2016 Nobel Peace Prize will be announced tomorrow!!!
2016-10-7 11 am. Everything will be determined.
There are 376 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 out of which 228 are individuals and 148 are organizations.
How Are the Nobel Laureates Selected?
Who will win the Nobel peace prize?
Who are you supposed to root for? ‘Who will win the Nobel peace prize?’ is a name of article that The Guardian writes. The Guardian choose 5 nominees. Aren’t you curious? Let’s see list.
- Syrian White Helmets
- Angela Merkel
- Pope Francis
- Greek islanders
- Juan Manuel Santos and Timochenko
Syrian White Helmets
There has been no more dangerous place in the world to be a first responder for most of that time. Their motto throughout Syria’s withering conflict has been “to save one life is to save all of humanity”
Angela Merkel
In his speech to the UN refugee summit in New York in September, Barack Obama thanked Merkel and the Germans for their efforts in dealing with the refugee crisis.
Pope Francis
There are many liberals who argue that the pope’s compassion for the poor and his environmental credentials are outweighed by his unbending support for traditional Catholic teaching on abortion and birth control.
Greek islanders
“What we saw was ordinary people, with no order from above, respecting tradition and acting out of sheer hospitality and solidarity. What they did shows the best of humanity in the simplest way.” Helena Smith
Fisherman Stratis Valiamos, 40 said, “People say ‘you’re a hero,’ but this isn’t heroism, it’s the normal thing to do”.
Juan Manuel Santos and Timochenko
The Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, and the leader of the Farc rebel group, Rodrigo Londoño, known as Timochenko, were considered leading contenders for the awards for signing a peace deal last month to end 52 years of war.
Who will win the Nobel Peace Prize 2016?
Nobel Peace Prize will be announced tomorrow. I’m throbbing 🙂
With malice toward none, with charity for all … let us strive on to finish the work we are in, …to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. (Abraham Lincoln)