Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day : the land of the morning calm

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Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day : the land of the morning calm

Korea is called ‘the land of the morning calm’. Korea is so silent in this morning. Why? Today is the Doomsday that determines the fate of 600,000 people.

12 years will be determined by a single day. Or maybe most of their life is determined by the day. They comfort each other in saying “That is not everything”.

It is a very important day for Koreans.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day : the land of the morning calm

The police are taking a friend who are late. And all who see him are clapping loudly.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day : the land of the morning calm

In front of test sites, Every Junior come out and They are cheering passionately.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day : the land of the morning calm

When you see it, It’s a little bit funny.


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE Today is College Scholastic Ability Test day : the land of the morning calm

Mothers always have a hard time.

I’m sorry even to comfort them. The students study too hard and Mothers are too dedicated. I just hope they will be a nice newcomer. 🙂

Do you have any words for this friends?

I’ll be expecting you.


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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