[D-day] 918 HWPL WARP Summit Press Conference

Please Become a Messenger of Peace!

What is HWPL?

What is this abbreviation about?
Maybe, you haven’t heard ever it. But it is truly nessary to know about this, if you want to be a peace maker.

HWPL, a non-governmental organization, is associated with the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) and in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-day] 918 HWPL WARP Summit Press Conference PressConference hwpl world peace summit hwpl manheelee 918WARPSummit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

HWPL aims to achieve world peace through the heavenly culture and restore the global community with light across the world.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) has led initiatives that propose multidimensional strategies inclusive of governments, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society in the efforts for implementing conflict resolution and establishing peace.

HWPL is leading an international peace movement with leaders in all walks of life without being limited by national, cultural, or ideological boundaries.

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-day] 918 HWPL WARP Summit Press Conference PressConference hwpl world peace summit hwpl manheelee 918WARPSummit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

What is the value of journalists?

HWPL always holds press conferences when it does 918 events. Why is that?

As mentioned above, HWPL is really aware of the value of the role of journalists.

The ability of journalists seems to be in writing. With the power of powerful writing, something intangible is embodied.

If you want to experience the power, you should listen to the press conference for yourself. If you analyze every word, it feels deeper. 🙂

A STEP TOWARDS PEACE [D-day] 918 HWPL WARP Summit Press Conference PressConference hwpl world peace summit hwpl manheelee 918WARPSummit 2023 HWPL World Peace Summit

Press Conference for the 9th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit

Date: 2023. Sep. 18th, 10:30AM(GMT+9)
Link: https://youtu.be/dP_7MBgPUXc
Event site: http://worldpeacesummit.org

You can check the scene of peace yourself!!

Event site: http://worldpeacesummit.org

Peace is up to you :0 Good luck!


Author: master

I am 'a Step towards PEACE'. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. - Gandhi

One thought on “[D-day] 918 HWPL WARP Summit Press Conference”

  1. This is a beautiful post. The fact that one of the five member states of the UN Security Council has launched an invasion of a neighbouring country without repercussions proves that international law and its implementation is weak and in need of reform. The DPCW is the only hope for the cessation of all global hostilities.

    I sincerely hope the required number of signatures in support of the DPCW can be gathered and submitted to the UN as soon as possible for ratification as international peace law. Any member state heads who oppose it only expose to their people their desire for war.

    I am encouraged by the words of Viktor Yushchenko, former President of Ukraine, who recently said the following:-
    “The DPCW is a perfect and balanced document that can be the basis of solidarity for peacekeeping in all countries of the world. I think all the leaders of the countries should support the DPCW.”

    May peace prevail!

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