can be established, Cambodia has the potential to become an advanced country more than any other country. Who would be the first to die in a war? It’s young people. These young men don’t want war, they want peace. I think maybe you don’t want to pass on “the youth of yours, when there is no peace and happiness.” But if you don’t take any action, we have no choice but to think you love war.

Prime Minister Hun Sen, if you make a right choice in this time of year, you will remain a lasting record for future generations, and the future will remember your name and praise you. Please reply.

Thank you for reading my peace letter.


Ming Taylor
Student of Medical School
Sydney, Australia

3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

“Civil Society’s Role for Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula”

At the 14th of Mar., 2019 16:00pm (GMT+9), Youths from all over the world will send peace letters to 193 incumbent presidents and U.N. ambassadors.
This peace event will be broadcast live on YouTube.

#Peaceletter #DPCW #unification #Korean_Peninsula #NoWar #Peace


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

Cambodian Peace Process #8

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Cambodian Peace Process #8 United Nations Phnom Penh Paris Peace Agreements IWPG IPYG HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW Cambodia DPCW Cambodian Peace Process Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

Over 1,000 social leaders gathered in Cambodia to discuss ways to make peace in Southeast Asia, according to HWPL 30th World Peace Tour. The ‘Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions’ was held in Phnom Penh to develop peace-building measures for Cambodian Peace Process. The event also considered Southeast Asian efforts for decades to tackle violent extremism including terrorism and internal conflicts.

About 450 participants including religious leaders from Buddhism, Islam and Christianity in Cambodia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, India and Singapore joined the forum. Cambodian supreme monk Tep Vong expressed his support to peace efforts saying that international cooperation as championed by HWPL could end wars and conflicts.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Cambodian Peace Process #8 United Nations Phnom Penh Paris Peace Agreements IWPG IPYG HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW Cambodia DPCW Cambodian Peace Process Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

Now I’m writing the lower part of the following posting.

Cambodian Peace Process: 30th Peacetour

One social leader of Cambodia, “Religion should serve as an educator teaching good behaviour to all people in the world. However, some religions are threatening freedom of religion and human rights of religious people. Each religion must cease to do evil in the name of religion.”

Man hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, urged the forum to support his efforts to have UN resolution for DPCW saying: “Now we have the answer within the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW to achieve peace and end the war. There is no one who doesn’t want peace.”


DPCW: Definite Answer to Peace

What was their joy when the war was over? The 1991 Paris Peace Agreements (Khmer: សន្ធិសញ្ញាសន្តិភាពទីក្រុងប៉ារីស) marked the official end of the Cambodian–Vietnamese War on October 23, 1991. The agreement was signed by nineteen countries. For more than twenty years, an estimated 1.7 million people lost their lives to violence and famine. For agreement, the United Nations would send a mission to Cambodia (UNTAC) until 1993. The purpose is to make “an environment in which respect for human rights shall be ensured.”

Professor Surya Subedi of Nepal emphasized that signing of the Agreements has brought “enormous dividends” to all Cambodians. This is really a huge one. Now they can grow and develop. This is because the culture of peace has been established.


What is the situation around the world?

War is still going on, and countless people are suffering. To them, death is too near, and precious people are easily lost. Who can handle their pain? Who can sympathize with their pain?

Writing this, I would like to ask the King of Cambodia, Prime Minister, President of the Senate, President of the National Assembly and all Cambodians to support the DPCW. Because you have already experienced peace! You know what the power of a piece of paper is. Haven’t you experienced a lot of the pain of war? If you really love peace, please support DPCW. Or come up with an new answer to peace. Stay still is because you want a war and are waiting for it.

Please try to help people all over the world experience a culture of peace. DPCW can change the world. There are two paths in front of us. “Peaceful Future” or “Endless War” Let’s leave peace as a legacy to future generations.

1.6 bn Youth and 3.7 bn Women support the DPCW!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Cambodian Peace Process #8 United Nations Phnom Penh Paris Peace Agreements IWPG IPYG HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW Cambodia DPCW Cambodian Peace Process Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

Already, UN permanent representatives of 145 countries recognize the need for the DPCW. In 2017, the central american parliament passed a resolution in support of the DPCW. In Africa, HWPL and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) signed MOU to support the DPCW. The PAP is the legislative body of the African Union consisting of 55 countries of the continent of Africa. This means the support of the entire continent of Africa.

Not at all, Seychelles, Eswatini, and Comoros expressed support for the DPCW at the NATIONAL LEVEL.

Now only your choice remains. What is your choice?


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7

The Messenger of Peace with Light
“I saw the Light from him!”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour
HWPL 30th World Peace Tour in Cambodia / HWPL PHOTO

During the HWPL World Peace Tour, there were often people who recognized at a glance that Chairman Man Hee Lee was the messenger of peace. Let me tell you the story of those who came to see the light.

1. During the HWPL 9th World Peace Tour in April 2014, the Chairman Lee and Peace Mission stepped off the plane to pick up their luggage, and a couple came and told them to take a picture of him. When asked “why?”, they said “I saw a big light on you, so I wanted to celebrate it because it’s mysterious.” The couple were religious leaders who led 300 churches in Mexico. The couple is currently working as HWPL ambassadors, currently, 556 HWPL ambassadors are working for peace, which also affected the spreading the culture of peace in Mexico.

2. During the HWPL 9th World Peace Tour, Brazilian lawyers and doctors came to take pictures with the Chairman Man Hee Lee. They first saw him at a seminar two days ago, and he was seen as a light among many religious leaders. They said “Two days ago, you appeared to be a light in the middle of religious leaders at the seminar. It’s like a dream to meet again.” Among them, women joined the IWPG right there.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

3. During the HWPL 14th World Peace Tour, a rabbi met in New York also begged the Peace Mission to take a picture with him, saying he saw the light. And he promised to come to the 918 WARP Summit.

4. When HWPL went to a former European president’s house on a visit, they saw his wife at home very surprised and asked her why, and she said “There was no human being seen and a large image of light came in” when the Peace Mission entered.

This happens frequently during Man Hee Lee’s peace tour. This is another way for the Messenger of Peace to inform the people light of the “God is with him” and to continue the meeting that Heaven has been arranged.

Reference: “True Story” Book of HWPL

Comparative Study on religious Scriptures

The WARP Office continued its steps to achieve harmony and peace with local religious leaders in the Philippines, Australia and Cambodia. For peace between religions, the WARP Office is now actively engaged in exchanges around scriptures in different countries, and is receiving favorable reviews as it creates an understanding ground for other religions. Recently, they have voiced their opinions on the ban on religious discrimination and the elimination of coercive conversion.

Participants of the forum said “In order to build peace between religions, we must find the most trustworthy scriptures and truths through the comparative study on religious scriptures, and in order to achieve this, we must continue to have conversations between religions.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour
“This is the answer to the peace of religion.”

One president of the Islam society, who participated in the debate, “We should find and study the most reliable religious scriptures for peace between religions. We should try to accept them wholeheartedly, even if the scriptures are not his own religious scriptures.”

The WARP Office is currently held in 219 regions in 128 countries and is urging unity among religions. HWPL said “It is regrettable that religion is becoming an occasion for international conflicts. The comparative study on religious scriptures is a way to overcome differences in religion and find core values of mankind.”

Other HWPL 30th World Peace Tour Postings:
HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: HWPL Philippine’s WARP Office “Dialogue of Scriptures” #2
HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Religious Leaders Peace Conference, Sydney 2019 #3

Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions

Date: At the 22nd of Feb., 2019 08:00 (GMT+7)

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour
Peace performance / HWPL PHOTO

Cambodia Peacebuilding

Here, I wrote a posting about Cambodia’s history. Cambodia is a country with a lot of pain and suffering. The “Killing Fields” (Khmer: វាលពិឃាត) is where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War.

Great Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour
HWPL 30th World Peace Tour in Cambodia / HWPL PHOTO

He made an impressive speech. Even at many years of age, his desire to devote himself to the peace movement was like Gandhi. Many young people must respect him. He said “As a Supreme Patriarch, on behalf of the Cambodian Council of Religious Affairs, we welcome the visit of the Chairman Man Hee Lee. He is one of the most famous people in the world, who has brought together all the leaders of religion, state, education and law to create cooperation, and to bring peace to this time and to the future. Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country with many wars and sorrows the world has never seen.

But on January 7, 1979, the Democratic Kampuchea, Pol Pot‘s government, was collapsed. On 1998, the Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Cambodian People’s Party completely ended the civil war that was taking place in the Cambodian kingdom. So since 1998, Cambodia has had peace, and Cambodia has had many opportunities to develop its economy.

Cambodia has never had a religious conflict. According to Article 43 of the Cambodian Constitution, every Cambodian citizen has the right to follow the religion he or she wants. With the support of the government, all religions in the kingdom of Cambodia are holding religious meetings and communicating. For example, on February 6, 2019, the HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp was organized in cooperation with IPYG.

I have been active in peace with Cambodian people for 40 years since 1979. I am currently engaged in peace activities, and I want to do peace activities in the future as long as my health permits. In order for future generations to live in a time of peace, we must work together to educate future generations to live in peace. Through this cooperation, I hope that we can end war and conflict in this world and that our future generations will live in peace forever.

Lastly, I hope that the four blessings of Buddha will be yours, Chairman Man Hee Lee, all distinguished guests and ladies. The 4 blessings are Life, beauty, happiness and power. Thank you.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour
Great Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong has done a lot of peace work in cooperation with the HWPL.

Chairman Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: Peace Message for the Implementation of Peaceful Religions #7 WARP OFFICE Tep Vong ReligionPeace Peacemessage Manheelee Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee biography HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL Great Supreme Patriarch Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

In particular, the Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL emphasized “Religion should do good and give hope to the world, but today’s religion is causing many wars and conflicts. Aren’t they doing worse than nonreligious people? That’s why the religious world must look for “the Truth“. All religious leaders around the world should participate in comparative study and discussions on religious scriptures. Religion will be one under the most reliable scriptures.”

His speech will be addressed in the next posting. The Chairman Lee is the messenger of peace with the answer to peace, and he spoke with all his heart. Despite his old age, he is risking his life for peace. That’s why he is supported by 1.6 billion Young people and 3.7 billion Women.

#HWPL #ManHeeLee #ReligionPeace #Cambodia
#Peacemessage #30th_Peacetour

Cambodia infonews: Cambodian government seeks peace-building with a NGO

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: 2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum #6

HWPL 30th World Peace Tour

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: 2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum #6 South East Asia RealizationPeace Peaceforum Manheelee Man Hee Lee HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW chairman Lee Cambodia 30th_Peacetour
2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum / HWPL PHOTO

Mr.Man Hee Lee, the chairman of HWPL, and the peace mission spread peace throughout the world with the answer to peace in the eastern country of Korea.

Starting in 2012, and continuing his world peace tour until now in 2018, the Chairman Man Hee Lee has toured 70 countries in a total of 29 times. The messenger of peace went to anywhere, such as war zones where bullets flew in and out or places where armed rebels, if they needed peace. How can he work so passionately? Because he said “In this time, I am convinced that making peace is what heaven had commanded me, and that I can achieve peace.”

All expenses were covered with HWPL’s money, without anyone’s support. The steps he has taken so far are enough to believe that the Messenger of Peace will end all wars and achieve world peace. The Chairman Man Hee Lee’s journey around the globe is revolutionary and important, but it is too vast to record all of it, so I will only give you a glimpse of the unusual.

Now, he is now on the HWPL 30th World Peace Tour. The peace mission is heading for Cambodia beyond the Philippines and Australia.

You can see other postings

Here comes the Messenger of Peace with the Answer of Peace!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: 2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum #6 South East Asia RealizationPeace Peaceforum Manheelee Man Hee Lee HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW chairman Lee Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

HWPL is warmly welcomed wherever it goes. On the day the envoys arrive in each country, the airport is packed with young people and local residents who voluntarily gather after hearing the news of HWPL’s visit. Because everyone in the world is hungry for a dream “Peace” that has never been achieved in the history of the global village.

So many young people follow the Chairman Man Hee Lee as the ‘Father of Peace.’ And from the moment when HWPL comes to the moment when if flies to another, governments accord them the treatment of a national guest to show their support for the HWPL’s peace activities.

What is the Answer to Peace? DPCW!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: 2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum #6 South East Asia RealizationPeace Peaceforum Manheelee Man Hee Lee HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW chairman Lee Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

Only proclaimed three years ago, more than 700,000 citizens from 176 countries signed autographs to support the DPCW. And more than 500 DPCW supporting events were held in more than 74 countries. The DPCW, loved by national support and young people around the world, is moving toward a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly. As a developing country, Southeast Asia is now facing a lot of difficulties in joining the developed world. It is essential that peace be achieved for development. Peace enables us to achieve sustainable goals.

The 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the DPCW will actually achieve world peace. If all of leaders of all Southeast Asian countries show their support for the DPCW to the heads of state and officials, world peace will be achieved soon. And on March 14, All Youth’ll send handwritten peace letters to leaders around the world to ask you to support the DPCW, We can change not only Southeast Asia but the whole world.


2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum

Mr. Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL, strongly said “I’m here today to ask you very strongly. In order for us to live in peace, we believe that all the people of today’s globe must make efforts for peace. I don’t think it’s a matter of waiting for someone to bring it. Wouldn’t it be better to make peace than any power or substance and leave a legacy for future generations? But what has changed? Has peace been achieved? Each day, the war got worse, the conflict got worse, and the global community was threatened. Do you still just watch it?

But now it was different. The sky is not just looking at the human race. Give the answer to peace, and make peace. The answer is the 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the DPCW. I want to ask all the politicians and intellectuals around the world. If anyone thinks this doesn’t end the war, you must said “This cannot end the war because of this problem, so let’s discuss together.” Isn’t it so? If there is an answer to be able to end the war and you are not interested in it, would it be real politics? What are you waiting for? It’s like you’re waiting for a war.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL 30th World Peace Tour: 2019 South-East Asia Peace Forum #6 South East Asia RealizationPeace Peaceforum Manheelee Man Hee Lee HWPL 30th World Peace Tour HWPL DPCW chairman Lee Cambodia 30th_Peacetour

I has traveled around the globe a few times. But there was no one who was against peace. And there was no one who liked war. Isn’t that what every family in the world wants? So what do the leaders of each country want? Shouldn’t we do what the people want? All the students and young people in each country will stand up more and more.

No amount of power or money is enough for your children to live well. The conditions for a well-being are to create a world of peace without war and to leave a legacy, which is what we have to do today. You have more knowledge and experience than me. I think you can do it. I sincerely hope that you will do so. Thank you.”

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!

HWPL Peace Education Quotes

Peace Education Development Forum
for Global Advancement

Looking into a Future of Peace through Peace Education

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education Quotes Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sri Lanka Spreading a culture of peace Ronald Adamat Rachana Khun Peace Education Agreement Peace education Ministry of Education Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee biography Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Iraq HWPL peace quotes HWPL Peace Education Quotes HWPL Peace education HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee Guatemala DPCW Commission on Higher Education CHED Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes Cambodia Education Ministry Cambodia Barsihannor Zuhri 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit

Four countries have pledged to introduce ‘Peace Education’ in their countries. Guatemala, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Iraq signed an Agreement with Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). Officials of the four countries signed the Peace Education Agreement at the HWPL Peace Summit held in Incheon, South Korea on September 17, 2018. Many influential global educators and policymakers gathered to discuss for a future.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education Quotes Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sri Lanka Spreading a culture of peace Ronald Adamat Rachana Khun Peace Education Agreement Peace education Ministry of Education Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee biography Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Iraq HWPL peace quotes HWPL Peace Education Quotes HWPL Peace education HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee Guatemala DPCW Commission on Higher Education CHED Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes Cambodia Education Ministry Cambodia Barsihannor Zuhri 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit   The theme of the discussion was “Looking into a Future of Peace through Peace Education.” The Peace Education Project, which is one of the core initiatives of HWPL, was initially proposed as a groundbreaking way to achieve the realization of Article 10, “Spreading a Culture of Peace”, of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

Also, HWPL and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) to execute peace education nationwide in Cambodia.


HWPL Peace Education Quotes #1

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education Quotes Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sri Lanka Spreading a culture of peace Ronald Adamat Rachana Khun Peace Education Agreement Peace education Ministry of Education Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee biography Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Iraq HWPL peace quotes HWPL Peace Education Quotes HWPL Peace education HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee Guatemala DPCW Commission on Higher Education CHED Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes Cambodia Education Ministry Cambodia Barsihannor Zuhri 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit   Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Dean Dr Barsihannor Zuhri said “Effective strategy is needed to reduce the violence that often involves students in various educational institutions. One of them is teaching the importance of the ‘love of peace’ from an early age.”

Cambodia Education Ministry Under-Secretary of State Dr Rachana Khun described the HWPL Peace Education as ‘an important part of Global Citizenship Education.’
“Our Ministry requests the assistance of HWPL in writing books on Peace Education, its teaching methodology, training peace educators and planning activities to spread the culture of peace in the in Cambodia’s education sector.”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education Quotes Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sri Lanka Spreading a culture of peace Ronald Adamat Rachana Khun Peace Education Agreement Peace education Ministry of Education Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee biography Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Iraq HWPL peace quotes HWPL Peace Education Quotes HWPL Peace education HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee Guatemala DPCW Commission on Higher Education CHED Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes Cambodia Education Ministry Cambodia Barsihannor Zuhri 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit

HWPL Peace Education Quotes #2

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education Quotes Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sri Lanka Spreading a culture of peace Ronald Adamat Rachana Khun Peace Education Agreement Peace education Ministry of Education Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee biography Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Iraq HWPL peace quotes HWPL Peace Education Quotes HWPL Peace education HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee Guatemala DPCW Commission on Higher Education CHED Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes Cambodia Education Ministry Cambodia Barsihannor Zuhri 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit

In conclusion, HWPL introduced Peace Education to promote the culture of peace. Thus far, about 165 educational institutions in 12 countries, including the United States, India, Israel, Indonesia, and the Philippines have reportedly offering the Programme.

In January, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines established a cooperative relationship with HWPL to integrate Peace Education into the Curriculum of State Universities and Colleges.

CHED Commissioner Dr Ronald Adamat signed the Agreement, saying that it was a major achievement for HWPL. “Students would learn to uphold the principle of ‘Unity in Diversity’ and embrace the differences amongst people. They will be equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in conflict resolution and peace work and be further encouraged to work for the cessation of wars, hostilities, and disunity.”

HWPL Peace Education Quotes #3

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE HWPL Peace Education Quotes Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sri Lanka Spreading a culture of peace Ronald Adamat Rachana Khun Peace Education Agreement Peace education Ministry of Education Man Hee Lee Quotes Man Hee Lee Peace Quotes Man Hee Lee biography Makassar based Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Iraq HWPL peace quotes HWPL Peace Education Quotes HWPL Peace education HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee Guatemala DPCW Commission on Higher Education CHED Chairman Man Hee Lee Quotes Cambodia Education Ministry Cambodia Barsihannor Zuhri 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit

HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee stressed the mission of global families to implement peace education: “This world is not only for adults but also for young children. War and conflict should no longer occur for children who are born in the future. There is a saying, “If the water above is pure, the water below will be pure”. Everyone in the global village should become a messenger of peace. Then our children will see the peaceful environment and learn from it naturally. If we walk all the way to peace together, the children who are born will also walk along the path of peace together, and peace will automatically be passed down as a legacy to future generations. There is no use in passing down a world of conflict.”

He also added, “Everyone has biological parents, but those who create their hearts are educators. I sincerely plea for educators to take the lead in creating a world of peace,” enlightening the educators who conduct peace education.


Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!