[Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival

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Peace Festival: HWPL WARPsummit2019

There are only four days left on Sept. 18. Did you see the last posting? We looked at 5 cities, including Suva (Fiji), Dili (East Timor), Bujumbura (Burundi), Nairobi (Kenya) and New York. Do you know what the difference is from last year? Last year, all figures supporting the HWPL and DPCW came to South Korea to participate in the Summit, but this year, figures from different regions around the world will exert influence in their respective regions. It is a way to ensure that peace is in place.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit

Today, I’m going to look at 6 cities. Let’s all do what each of us can!


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit

HWPL and Mindanao are deep ties. In 2014, it helped stop the war between Catholics and Muslims. In June 2015, the actual disarmament of the MILF was carried out. On 24 January 2016, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) held an unveiling ceremony for the Monument of HWPL. And the Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim of MILF also decided to designate January 24th of every year as โ€˜HWPL Dayโ€™. At the 30th HWPL World Peace Tour, 30,000 participants gathered to attend the HWPL peace summit in Philippine Sports Stadium in Bocaue, Bulacan on February 15, 2019.

More info about Mindanao & HWPL:


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit


A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit
A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit

Is there anything that can stop this huge flow? Nothing can stop it. Peace is a difficult but easy one. We can do it if we decide. Let us be the messengers of peace, and deliver the spirit of peace. Everything is up to me to decide. Right now, you can send a peace letter to the president. ๐Ÿ™‚

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [Legislate Peace] HWPL WARPsummit2019, A World-Wide Peace Festival WARPsummit2019 Together_Peace manheelee peace leader Manheelee man hee lee dpcw Man Hee Lee biography LPcampaign Legislate Peace hwpl world peace summit hwpl peace legislation hwpl man hee lee hwpl LP campaign HWPL DPCW 2019WorldPeaceSummit

WARP Summit: http://bit.ly/2Zi1BDQ
HWPL: http://www.hwpl.kr/en/
HWPL Headquarters e-mail: hwpl@hwpl.kr.
Sign your support for DPCW: http://bit.ly/30lrUdI
Online Peace Letter: http://bit.ly/2P2ZgNj
Teaser1: http://bit.ly/2YX7mMd
Teaser2: http://bit.ly/2ZnWUMW

Peace is up to you ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

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