[Advertising Genius Jeseok Yi] Astonish the World! “The Key To Peace”

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

Astonish the World : Forget you!

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Advertising Genius Jeseok Yi] Astonish the World! "The Key To Peace" World Vision the principles and values of heaven The One Show advertising awards Red Cross non-profit organizations MAKE POOR PEOPLE HAPPY THAN MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE A BIT HAPPIER Legislate Peace Campaign Korea Disaster Relief JESKI’S PHILOSOPHY Jeseok Yi(Jeski) Jeseok Yi HWPL Heavenly Culture Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) commercial advertisement ad campaigns     These days, I have a lot of worries. What should I do for peace? Do you knowJeseok Yi(Jeski)‘? He has won ‘The One Show advertising awards‘ in 2007 for an environmental poster. It depicted a smokestack as a gun firing towards the sky. But in Korea many powerful companies didn’t hire him. Why? He was a just provincial university student. He was absolutely nothing in Korea. Me too. I’m nothing. I’m just a college student.

So, I’m going to try do something.

Road to Happier World: Poor make Happy

  Jeseok Yi fed up with the reality of commercial advertisement. Clienthave poured money into a commercial advertisement. Through this, many people live in luxury. So adman spend an hour to get ideas but 10 hours to decorate ppt. So he fed up! He started to keep away from “bubble”. So 70% of his client list are many non-profit organizations including Red Cross, Korea Disaster Relief, World Vision. Jeseok Yi strongly believes that adman like him can change the world for the better because ad campaigns can change thinking of people.  

Jeski’s philosophy is to “make poor people happy than making happy people a bit happier”

What can I do for peace?

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Advertising Genius Jeseok Yi] Astonish the World! "The Key To Peace" World Vision the principles and values of heaven The One Show advertising awards Red Cross non-profit organizations MAKE POOR PEOPLE HAPPY THAN MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE A BIT HAPPIER Legislate Peace Campaign Korea Disaster Relief JESKI’S PHILOSOPHY Jeseok Yi(Jeski) Jeseok Yi HWPL Heavenly Culture Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) commercial advertisement ad campaigns

I think ad campaigns can change the world. To move the world, we need startling ideas. I think Heavenly Culture it is. What this means is to live according to the principles and values of heaven, a place that gives light, rain and air without boundaries. I want to advertise it all over the world!  I’m sure you didn’t see it, even think it. The world will be surprised. Heavenly Culture is on the top of the world.

Are you curious? Go for it!

“Legislate Peace campaign”

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Advertising Genius Jeseok Yi] Astonish the World! "The Key To Peace" World Vision the principles and values of heaven The One Show advertising awards Red Cross non-profit organizations MAKE POOR PEOPLE HAPPY THAN MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE A BIT HAPPIER Legislate Peace Campaign Korea Disaster Relief JESKI’S PHILOSOPHY Jeseok Yi(Jeski) Jeseok Yi HWPL Heavenly Culture Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) commercial advertisement ad campaigns

You can see other postings about HWPL.

Or here is HWPL’s homepage : http://hwpl.kr/

Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW)’s homepage: http://peacelaw.org/

Peace is up to you. 🙂 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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